6 years ago
"And Who Might You Be?" (new one-time event idea)
Additions required: Cats & Dogs
Event Description: If you have less than 8 sims (including pets) currently then at a randomly selected time a randomly generated pet will appear and hang out at your lot outside of your house. The player has several choices on how to deal with this visitor...
1. Scare away the animal. Doing this will cause the animal to leave and never come back. No more animals will spawn on your lot.
2. Ignore the animal. Doing this will cause the animal to leave after a few days, and a new animal (also randomly generated) will appear later at another randomly generated time.
3. Befriend the animal. Doing this will start the event, "And Who Might You Be?", and no more animals will spawn into your lot.
The animal is a fully grown adult version of any one animal species available with no collar (nothing in its inventory) . The color and gender are random, and the player must give it a name. The animal gets along great with any other animal and person (the player at this point can't tell it not to "like" anyone else), it is completely housebroken, but it seems to not know any tricks and can't learn any.
The purpose of "And Who Might You Be?" at first is to discover the owner of the animal, but in the course of doing so the player will discover the animal's actual name (which will unlock that animal's abilities) and ultimately decide if the player wants to keep the animal as a pet. To begin with, the player must accomplish these three goals to discover the identity of the animal's owner...
1. Place a "Found Animal" ad online. This is done with a computer. Simple.
2. Take the animal to a NPC to check for a microchip. The NPC is a vet, and if the player has another Sim (or the current Sim) is currently running a Vet clinic, it will be that Sim. The player discovers the animal does not have one. This must still be attempted, because it's the logical and right thing to attempt in this situation. While the animal does not have a chip, the Vet (or the player's Sim if they are currently running a Vet clinic) does still recognize the animal having been brought in, but can't recall the owner's name.
3. Hand out "Found Animal" fliers to 10 NPC's to get the word out.
The next event won't occur until after one week after accomplishing all three tasks. During this time, the player will discover that the animal seems to refuse to learn any new tricks (it seems to have none). Then, after the week, the player will be informed that they received a message regarding their "Lost Animal" post online. They will be told that someone saw the animal with an unknown person at a park (either the one in the base game or the Cats & Dogs expansion). While the person responding to your post doesn't know who was with the animal, they do remember he was an older gentleman with grey hair.
This will unlock the next stage, which is to go to the determined park with the animal and ask 5 NPC's if they recognize this animal with an older gentleman with grey hair. The 5th one does, and he gives you a randomly generated name. With this name, the player has two tasks...
1. Take the name to the Vet and discover the animal's real name and the owner's telephone number. Calling this number informs the player that it is no longer in service.
2. Search for the owner online and discover their obituary.
Yes, the owner of the animal is deceased, but the player also learns that the owner was a well known professional animal breeder whose animals were sought out worldwide for their natural intelligence and charm. The player now has three options on how they want this story to end...
1. Place the animal in an adoption program. The animal will be taken away and never seen again. The player will receive a message on their phone a few days later informing the player that the animal was adopted by a forever home and is expected to have a great life.
2. Keep the animal as a pet. Doing this makes the animal your pet and is treated as such as any other pet.
3. Sell the animal. The player advertises online the animal with the information that it is a highly wanted breeding animal from a well respected breeder now deceased, and therefor one of the last. The animal will score the player $10,000.00 and is immediately taken from the home. The player never hears about the animal again.
If the player chooses to keep the animal, they will then have the option of renaming the animal to the animal's original name. If they choose to do so, the animal instantly "learns" any and all tricks available. If the player decides to keep the name they gave it, the animal will then be able to learn tricks, but at an accelerated rate. The animal will always instantly "like" everyone and every animal, but it can now be told not to.
Any animal born from this animal will be born with the trait, "Son/Daughter of ", which will cause that animal to also instantly like all other animals and people (unless told otherwise) and learn tricks at an accelerated rate. This trait will pass on to future generations, with the last dog's name replaced in the trait's title, to start a linage.
