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GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
9 days ago

Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two

The Shaking of Foundations, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
The call came in the dead of night. Joseph grabbed his cellphone. “This is Joseph Cantrell,” he said.  The voice on the other end was unfamiliar. The man introduced himself as Walter Noel.
“I’m your grand uncle’s lawyer. I’m very sorry to bring this news to you. But the old gent deceased last night. Kitchen fire.”
“So, he was still able to care for himself.”
“Oh, absolutely, in fact he insisted. Said he’s always been on his own and it would be a cold day in Hades were he to surrender himself to the care of another.”
“That sounds like Uncle Joe. Capable, except for the fire.”
“Yes. We were all very shocked, didn’t see that coming. Listen, I’m calling because you have been named his sole beneficiary. As the eldest, you get the house, the property and the horses he left behind. Also the contents of his bank account.  Your uncle was a very rich man. You are required to attend the reading of the will. How soon can you get here?”
Joseph ran a hand over his head, catching the stray wisps of hair unleashed from the tie that held it together, by his slumber. “Two months at the earliest. We’re currently residing on Vulcan.”
“Vulcan! He told me you were far away. I didn’t anticipate off-planet. I shall postpone the reading, then. Since no one else is mentioned in his will, we have that luxury.”
“Dad, what is it, what’s wrong?” Erik said, all but stumbling into his parents room. His father was seated on the edge of the rumpled bed, his mother surprisingly fast asleep. Must have taken a sedative. For the first time in his young life, his father looked on the worn side.  Haggard.
“It’s your Great-Uncle,” Joseph said, struggling to get the words out, lest he give into the grief that battered the back of his eyes.
“The one you were named for. He’s ancient, isn’t he?”
“You might say so, he just had his one-hundred and fourth birthday.  Last time I saw him he was still so full of life. You can’t keep that one down,”
“Kitchen fire. He apparently tried to put it out, but his efforts were fruitless. Smoke inhalation.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“What a guy he was, though, I remember when . . .”
“So you’re saying Uncle Joe basically raised you and your siblings,” Erik said.
“After your Grandfather passed, Uncle Joe did come to live with my siblings and me. You see your Grandmother died years before. Uncle Joe was great. He used to tell such outrageous stories. I’m guessing that’s where you get your penchant for such. In many ways you remind me of him.” Joseph shook his head. “We didn’t know you couldn’t see, but you made up some of the most delicious stories about what you were seeing in the picture books.”
“Okay, maybe.” Erik had never met the man, but he used to relish the stories his aunts and uncles shared whenever they came over. His father’s family was very close. He knew his dad was really hurting over this loss, too. Reaching over, he placed a warm hand on his father’s shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?” Placing a hand over Erik’s Joseph nodded, slowly.
“That’s enough reminiscing for now. Why don’t you turn in and get some rest. We have lots to do, in just a few hours. So many loose ends . . .”
Come the morning, Joseph began the business of resigning his post at the school, and formally withdrawing Aaron, Joey and Brianna from school, securing their records for transfer. Since Erik had already graduated, his last task was to contact T’Lar, as she expected Brianna to return to the Temple upon her seventeenth birthday, so she could sit the time-honored Test, the K’Matra; which would be the final assessment of her control over her skills; how far she could project her thoughts, if she could truly Mindmeld with another. These were crucial tests. Bree would be the very first human to do so.
T’Lar who had been amazingly accommodating to this human family, secured Joseph’s oath that he and his daughter would return upon Brianna’s seventeenth birthday. He obtained a realtor and listed the house for a quick sale. Within two weeks, the family was on their way back to Earth.
“I have to say, that was a rather pleasant, and short trip,” Louise said.
“I told you two months was the norm. Taking a commercial ship, this time helped. Ah, here’s our cab. Come along kids, slide into the back two seats. I’m anxious to see what the old place looks like.”
“Hm,” Brianna said, “looks remarkable considering its age. When was it built again? Eighteen hundred-seventy-four?”
“Exactly four hundred years ago, that’s right. Joe took care of it. He always felt that was his mission, after your Grandpa died. The lot always goes to the eldest son.” Turning halfway in his front seat, Joseph looked at Aaron “That means you. I always told you there were perks to being the firstborn.”
“But it’s so big.”
“Solution,” Erik said, “get married and have children. That should fill the ol’ place up in no time.”
“But I don’t even know if I like kids.”
Joey shrugged, “No worries, I can just move in, wife, kids et al.”
Erik waved his hand under his nose, “Joey, if you don’t learn to bathe more often I doubt you’ll even get married. Let alone get physically close enough to make babies.”
“What are you saying?” Joey said. The cab stopped at the curb and the family debarked. Taking their luggage, the family began to explore their new residence.
“Wow, look at this place, it’s like a moment out of time,” Erik said.  As they entered the front door, a small living room space was to their left. On the right was a set of wooden double-doors, he top half of the doors also made of ornate glass leading into what Erik spied was a music room. “Whoa, look at that grand piano! Oh, hey, I love this place already.”
Moving through the hallway, veering to the left the family found themselves in the kitchen. 
Sadly, the island, with half of it burnt remained, a solemn, sad memory of just why they were here.  Joseph caught his breath, “I thought Mr. Noel said this had been cleaned up.”
“Spooky,” Joey said.
“It’s okay, he’s not here,” Brianna said. “He was a steadfast Believer, and he has gone to his reward. This place is not haunted,” she told Joey in no uncertain terms.
All for now. Thanks for reading!


