Forum Discussion

PurpleBubba's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

A Life Of Hardships - An Orphanage Tale as well as before and after. - Not part of a challenge

A Life Of Hardships - An Orphanage Tale as well as before and after. - Not part of a challenge

A Life Of Hardships - Story Link with Pictures to illustrate -

You can go to the link to see the pictures but I'll paste the text only version here too.
Please note that at this time I'm not asking for any critiquing. I'm not a professional writer and don't intend to be. I'm going to write this story as is and try to finish it. I've tried writing stories before and have a hard time getting farther than the beginning and the end. This one I have already spent years on in my mind. But its only been in the past month or so that I've started to figure out how to fill in the timeline in between. So I have some hope for finishing this one.
Note: There is an Orphanage at some point in the story. There are flashbacks and flash forwards and some mystery to it all. I'm trying to keep this as close to reality based as possible with some slight elements of out of the ordinary. But don't expect Vampires and such. If you read, thank you. I appreciate it.


Page 1
~ A Life Of Hardships ~ by Robert
A story I have worked on over the years as I played Sims 2, 3, and now 4. And I will be using The Sims 4 to illustrate this story.

Where to begin? As we enter our story we see a woman staring at a painting. She is sad. As sad as the painting itself. In the stillness of the moment we hear a voice calling....
"Clara? Clara? What are you thinking of? Are you here?"
(Faintly a song plays...
"There are times I have forgotten
and others I can clearly see
but all my dreams have gone rotten
I need a moment of clarity.")

"Clara? Clara? Its Dr. Selore. Can you hear me?"


Page 2 ~ Dr. Connie Selore's Office - New Patient: Session 1

10 minutes earlier...
Dr. Connie Selore's Office - February 4th - 1 pm time slot - New Patient: Session 1 - Clara Teagh

"Good afternoon, Ms. Teagh

Welcome to my office, I'm Dr. Connie Selore. You were referred to me by Dr. Fostoria correct?"

Clara after having taken a seat on the chaise lounge has sat in a catatonic trance. Dr. Selore's attempts to start a conversation have been met with silence until...

Clara: Dr. Selore.... you won't believe me.
No one that I've ever tried to tell my story to has believed any of it. I have a hard time believing it myself. I know it was real. Or at least some of it was. I've tried to remember it. I've tried to forget it. She wanted me to forget who I was. Who I am. But no one should ever forget her. No one truly knew her. Except those who are no longer able to tell...

Dr. Selore: Tell what?

Clara: I...I.. don't know if I can... I mean I've tried before... but she might.....

Dr. Selore: Who might? Can you tell me?

Clara: I think I .... no I shouldn't..... but I have to.... can't.... I'm sorry.... I'll try harder.... I promise Miss Har... No don't....

Dr. Selore: Clara? Clara? Who is trying to hurt you? Miss Who?

Clara: I'm so sorry Miss Har... I'll try harder.... I just have to focus.... You'll be happy. You will. You'll be so happy........

Dr. Selore: Make who happy? Who is Miss Har? Why do you want to make Miss Har happy? Clara? Clara?

(Flashing back to March 1936)
Man's Voice: Dr. Covington we just want her to be happy.


Page 3 ~ Dr. Covington we just want her to be happy.

(Its 1936. A young couple with two young daughters have come to a local Doctor asking for help)

Man's Voice: Dr. Covington we just want her to be happy.
Woman's Voice: Dr. what can we do for her?

Dr. Charles Covington: Carla can you bring some tea for the Hardships please?
I'm going to ask your daughter some questions and run some tests with your permission.
(A few hours later)
Mr. and Mrs. Hardship I have done my best to examine your daughter. I've done everything I can think of. She has passed every test. I find no reason to treat her at this time. I suggest finding her an outlet. She seems like she's eager to learn.

Harrison Hardship: Do you have any suggestions?

Dr. Covington: Perhaps music? Perhaps both of your daughters could take up an instrument?

Helena Hardship: But Dr. we had to save up all we had just to come here today. We really can't afford the instruments nor the lessons.

Dr. Covington: Carla can you come in for a moment?

Carla Covington: Yes Charles?

Dr. Covington: Have you completed the lessons you were giving to the Ashwurth girl?

Carla: Yes. I have.

Dr. Covington: Do you think you could take on the Hardship girls? Let them have a go at the violin?
Say starting with your Tuesday session next week. Does that work with you as well Mr. and Mrs. Hardship? We'll have Hagatha and Hadrigal at 10am. We'll consider it part of the treatment. And we'll settle up at a later date....

