5 years ago
Another Discussion on Ghosts
Hello again, everyone!
Yes; I know that I've already made a post addressing the issues and sharing my ideas on The Sims 4's ghosts, but I've contemplated just a bit more on the matter and came up with a few more ideas on what we can do with Ghosts!
Here is a link to my previous topic on Ghosts:
Of course; if you have any ideas of your own regarding this topic, please don't hesitate to share them in this topic's comments.
Now on with the list!
1.) Different Types of Ghosts
Yes; we do indeed have different types of ghosts that possess just a few unique abilities based on how they have passed away and what emotion they are currently experiencing, but what if we have spirits that are what some may consider "truly unique". The kind of spirits that deserve their own category based on unique and individual ghostly appearances, numerous unique capabilities and the emotion(s) they most commonly experience?
Here is a list of the unique ghosts to give a more vivid description:
a.) Poltergeist
Poltergeists are known to be incredibly loud and mischievous spirits. Since they aren't able to be seen, they make their presence known by using, breaking and possessing objects. They are known to make loud noises like bangs, footsteps, knocks and sometimes scratches. This spirit is known to always be in a playful mood. One way to calm or "appease" the spirit is to leave the TV or Stereo on, Play any musical instrument, tell jokes or be mischievous yourself. These spirits hate boredom and will often make living Sims tense or break objects to show their frustration and disapproval. Poltergeists are always invisible. Never to be seen.
b.) Banshee
Banshees are known to be female spirits that often serve as the harbingers of Death. When a Sim is Starving, In an intense emotional state, Swimming while exhausted or near something that is on fire, a Banshee will appear and begin to scream. The wails of the Banshee serve as a loud warning that your Sim is in grave danger. The Banshee will always appear to have glowing white eyes and a gaping maw. To avoid the Banshee, make sure that your Sims are safe or don't have a grave of a female Sim that has passed away under traumatic situations on your lot.
c.) Wraith
Similar to the Night Wraith in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic, the Wraith is an evil and vengeful spirit whose only purpose is to cause pain and misery to those who have wronged them. Unlike the Night Wraith however, the regular wraith will appear as a shadow colored and almost skeletal figure with a glowing red hue around them. Unlike other ghosts, Wraiths will not haunt lots nor objects, but Sims. Wraiths will follow your Sim no matter where they are. To avoid a Wraith, it is best to not make enemies to those who will pass away soon. Especially if these Sims possess the Evil Trait. Do not laugh at the grave of an enemy... Lest you truly desire to experience the wrath of a Wraith.
d.) Mare
Mares are exceedingly malicious spirits that dwell within darkness and are often the cause of a Sim's nightmares. Mares will never let your Sims sleep. Sims who attempt to sleep while haunted by a Mare will wake up shortly after experiencing a nightmare. Mares appear as faint shadowy figures (imagine the Island Spirits from The Sims 4 Island Living, but black and with glowing purple eye sockets). To avoid a Mare, make sure that there is always an active source of light. Mares are only active in the darkness.
Of course; there are many other types of Ghosts that I haven't listed here. If there is a specific type of ghost that you would like to see in the game, don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments.
2.) New Career(s)
Thus far, I have thought of only one career with two branches. This career is called the Paranormal Investigator career.
If your Sims are truly interested in all things Paranormal/Supernatural, this career is right for them. Either they want to know more about the world of the arcane and beyond or to protect their fellow Sims from the invisible forces of evil, your Sims now have the chance to tackle what is often feared and considered untouchable.
This career can collaborate with the Vampires, Jungle Adventure and Realm of Magic Gamepacks.
The two branches of the Paranormal Investagor career include:
a.) Supernatural Researcher
It is time to introduce the realm of the unnatural to the natural and logical world of SCIENCE! What is a Ghost made out of? Why do Vampires hate garlic? What do these strange symbols mean? It is up to YOU to find out! It takes a brave and incredibly curious Sim to unravel the world of the Supernatural. Be careful and never forget to don your labcoat while giving those magical objects you've found their own number and carefully selected object class.
b.) Paranormal Hunter
When your enemies are invisible and you don't know how to fight them, who you gonna call?! The job of a Paranormal Hunter is a scary and dangerous one. Either it's capturing restless spirits, fighting vampires or warding off curses, it isn't easy to protect Simkind from the forces of the unknown. But when the job's all done, the rewards are worth it!