  • Lion’s Den, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
    Erik nearly tossed himself out of bed. Come Tuesday morning, he decided he had to resolve the situation between himself and Captain Golden. Getting a quick text from Kayleigh the night before, while it sounded hopeful, he quickly realized he was still mandated to not see her. This was wholly unacceptable. Wyvern Hall was roomy, but not so that they could avoid running into each other. Erik was attracted to Kayleigh in a way he couldn’t comprehend, fully. Were he a moth, she was the flame.
    He got up, shaved for the second time this week, and otherwise made himself ready. Then he found himself pondering if he should simply walk down the hill, or ride his bike? Procrastinating wasn’t helpful, he surmised. Taking a deep breath, he hollered, “I’ll be back, I have a meeting.”
    He passed a few pedestrians as they made their way up the hill to view the famous house he resided in, nodding and smiling as recognition registered on their faces. “Morning,” he uttered. He would have added a smile, but found he was simply too nervous for such.
    He found Captain Drake on the front porch of the only other Victorian house in this city.  Erik stood outside of their front gate for a moment, fighting the urge to flee. “May I come in,” he heard himself say.
    “Suit yourself,” came Drake Golden’s clipped reply.
    “Thank you, sir.” Erik climbed the steps to stand next to the officer. “I wanted very much to apologize for my egregious behavior and to ask if we might start again, sir. I don’t like being public enemy number one.”
    “Go, on.”
    “I am Erik James Cantrell, and I’m very pleased to meet you.” Erik offered his hand, to which Drake offered a salute.  Erik knew better than to salute back.
    “I’d like to say I’m pleased to meet you, but we both know that isn’t true.”
    “Sir, I like Kayleigh very much. We’re friends. Trust me, please, in no way am I after hurting her. I’ll give you my own head should I ever hurt her. She means so much to me. May I please have your permission to date her? I promise I will guard her virtue at all costs.”
    “What your equipment is malfunctioning? You don’t find her attractive?”
    “Of course I do, very much. But I have resolved to not share such a gift until I’m married.”
    “Huh, you’ve got more grit than I anticipated. What about all the women who throw themselves at you, fawning all over you, asking you to kiss them? How long do you think you can resist?”
    “I have found hotel keys in my pocket upon occasion. I’ve never taken anyone up on their offer. I’m sixteen, and yes, I struggle who doesn’t? I firmly believe this is why we fast, as an exercise to resist temptation.”

    “You know, Erik, Kayleigh was the smallest of the three. You know she’s a triplet, right?”

    “She did mention it, yes. Identical.”

    “Yes, she was so very tiny I could hold her in the palm of one hand. We nearly lost her, not once, but twice. She’s a scrapper, that one. Fought for every breath. She was baptized before the others for that very reason. And she’s a very Spiritual young woman. That’s why I look after her so hard. I can’t bear the thought of ever losing her, you see. She’s a rare jewel. A gem.”

    “Thank you for that insight, sir. I do appreciate it. And I will reiterate, I will guard her with my very life, if need be. I think I may be falling in love with her, to be quite honest.”
     Okay,” Drake said. “You’ve convinced me. But if you break her heart, I’ll send my entire battalion after you, skin you alive. Understood?”
    “Aye, sir. And thank you!” I think.
    All for now. Thanks for reading!


    • Ellupelluellu's avatar

      Commenting for both recent episodes in here. 

      Sounds to me their plans regarding studies  are clear now 😊


      Congrats to Erik for victory over future dad in law 😊 I am happy he did not salute back :D




  • Battle Plans, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update

    Erik was up late on Sunday night. Having just won the prestigious Song of the Year award, sleep evaded him for some time. As soon as the sun was up, he sprang out of bed, despite how fatigued he felt. Bothered, still, at how harshly Kayleigh’s father had spoken to him, the sense of loss plagued him. Brianna was busy rousing her siblings. They had a deadline to meet if they were each to get a place in their respective classes. She brewed up some Dragon Tea and called them all to the dining room.

    Despite it all, Erik wasn’t the last one downstairs. Instead, it was Joey. “Thank you for joining us, Joe. Let’s get to it, gentlemen,” Brianna said. 

     Friday they were to set out for Britechester-U to take up residency in Wyvern Hall. “I say, we do three classes,” Joey said. “We’ll be done in four years and hopefully will be ready to tackle real life, by then.”
    “Speak for yourself, Joe, Erik already has a handle on his life path,” Aaron said.

    “Well, I used to until a certain rabid captain put the kybosh on things,” Erik groused.

    “I’m telling you,” Aaron said, “Put that girl out of your mind, once and for all. She’s no good. She hurt you years ago, and she’s still hurting you. Learn to recognize when it’s a bad fit.”
    “Are you done?” Erik shook his head, “this from you, who has shown little to no interest in dating, dare to give me advice on it?”