And that's it! What do you all think?
Event Description: If you have less than 8 sims (including pets) currently then at a randomly selected time a randomly generated pet will appear and hang out at your lot outside of your house. The player has several choices on how to deal with this visitor...
1. Scare away the animal. Doing this will cause the animal to leave and never come back. No more animals will spawn on your lot.
2. Ignore the animal. Doing this will cause the animal to leave after a few days, and a new animal (also randomly generated) will appear later at another randomly generated time.
3. Befriend the animal. Doing this will start the event, "And Who Might You Be?", and no more animals will spawn into your lot.
The animal is a fully grown adult version of any one animal species available with no collar (nothing in its inventory) . The color and gender are random, and the player must give it a name. The animal gets along great with any other animal and person (the player at this point can't tell it not to "like" anyone else), it is completely housebroken, but it seems to not know any tricks and can't learn any.
The purpose of "And Who Might You Be?" at first is to discover the owner of the animal, but in the course of doing so the player will discover the animal's actual name (which will unlock that animal's abilities) and ultimately decide if the player wants to keep the animal as a pet. To begin with, the player must accomplish these three goals to discover the identity of the animal's owner...
1. Place a "Found Animal" ad online. This is done with a computer. Simple.
2. Take the animal to a NPC to check for a microchip. The NPC is a vet, and if the player has another Sim (or the current Sim) is currently running a Vet clinic, it will be that Sim. The player discovers the animal does not have one. This must still be attempted, because it's the logical and right thing to attempt in this situation. While the animal does not have a chip, the Vet (or the player's Sim if they are currently running a Vet clinic) does still recognize the animal having been brought in, but can't recall the owner's name.
3. Hand out "Found Animal" fliers to 10 NPC's to get the word out.
The next event won't occur until after one week after accomplishing all three tasks. During this time, the player will discover that the animal seems to refuse to learn any new tricks (it seems to have none). Then, after the week, the player will be informed that they received a message regarding their "Lost Animal" post online. They will be told that someone saw the animal with an unknown person at a park (either the one in the base game or the Cats & Dogs expansion). While the person responding to your post doesn't know who was with the animal, they do remember he was an older gentleman with grey hair.
This will unlock the next stage, which is to go to the determined park with the animal and ask 5 NPC's if they recognize this animal with an older gentleman with grey hair. The 5th one does, and he gives you a randomly generated name. With this name, the player has two tasks...
1. Take the name to the Vet and discover the animal's real name and the owner's telephone number. Calling this number informs the player that it is no longer in service.
2. Search for the owner online and discover their obituary.
Yes, the owner of the animal is deceased, but the player also learns that the owner was a well known professional animal breeder whose animals were sought out worldwide for their natural intelligence and charm. The player now has three options on how they want this story to end...
1. Place the animal in an adoption program. The animal will be taken away and never seen again. The player will receive a message on their phone a few days later informing the player that the animal was adopted by a forever home and is expected to have a great life.
2. Keep the animal as a pet. Doing this makes the animal your pet and is treated as such as any other pet.
3. Sell the animal. The player advertises online the animal with the information that it is a highly wanted breeding animal from a well respected breeder now deceased, and therefor one of the last. The animal will score the player $10,000.00 and is immediately taken from the home. The player never hears about the animal again.
If the player chooses to keep the animal, they will then have the option of renaming the animal to the animal's original name. If they choose to do so, the animal instantly "learns" any and all tricks available. If the player decides to keep the name they gave it, the animal will then be able to learn tricks, but at an accelerated rate. The animal will always instantly "like" everyone and every animal, but it can now be told not to.
Any animal born from this animal will be born with the trait, "Son/Daughter of ", which will cause that animal to also instantly like all other animals and people (unless told otherwise) and learn tricks at an accelerated rate. This trait will pass on to future generations, with the last dog's name replaced in the trait's title, to start a linage.
And that's it! What do you all think?