3.) New Objects
Of course; there will be new objects that will either be rewards or something to help your Sims with their supernatural situations.
a.) Madame Misty's Gazing Glass Ball
Want to know your future young one? Gaze deeply into this crystal clear ball made with the finest recycled glass. You may even see the future of others if you so desire! Just be sure to clean the glass ball after using it. You wouldn't want to leave smudges and your breath on the glass. That would be unsanitary!
b.) My Dead Darling Word Board
Back in the days of Horses and Carriages, Top Hats and Bonnets, we would contact our loved ones from the beyond with this beautiful antique board! Just look at it! How the words are finely carved into the oak and how they even added a Yes or No option to make conversations just a bit easier. You can't go wrong with the My Dead Darling Word Board! Despite what many in the past have said...
c.) Dr. Klein's Containment Chamber
Object Number: 123
Object Class: Okay... I guess.
Object 123 (also known as Dr. Klein's Containment Chamber) seems to be a small modern style containment chamber that is able to contain numerous arcane/anomalous objects including . The object does not show any signs of sentience nor does it fail to contain and protect any object that is displayed within it. Many researchers have the containment chamber to test its . Thus far, the attempts to the containment chamber weren't successful. Making Object 123 the most containment chamber.
This is an Unlockable Reward for working in the Supernatural Researcher branch.
d.) Bonehilda's Broom Casket
Do you have a skeleton in your closet? Well now you do with this spooky yet splended casket! Just knock and know that a helping hand will appear! Of course; don't be shocked when you'll find that the helping hand is rather... boney.
There are other objects that I haven't considered that would work really well with this theme!
So what are your thoughts? What would you like to see in The Sims 4 that revolves around ghosts? What part of this topic are you most interested in?
As always,
Thank you for reading my discussions.
Yes; I know that I've already made a post addressing the issues and sharing my ideas on The Sims 4's ghosts, but I've contemplated just a bit more on the matter and came up with a few more ideas on what we can do with Ghosts!
Here is a link to my previous topic on Ghosts:
Of course; if you have any ideas of your own regarding this topic, please don't hesitate to share them in this topic's comments.
Now on with the list!
1.) Different Types of Ghosts
Yes; we do indeed have different types of ghosts that possess just a few unique abilities based on how they have passed away and what emotion they are currently experiencing, but what if we have spirits that are what some may consider "truly unique". The kind of spirits that deserve their own category based on unique and individual ghostly appearances, numerous unique capabilities and the emotion(s) they most commonly experience?
Here is a list of the unique ghosts to give a more vivid description:
a.) Poltergeist
Poltergeists are known to be incredibly loud and mischievous spirits. Since they aren't able to be seen, they make their presence known by using, breaking and possessing objects. They are known to make loud noises like bangs, footsteps, knocks and sometimes scratches. This spirit is known to always be in a playful mood. One way to calm or "appease" the spirit is to leave the TV or Stereo on, Play any musical instrument, tell jokes or be mischievous yourself. These spirits hate boredom and will often make living Sims tense or break objects to show their frustration and disapproval. Poltergeists are always invisible. Never to be seen.
b.) Banshee
Banshees are known to be female spirits that often serve as the harbingers of Death. When a Sim is Starving, In an intense emotional state, Swimming while exhausted or near something that is on fire, a Banshee will appear and begin to scream. The wails of the Banshee serve as a loud warning that your Sim is in grave danger. The Banshee will always appear to have glowing white eyes and a gaping maw. To avoid the Banshee, make sure that your Sims are safe or don't have a grave of a female Sim that has passed away under traumatic situations on your lot.