    “Come on, guys stop,” Joey said. “We need to sort out our classes, not your miserable love lives.”

    “I have to do four classes,” Brianna said. “I have to go back to Vulcan on my seventeenth birthday, don’t forget. To sit the Test of my life.”
    “The K’Matra,” Erik supplied, gazing at his sister with concern. “What is it, exactly, that is if you’re allowed to say to those of us who are mere humans. Non-citizens, as it were.” He winked.

    “Hey, I was born in Vulcan, too, I’m a citizen,” Joey said. “You can tell me, at least.”

    Brianna grinned, gazing at her older brothers. “We are all aware that Vulcans have mind powers. Each year the new class of students, having gone through their training in the Way, sit a test. It’s individual, not done as a class.  In the time of the Beginning, many of the Ruling Houses found their mates based on the results of an individual’s test score.”
    “What?” Aaron said. “Sounds complicated, let alone Mediaeval.”    

    “No, not really,” Brianna said. “I will be put through a series of tests to see if I can truly perform a mindmeld. Did you know, not every Vulcan can do that? Then the bigger part of this test is that I will project my thoughts out into the ether."

    "Project, as in leave your body?" Joey said. "Into the ether?

    "Yes," Brianna said, calmly, "In reality it’s called a Corridor where Vulcans who have passed this test will be there to guard the Candidate from untoward influences. Bad spirits. Bad actors. They will witness just how far the Candidate’s thoughts reach. The farther out, the higher the score, you see.”

    “No, not really,” Brianna said. “I will be put through a series of tests to see if I can truly perform a mindmeld. Did you know, not every Vulcan can do that? Then the bigger part of this test is that I will project my thoughts out into the ether."

    "Project, as in leave your body?" Joey said. "Into the ether?

    "Yes," Brianna said, calmly, "In reality it’s called a Corridor where Vulcans who have passed this test will be there to guard the Candidate from untoward influences. Bad spirits. Bad actors. They will witness just how far the Candidate’s thoughts reach. The farther out, the higher the score, you see.”

    “If this subjects you to danger, why do it?” Joey said. “Anyone want more tea?” he said. He walked through the arch into the kitchen to start brewing another pot. He returned to the conversation, very shortly, while he waited. Brianna smiled and went on,

    “In Ancient times,” Erik said, “or so I’ve read, Vulcans used their mind powers as weapons of destruction. They could actually think another person to death.”

    “Exactly,” Brianna said. “And since not all Vulcans accept the Way which calls them to suppress their emotions, new problems are plaguing the Great Society. Sadly, this group is growing, I’m afraid, gaining traction among the youth; led by Sybok of the House of Talek Sen Dene, no less. That’s T’Pau’s family, in case you were wondering. There is a real threat the planet could be thrown back into civil war. They very nearly destroyed themselves, don’t forget. The fear being, an unscrupulous Vulcan could attempt to force their way into my mind and use my powers as a weapon of war.”

    “Over my dead body,” Erik said.

    “Relax, it’s already been decided by the High Council that I need a Keeper. I have this strong sense, and my dreams have verified, I will meet my prince during this time. Don’t worry, I’m not at all afraid. But you see, my dance card is rather full. I have to finish my degree in just three years. I have submitted an application to join the Starfleet Academy for officer training, to commence just after my test is complete.”

    “Ah, going the way of our maternal grandfather,” Erik smiled. “You’ll make a terrific officer, of this I’m certain. Do what you must, just know we’ll miss you.”

    “Yes, we guys will do three classes, so that Erik might have a moment to catch his breath between classes, concerts and photoshoots. I don’t know how you do it,” Arron said. “The very thought exhausts me. I’d rather run drills up and down a soccer field.”

    “Okay, then it’s decided,” Joey said. “Thank you, Bree for taking the reins on this.”
    “No problem, sometimes you guys just need a nudge.”

    All for now, thanks for reading!

