I'd like to see two autonomy options added so we have more options than full autonomy or none at all.
-One makes sims only seek to fulfil needs that become yellow.
-The other makes sims only seek to fulfil needs that become red.
This would solve the issues with them keep trying to spam interactions they don't need to do at all. I hate it when I have to beat three other sims away from a computer when I want another to use it.
Later on they can afford more computers for sure, but when there's only one in the house it's a big problem.
-Sims should NEVER automatically do what they dislike.
There simply is no reason for that. If a sim hates cooking, they should grab a quick meal when hungry. If they hate the music that is playing, they should change it to what they like before starting to dance to it instead of getting pissed at choosing to do something they hate. No one made them do it.
Same for seeking out to listen to another sim playing the violin in their room when they hate the violin. at most they could walk in there to ask that sim to stop playing instead of standing there hate listening to it.
-More facial hair.
It's a small thing but there's like 2537892589 make up options, yet so few facial hair options. Add something in a free update, like maybe bring back facial hair from sims 1 and 2? They have a lot of options we don't have now.
-A new trait.
Instead of pack specific traits, it could maybe be nice to see a general purpose trait be added available to everyone.
There's so few traits in the game compared to sims 3 that any additions would be welcome.
I'm pretty sure sims 3 had more traits in the base game than sims 4 has currently with all expansions.