c.) Wraith
Similar to the Night Wraith in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic, the Wraith is an evil and vengeful spirit whose only purpose is to cause pain and misery to those who have wronged them. Unlike the Night Wraith however, the regular wraith will appear as a shadow colored and almost skeletal figure with a glowing red hue around them. Unlike other ghosts, Wraiths will not haunt lots nor objects, but Sims. Wraiths will follow your Sim no matter where they are. To avoid a Wraith, it is best to not make enemies to those who will pass away soon. Especially if these Sims possess the Evil Trait. Do not laugh at the grave of an enemy... Lest you truly desire to experience the wrath of a Wraith.
d.) Mare
Mares are exceedingly malicious spirits that dwell within darkness and are often the cause of a Sim's nightmares. Mares will never let your Sims sleep. Sims who attempt to sleep while haunted by a Mare will wake up shortly after experiencing a nightmare. Mares appear as faint shadowy figures (imagine the Island Spirits from The Sims 4 Island Living, but black and with glowing purple eye sockets). To avoid a Mare, make sure that there is always an active source of light. Mares are only active in the darkness.
Of course; there are many other types of Ghosts that I haven't listed here. If there is a specific type of ghost that you would like to see in the game, don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments.
2.) New Career(s)
Thus far, I have thought of only one career with two branches. This career is called the Paranormal Investigator career.
If your Sims are truly interested in all things Paranormal/Supernatural, this career is right for them. Either they want to know more about the world of the arcane and beyond or to protect their fellow Sims from the invisible forces of evil, your Sims now have the chance to tackle what is often feared and considered untouchable.
This career can collaborate with the Vampires, Jungle Adventure and Realm of Magic Gamepacks.
The two branches of the Paranormal Investagor career include:
a.) Supernatural Researcher
It is time to introduce the realm of the unnatural to the natural and logical world of SCIENCE! What is a Ghost made out of? Why do Vampires hate garlic? What do these strange symbols mean? It is up to YOU to find out! It takes a brave and incredibly curious Sim to unravel the world of the Supernatural. Be careful and never forget to don your labcoat while giving those magical objects you've found their own number and carefully selected object class.
b.) Paranormal Hunter
When your enemies are invisible and you don't know how to fight them, who you gonna call?! The job of a Paranormal Hunter is a scary and dangerous one. Either it's capturing restless spirits, fighting vampires or warding off curses, it isn't easy to protect Simkind from the forces of the unknown. But when the job's all done, the rewards are worth it!
3.) New Objects
Of course; there will be new objects that will either be rewards or something to help your Sims with their supernatural situations.
a.) Madame Misty's Gazing Glass Ball
Want to know your future young one? Gaze deeply into this crystal clear ball made with the finest recycled glass. You may even see the future of others if you so desire! Just be sure to clean the glass ball after using it. You wouldn't want to leave smudges and your breath on the glass. That would be unsanitary!
b.) My Dead Darling Word Board
Back in the days of Horses and Carriages, Top Hats and Bonnets, we would contact our loved ones from the beyond with this beautiful antique board! Just look at it! How the words are finely carved into the oak and how they even added a Yes or No option to make conversations just a bit easier. You can't go wrong with the My Dead Darling Word Board! Despite what many in the past have said...
c.) Dr. Klein's Containment Chamber
Object Number: 123
Object Class: Okay... I guess.
Object 123 (also known as Dr. Klein's Containment Chamber) seems to be a small modern style containment chamber that is able to contain numerous arcane/anomalous objects including . The object does not show any signs of sentience nor does it fail to contain and protect any object that is displayed within it. Many researchers have the containment chamber to test its . Thus far, the attempts to the containment chamber weren't successful. Making Object 123 the most containment chamber.
This is an Unlockable Reward for working in the Supernatural Researcher branch.
d.) Bonehilda's Broom Casket
Do you have a skeleton in your closet? Well now you do with this spooky yet splended casket! Just knock and know that a helping hand will appear! Of course; don't be shocked when you'll find that the helping hand is rather... boney.
There are other objects that I haven't considered that would work really well with this theme!
So what are your thoughts? What would you like to see in The Sims 4 that revolves around ghosts? What part of this topic are you most interested in?
As always,
Thank you for reading my discussions.