  • Overwhelmed, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two, Update
    Once again Erik was the one collecting the mail.  He was, in fact, looking for confirmations on the scholarships all four of them had submitted. What he found, nearly buried among the scads of junk mail, was a card addressed to him. Simple, square, gold, with black embossing. Again, his hand began to shake.  Immediately, he brought the mail inside.
    “Mom? Mom?” he found her asleep on the small sofa they’d brought with them from Vulcan. It fit nicely in front of the living room window that faced the street. Louise stretched, yawned and set her blurry eyes upon her second son. 
    “Erik, what is it. Not another kitchen fire, I pray.”
    “This came for me,” he said, handing her the envelope. “It’s not another Tile?” She took up her glasses from the end table and slipped them on. She looked at it, turned it over a couple of times. Then smiled.
    “Oh, this is from the Academy. Nothing to be concerned over. Perhaps, you should open it.”
    “Yes, the Starlight Academy. Their Annual Award Show is coming up very soon. Open it, I’m dying to know what it’s about.” She had a very good idea, since she’s heard rumors of such. But she didn’t wish to spoil Erik’s moment.
    Erik took out his small laser-blade pocketknife and slit the envelope open. Gently, he pulled the heavy cardstock, again gold with black embossing on one side. He cleared his throat before he began to read it aloud.
    “To one Erik Cantrell, The Starlight Accolade Academy is pleased to inform you, your song, “It Hurts Both Ways” has been duly nominated for Best Song. Your presence is requested at the annual Starlight Accolade Show on Sunday, the First Day of Spring. Six PM. 
    Please feel free to bring a guest. 
    The Starlight Accolade Nominating Committee”
    “That’s not long from now,” he said.
    “No, in fact, tomorrow is the first day of Spring.”
    Erik tapped the envelope against his palm, as he left the small living room. Sitting Room, Front Parlor, as it was called back in the day. He took the stairs just around the partition wall. “Mom. The baby is crying,” he hollered over his shoulder. “He doesn’t sound at all happy, either. Want me to get him for you?”
    “No, that’s all right, dear. The doctor wants me to move around. I can get him.”
    “But I didn’t think taking the stairs was okay, as of yet.” Erik said, giving his mother the ‘eye’. She was following him up, anyway. Taking her by the arm, he helped her as she gingerly climbed the sixteen steps to the second floor. “Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll get him for you.”  He knew she wasn’t supposed to be lifting. Louise sat on the low cushioned bench at the foot of her bed.  She watched as Erik deftly, and carefully lifted the newborn out of his bassinet. The teen even changed the baby’s diaper, depositing the wet one in the bucket next to the changing table. Gazing at the baby, Erik said, “There’ it’s always nice to have clean, dry shorts, don’t you think?”
    “You are going to be one great father someday,” she said. Handing little Adrian to his mother, he took his leave and went to the corner bedroom he shared with his other brothers.
    Erik’s first impulse was to call Kayleigh and share his news. She had called him just last night, which gave Erik the impression the captain merely meant they couldn’t go out together anymore. He sat on the edge of his bed, as her phone rang endlessly. Unfortunately, she wasn’t answering her cell. He had come to understand Captain Drake Golden was a very strict man. Apparently, he wasn’t inclined to budge, either. Kayleigh’s last contact with Erik was to let him know she had no luck in getting her father to ease up. But that she was going to try again, use a different tactic. Erik could tell she was weeping, hearing her ragged breath as she spoke ever so softly to him. Erik knew then, that her phone call was done in stealth.  Again he felt uncomfortable with that.
    When the captain suggested Erik wasn’t to see Kayleigh again, he must have also meant they weren’t allowed to speak, either. Had he seen the text Erik sent her, the night her father stormed out of his house?
    She must be on phone arrest. She had told him that her father was quick to confiscate phones if he thought them ill-used. He wondered if he should drop by, unannounced, but dismissed that idea. Best he could do was write her a letter. But then realized not to see her again meant, he had to disappear, as in out-of-her life. Again, he wondered how things would work out, when her father learned they all were going to share Wyvern Hall at Britechester-U. The it occurred to him, he may force her to drop out.  Her father scared him witless.
    At the market, briefly, Erik was suddenly smacked in the face. Captain Golden’s words echoing in his ears. There on the front of a notorious rag-magazine was that infamous picture of Erik and Kayleigh. The Selfie they took after he asked her to be his girlfriend. Leave it to National Simquierer to all but scuttle his new-found romance. The tag line, likely ‘borrowed’ from Image, was unfortunate, too. Is Erik off the Market? Flipping through this rag, he was mortified to find a second picture of him kissing Kayleigh. Space dust! Note to Self, you’re not exactly anonymous anymore. Watch your step, there, Captain. Referring to himself.  I just want to share my music; I didn’t sign up for this!
    One more week until the Term began, would Kayleigh’s father alter his opinion?
    Come early Sunday morning, Erik was up with the sunrise. He stood at the window and gazed down at the lawn, which seemed to shimmer with the morning light. When he went out to collect the eggs from their chicken coop, he felt and saw a fine mist in the air, discovered the tiny beads of moisture on the blades of grass. Having lived his whole life until now on the Red Planet, Vulcan, this surprised him. He was also greatly inspired by it and before the others were up and about, he began writing and composing a new song, Early Morning Mist.
    After an hour or two the rest of his family was up. He could hear the patter of their feet above his head. Then he saw motion through the glass panes on the door to the Music Room. He stilled the strings on this guitar, carefully set it on the stand; realizing the song called for another medium;  straightened his jacket and joined his family on their way to church.  He noticed his mother wasn’t dressed.  He also was aware that this last pregnancy had been hard on her. Her delivery was difficult and in the end she required surgery.  Erik worried for her. At least the color had returned to her face. On top of everything else, she had more bouts of talking to objects. Her latest was to converse with the Coat Tree in the hall.
    “Dad, I thought you said once the baby was here, Mom would be back on her meds? She’s getting worse.”
    “I know, son. I know. She needs the pain meds more than the psychiatric ones, though. I just don’t understand why the doctor had to perform a C-Section on her. She birthed the rest of you just fine. But, Mom says the two of you have a date tonight . . . Don’t keep her out too late.” Joe winked.
    “Mom, don’t you look wonderful, thanks for being willing to come along,” Erik greeted as his mother joined him in the small foyer. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be up to it.”
    “I wouldn’t miss your big moment for the world. I’m so very pleased you asked me to accompany you. But we should make our way down the hill to the PBP Studios Lounge for the ceremony. Shall we?”
    Erik drove the Hovercraft, parking it in the underground parking lot.