(All agree)

Page 4 ~ Storms of Fate
(Back in the present...)

Dr. Selore: Clara? Clara? Can you tell me? Its alright. No one will hurt you here. I promise.

Clara: No one really knew her... but we must know her. It can never happen again. Although I'll never be able to rest from the fear that it will.

Dr. Selore: Who was it Clara? Please tell me whatever it is you can.

Clara: I've read many stories and most of the happy ones start off with Once upon a time, but I don't know that this story had a happy ending so I'll start with... Many years ago there was a young couple who came from parents who had little and that puts it as sounding better than fact. Harrison Hardship and his wife Helen were born to servant families. They grew up within a large Estate community where there was plenty of wealth to share yet so few were touched by it. So what was left was love which in that bank account Helen and Harrison had saved up plenty. They fell in love and married and soon after Helen gave birth to beautiful fraternal twin girls, Hadrigal and her older sister Hagatha. The young couple knew it would be a struggle but they hoped for a better and happy future for their young.

After the children were born financial hard times hit everywhere and the estate they worked for had to let go of several staff so they packed and went in search of a new home. A few weeks later as fate would have it a storm ripped through the town of Granville leaving quite a mess everywhere especially at the farmhouse of Almont Blake. Mr. Blake was a kind man but the Lord and Lady he owed for his home were not. The Ashwurths, Lord Dryden and Lady Audrey demanded much from those who served in their community. Lady Audrey was quick tempered and when she saw the condition of the Blake farm she threatened to evict him.

Lady Audrey had her hand in everything in the community and she always got her share and more before leaving any scraps for the lesser population. Almont had some farmhands but none stayed long. They either quit or were thrown out of town by Lady Ashwurth. The morning after Mr. Blake was cleaning up the area by his front gate when the Hardships began to stroll past. After a brief but friendly introduction Mr. Blake hired them on as farmers and landscapers.


Page 5 ~ Slim Pickings

After getting the children settled in Mr. Blake and the Hardships got to work on cleaning up the storm debris. A short while later Lady Ashwurth dropped by.

Lady Ashwurth: Ah yes good indeed Blake. So you’re the new ones eh? I’m Lady Ashwurth and you will address me as such or the like. Mr. Blake may have hired you but you’re working for me. I have expectations and they will be met. Blake, you know what I require so get to work on it.

Lady Ashwurth departed and they set to work planting the garden plot. Helen had brought some vegetable seeds from her previous home and Almont agreed that it would be good to go ahead and give them a try. So they planted several, working late into the night to try to make up for lost time. Mr. Blake was quite adept at beekeeping and set his boxes in position.

Later on Helen sat and wrote in her diary about the events as well as gardening notes. Over the years she had become quite experienced with experimenting in botany. She had no formal education. Only what she had learned through trial and error. But she loved to dabble in using plants to help other plants. She didn’t know there was a technical term for it. Only that she tried things and sometimes it had good results.

The next day she got the laundry scrubbed and hung while Harrison was repairing something on the bench. Afterward she went for a walk. She noticed some unusual blue flowers on some bushes down the lane and collected few cuttings and seeds, while being careful not to damage the mother plants.

She returned and set about planting some to spruce up the landscape in the backyard.
A few weeks went by and both the garden and the flowers began to sprout.

Another few weeks passed and it was time for the summer harvest. The flowers too had grown perfectly with Helen’s care.

One Saturday morning Lady Ashwurth stopped by and when she saw the flowers she became furious and ferociously demanded to know where they came from.

Lady Ashwurth: How dare you touch those plants! I don’t care that they were just sitting by the road. This is my town and you will not just do as you please. You will do as what pleases me. Do you understand me? And Blake where did all these extra vegetable plants come from? Your allotment is only supposed to be 12 plants and you have several times as many. You will immediately remove the excess and throw them in the bin. Mr. Blake tried to reason with her but to no avail. So they set about removing the offending greenery.

A few hours later Lady Ashwurth to everyone’s surprise returned and seemed to apologize to Helen.

Lady Ashwurth: My Dear I hope I didn’t set you in too bad of a state earlier. I’ve thought about it and although I do not want you frittering about on your own unchecked I would be pleased if you would put your skills to use at the Manor house. I’ve had a hard time finding good landscaping help. Come by Tuesday morning.

Despite her bewilderment at the Lady's sudden turn, Helen could not pass up the offer. That is if it was an offer and not a demand. Either way...
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