     The two took a turbo-lift all the way to the top floor of the building.  For the longest time it was just the two of them. Very slowly others straggled in.

    Finally, the Host arrived, and the ceremony began. Erik sat nearly frozen next to his mother in a front row seat. At one point, the mother placed a hand on his knee, patting it reassuringly. “You’re already a Global Superstar, if you don’t win tonight, in no way does that diminish your status. Relax. Have fun. Enjoy the night.”

    Flashing her a brief grin, Erik did his best to heed her advice.  The evening seemed inordinately long, and teetering on the edge of boring. Erik knew this was just his loathing of sitting and doing nothing. If he wasn’t being productive in one manner or another, it made him anxious. While he waited for the list of acting awards to be dispensed, he went over the melody of his new song in his mind. Committing it to memory. Every beat, every note, every word.
    “For bringing such aural beauty to the ears of Sims around the world, forty-six weeks topping the charts, Best Song of the Year goes to . . .” With these words, a startled Erik sat up in his chair.  “Erik Cantrell for his “It Hurts Both Ways.” Give this shining new star a rousing round of applause. I have a hunch we’ll be hearing more from him. Come on up, Erik.”
    Taking in a deep, silent breath, Erik glanced over at his mother. Louise smiled and nodded at her son. “Do I have to say something?” he whispered.
    “Thank you, at the very least.”
    Erik reached over and took his trophy in his hand. He stood, silently, with his eyes closed soaking in this glorious moment. Praise to You, O Lord.

    Then, he lifted one shoulder in a partial shrug. Smiling ever so shyly he leaned toward the mic and said, “Is this on?” the audience chuckled lightly with this. Erik smiled.

    “So, this is how it looks from this side. . . I always wondered.”

    “I didn’t expect to win, so I didn’t write a speech. Please bear with me . . . I would like to thank my wonderful parents for all of their support and encouragement. My mother is here with me tonight. Mom?”  Louise stood up ever so briefly, waved and then reseated herself.

    “I would like to thank the crew at Taygeta Studios who were so very helpful and actually trusted me to make crucial mixing decisions. I would also like to thank the girl who inspired the writing of this piece. She knows who she is, thank you so much.”

    “I have to just say, while I dreamed of such a moment, I never really expected it. Everything is happening so very fast I haven’t had a chance to catch up with it. Thank you, Academy for this. This is fabulous.”

    “This is fantastic. Thank you, very much and good night, everyone.”

    As he promised his father, Erik and his mother left the lounge and headed back home. “That was one lame speech. Next time, if there even is a next time, I’m doing what I’ve seen others do. I’ll write a short, sweet note of appreciation and put it in my pocket. Lame, I sounded so very lame. Aaron is right I am a dork.”
    “Erik, stop beating yourself up. You remembered to thank the important people, and you showed humility and awe. Besides, they all know you’re young. I think you did fine.”
    Once indoors again, Erik placed his Starlight Accolade on the mantel of the fireplace in the Music Room. He was about the only one who used the room so he figured it would be safe there. And he could look at it every now and then, as inspiration to put the same care into every song he wrote. I forgot to thank my fans! Ah space dust!
    Immediately he took to his Simstagram and thanked them profusely. “I’m an idiot,” he wrote. “I can’t believe I forgot. Please accept my apology and my heartfelt thanks to the best fans in the universe for supporting me and helping me get to this point in time. You have my heart. Always, Erik.”
    All for now. Thanks for reading!
    • rosemow's avatar

      Congratulations to Erik on winning the award! 🙂 It was lovely that his Mother accompanied him to the ceremony.

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Thank you. Louise is a devoted mother, interested in each of her children, and supportive of their individual gifts.

    • GalacticGal's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Negotiated Terms, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two, Update

      “Kayleigh, do you mind explaining this?” Drake Golden said, cornering her upstairs in the bedroom she shared with Hayleigh and Regina. Kayleigh smiled as she took the magazine from him.
      “We took a Selfie together after he asked if I would consider being his girlfriend.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a nice picture. He is just so thoughtful and kind. We’re friends. I feel honored he wants me to be his girl.”

      “You know how I feel about fame. It’s a sleazy, slimy unreal lifestyle where nobody has to account for their behavior.  No rules, no morality. Anything goes. Now, Erik may be a fine, Christian young fella, but he’s up to his eyeballs in this lifestyle. Girls fawning all over him. How long do you think he can resist? I don’t care what his parents think of him. Nobody is that committed.” Pointing that long forefinger at her face, he said, “I forbid you to see him ever again. I won’t have him dragging you down that licentious path.”

      “Daddy, really, how little you think of me.” Due to Erik’s timely text, Kayleigh had prepared herself for such a conversation. She turned her back on her father, placing the magazine in the top drawer of her dresser, which she slid closed, quietly. Shrugging, she turned back to him. “Well, as much as I would like to comply with your wishes . . .”
      “That wasn’t a wish, that was an order.”

      “Oh, yes, and I’m to be the perfect, little soldier. Forgive me, that somehow slipped my mind. And I suppose it’s all Erik’s fault, too. Really, Daddy. How did you get to your age being that naive. That cynical. Both of our families attend the very same church, and you dare judge us?”
      “Mind your tongue, daughter.”

      “I am minding my tongue, it wants to be unleashed. I’ve had quite enough of your tyrannical ways. You, sir, are overbearing, bombastic and difficult to love. I’m almost sixteen. Now, it’s my turn to make a demand. I’m going off to university very soon. And as it would happen, Erik and his siblings are all going to university, too.”

      “Let me guess. Britechester-U?”

      “Oh, it’s worse than that. It’s a fairly large campus as you know, so avoidance might be possible. But, you see, we’ve all drawn the very same dorm assignment. We’ll all be in Wyvern Hall together. Now, that will surely make it next to impossible to comply with your order ---- unless you want me to fail. Remember, it was your idea I attend Britechester-U, in the first place.

      Wyvern is the nicer of the two dorms. Tell me. Which is more important to you? That I get a degree or avoid my Rock Star friend? And his unfortunate Paparazzi entourage. I do promise to be very diligent in my studies. I promise I won’t let his fame interfere. I got all A’s in high school, which enabled me to graduate early and I was accepted at Britechester. Which is it, Daddy? You’re curiously quiet.”

      Drake reached for her cell phone; she snatched it out of his hands. “No, you’ll no longer invade my privacy. I’m old enough to attend university, I’m old enough to handle my own business.” Conscientiously she avoided using the word, ’affairs.’

      “He coached you on what to say, didn’t he? In many ways you sound as defiant as he did. He’s trying to take you away from me. How dare he!”

      “No, he’s not.  He’s actually very family oriented. He believes in the Fifth Commandment. ‘Honor your father and mother that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.’ You’re the one driving me away with all of your invasive rules, orders, demands. When are you going to realize my sisters and I are people, too. God gave you and Mom custody over us. But, we are just borrowed. That’s what grandma always says. We are just on loan.”

      Drake shot her a glance, his eyes smoldering. Kayleigh for the first time in her life felt slightly empowered. Is this what it means to be heading off to university? To be growing up? The thought was at once frightening and freeing. Overwhelming. Now that I’m up here what if I fall off of this trapeze? Shaking it off in the next instant, she went on,

      “So, I expect you and Mom to understand, that while I’m fifteen, soon to be sixteen, I will still need some guidance from time to time, but you must let me conduct my life from here on out. Otherwise, I simply will not attend university, nor will I reach for that degree you want us all to get. The choice is yours. I’m allowed to make and have friends for once in my life, attend Britechester-U as planned to which I promise I won’t let Erik’s fame distract me. I’ll study hard and get good grades. It’s a win-win. Deal?”

      “You want me to just let you do what you wish? I can’t allow that. I can’t just let you go off on your own to step in it.”
      “We learn by doing, Daddy. I have to make mistakes. If I don’t, how will I learn?”

      “But with him?”
      “Daddy, did it ever occur to you, I may be his saving grace? He is still trying to get used to all the fame he accrued in such an incredibly short time. He’s an unbelievable talent. He writes and sings his own songs. He just placed his tile on the Avenue, which was so exciting to witness.”

      “You were there?”
      “Of course I was, he’s my friend. And you have no idea how good it is to be able to call someone that. I have a friend. Watch and you’ll see what a good friend I can be with little to no experience.”
      “Not a friend with benefits. He’s already admitted to kissing you.”

      “Daddy, can you really know so little about me? I’m so offended. After that homily Father gave last week, chastising the teens in the parish to remember who we are and to not just talk the talk, but to actually walk the walk. Warning us of the pitfalls. Erik made that clear to me upfront. He’s not having woohoo until he’s married, and he hoped I felt the same way. Which, of course, I do. Such activity can really muddle up a relationship.”

      “He teach you that, too?”
      “No, mother did. So, do we have a deal or not?”

       Drake let out a slow disgruntled sigh. “Oh, all right, but one slip up, one bad grade, one more compromising photo, and the deal is off, understand?”

      Reaching out Kayleigh took her father’s warm hand and shook it. “Deal. I love you, Daddy. Thank you. I just hope one day you’ll come to see Erik for who he is, and not what you think he is.” Kayleigh hugged her father tight.

      All for now. Thanks for reading!        

  • Busted, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
    Carina Golden did her best to stash the copy of Image Magazine well out-of-sight, "Girls, I told you to get and keep, this rag magazine out of here and do something with it. If you father sees it, you know he’s simply going to blow a gasket.” With that she snatched it off of the coffee table and when one of her five daughters entered the room, she pitched it at her.  Hayleigh caught it. “Hayleigh, for God’s sake what have you done to your hair? Besides being remarkably short, it’s red with streaks, is that purple? What were you thinking, girl? You know your father doesn’t approve.”

    “Well, if he would stop seeing his daughters as floozies. Everybody is doing this to their hair. Oh, and Regina changed her hair, too.” was Hayleigh’s defense. Standing on the staircase hearing the conversation, Regina smirked.

    “At least I didn’t get myself on the front cover of Image. I feel for Kayleigh when she gets back.”
    “Gets back?” Carina said, blanching. “When did she leave and where did she go? And none of your clever we’re triplets and we bond together against the enemy nonsense. First off, I’m not the enemy, and secondly, I merely need to be able to answer your father as to her whereabouts. You know how he is.”
    “He runs his family as he runs his military unit. Sir, yes sir!” Hayleigh saluted. “Authoritative, overprotective. I can’t continue in this bubble he’s trying to keep me in. Mom, when is Daddy deploying again? I like it much better when he’s not around. We girls can handle family business.”
    “We can handle our own lives,” Regina chimed in.
    “Yes, I know, and he’s been gone for much of you three’s lives. I know he’s difficult, but he’s your father and he loves all of you so much. If you could just see him the way I see him. He just wants what’s best for each and every one of you. He wants you to succeed. His prime directive is to keep you safe, above all else. He suffers knowing he’s sometimes too strict. He’s just so afraid you’ll get so hurt that he won’t be able to fix it.”
    “Only sometimes?” Mercedes said, coming in from the back yard. “Why does Daddy treat us as if we’re all bad people just looking to embarrass him?”
    “Honey, I don’t know. Father James does tell us to be patient with him. He’s trying very hard to take a more distant role.”
    “Huh, I don’t call scolding little Lorelei for not wanting to sit on the potty chair, being distant. He got right into her face,” Six-year-old Mercedes groused. “She’s just a toddler. We’re not perfect. I’m so tired of trying to be perfect. Why does he need us to be perfect?”
    “I‘m going to guess he sees your behavior as a reflection on him.”
    “Ah, so it’s an ego thing. I get it. The man is simply psychologically impaired,” Regina said. “I hated Psychology when I first started the class, but I now see its benefits.”
    “Well, it could be that I suppose — and with your grandfather, too. Just keep Daddy in your prayers. We could all use the strength. And he’s hinted at a possible deployment, too.”
    Carina’s phone went off. “This could be it,” She lifted a finger to still her daughter’s coming diatribe and answered her cell quickly. “Drake, hello. No, we’re all fine. Homework’s done and the girls are busy setting the dining room table for dinner.” she said, directing her children with hand-signals. “Okay, dear. Do you think you’ll be long? Oh, I see. Okay, I’ll keep yours warm for you. I love you, too.” Turning to look at her teen daughters she said, “we have a general reprieve for a little while. You father has to make a stop before he comes home. Get that table set, you two and Hayleigh, stir the pot on the stove, please.”
    A knock came to the front door of the Cantrell House. “Hm,” Louise said, “wonder who that could be at this hour. I was just planning on going up to bed, get some sleep in before the baby wakes.”

    Joey pulled the door open. “Are you Erik?” the uniformed man said, gruffly." No, sir. Erik isn’t in at the moment. He’s at a photo shoot, I believe. He should be back, shortly, would you care to come in and wait?”

    “Yes,” Captain Drake Golden said, all but pushing his way into the house. Taking a cursory look around, he said, “Huh, I always wondered what this place looked like on the inside. Very nice.”
    “Thank you,” Joey and Aaron said in unison.
    “Hello,” Louise said, offering her hand, coming from the Dining Room. “I’m Louise Cantrell, this is my son Joey, my eldest son, Aaron,  and my husband Professor Joseph Cantrell, Sr is right here in the dining room,” she said, taking him by the arm leading him through the archway. “Please, have a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee?”
    Joseph smiled, coming to his feet. “You must be Kayleigh’s father. She’s a lovely girl. I appreciate getting a chance to meet you.” He held out his hand, troubled when the man didn’t meet him halfway. Instead, Drake pulled at the hem of his uniform jacket, hands at his sides and sat down abruptly. Placing his cap, held under his arm, on the tabletop.
    “Yes, she is a sweet girl,” Drake Golden said, “and I’m certain your son is a fine boy, too. But have you seen this? This is my thanks for letting them go on a ‘date’.” The captain placed the copy of Image Magazine on the table. Joseph bent to have a look.
    “Yes, I believe between my wife and kids, the magazine stacks have been cleared out. It’s a charming photo of the two, don’t you think? They make such a cute couple.”
    Louise came back from the kitchen with cups of coffee she placed on the table, glancing at the magazine in the center of her table. “Sugar, cream?”
    “Black, please.”
    “We think the world of your daughter,” she went said.
    “Funny, I haven’t even met your boy. Then I see this glaring at me while I’m standing in line at the commissary. ‘Is he taken?’ Now what do you suppose that means? She’s fifteen. Your boy is how old?”
    “Sixteen, almost seventeen,” Joseph said, clearing his throat. “I’m afraid he’s suffering from his first crush.”
    “Global Superstar, Rock Star at sixteen, eh? What other things is he into? Drinking, drugs, woohoo? Not with my daughter.”
    Joseph straightened up. “Captain, I must say I don’t like your tone. As far as I know Kayleigh and Erik are just friends. Sweethearts, at most. He’s a good, faithful Christian boy who attends church every week. I don’t much care for your insinuations. I’ve talked with all three of my older sons. They know what I expect from them regarding their behavior. No woohoo before marriage. To not even get themselves into a position where it's likely to happen.”
    “Huh,” Drake shook his head. “He certainly wouldn’t be the first good Christian boy to be a hypocrite. She came home all dreamy-eyed after their date the other night. I knew I should have said no, but she’s got those big blue eyes . . .I’m really trying so hard to not stifle her emotional growth. Which includes not limiting her social life as much as I’d like. It’s just so difficult. So much danger out there.”
    Erik came through the front door at that moment. “Erik,” Louise called, “is that you? Come to the dining room, there’s somebody here you have to meet.”
    “Mom, Dad,” Erik said as he came into the dining room. “Captain Golden, is it? I’m very pleased to meet you.” Erik properly extended his hand. Drake was out of his chair in a flash causing Erik to take two quick steps back. 
    “You,” he said, all but stabbing his long forefinger into Erik’s chest. “You made my daughter defy me.”
    “What? How? Oh, I knew I should have insisted on meeting you. Please forgive the oversight on my part. I even asked Kay-Kay if you gave your consent to our going out. She told me her sisters would mob me and that’s why we had to leave right then and there. I’m truly sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”
    “Dang straight, it won’t happen again. I forbid you to see her again.”

    “What? Kayleigh said you would have her head, I just didn’t expect you’d have mine, too. This isn’t even close to fair. We haven’t done anything wrong, that either of our parents would disapprove of. I even had her back a good five minutes before her curfew. Please, reconsider, sir. We’re just starting to get to know each other.”

    Louise Cantrell shot out of her chair. “Now, see here, Captain, being the daughter of an Admiral, I am neither intimidated by your uniform, nor your rank. You will not barge into our home and start accusing my son of some undisclosed misdeed like this. What is it, precisely, that he did? That they did?”
    “She’s not allowed to go steady. She’s only fifteen!” the man raged.
    “Steady? As in not seeing others, steady? I asked her to be my girlfriend. I said nothing about going steady, as in for keeps, sir. I promise you I didn’t. We just caught up with each other again. I don’t really know her. That’s what dating is for.”
    “How could you be so careless as to let something like this happen?” Again, the man used his index finger to jab at the magazine cover. “I don’t want my daughter tainted by your fame. I despise the industry. And now, we won’t have any privacy, either. You didn’t stop to think about that, did you.”
    “We took a Selfie together, but I swear we were alone on the street. I have no clue as to how or why it ended up on the cover of a magazine.”
    “You’re a star and you can say that with a straight face? You should know by now the Paparazzi are predators, they’ll suck the very being out of your personal life.  See this? The article implies you two are a definite item. Just how far have you gone with my little girl?”
    “I kissed her once. But only once and I asked her permission first.”
    Drake narrowed his gray eyes, took his hat and headed for the front door. “You are clearly a bad influence on her. I forbid you to see her again. Ever.”
    Erik sidled onto a dining room chair, head bowed, shielding his eyes with this hand. After all of this time of pining over the girl who shouted at him, now he was forbidden to see her again?  One week. He’d known who she was for a week. Tears stung his eyes and Louise put a hand on his shoulder, patted it.
    “I wonder what he’ll do when he finds out we’re all dorming in Wyvern Hall?” Erik whispered.  I can’t believe this is happening. That I blew it.
    Louise was quick on Drake’s heels, “Now wait just one minute, Captain,” Louise said, following after him. “You have charge over your child, not mine. Who are you to say what he’s allowed to do and not do. He’s not one of your soldiers. He’s your daughter’s boyfriend, barely. They’ve known each other a whole week. They hardly know each other. Were you aware that she attacked him years ago?”
    “Attacked? What did he do to her?”
    Louise frowned, straightened her shoulders and said, “He said ‘hello,’ and she went off on him.”
    Drake shook his head. “That doesn’t sound like my Kayleigh. She’s a sweet, kind-hearted girl.”
    “I was a military brat growing up, I know how hard it is to move all the time. She told Erik she wasn’t allowed to have friends. Well, she has a friend, now. Just what are you afraid of, sir?"
    “I was a young man once. I know what boys are like. I don’t trust them with any of my daughters.”
    “You do realize, do you not, that you’re setting these kids up for failure, right? The more you push, the more they will rebel. That’s normal teen behavior.”
    “Stay out of my personal business. Good evening.” Taking him by the upper arm, Louise tugged at him until he turned to glare at her.
    “What are you going to do,” she said, “send your daughters off to a Monastery?” Louise said, just as he broke free and then slammed the door behind him.
    Taking out his phone Erik immediately texted Kayleigh. Red Alert. Raise your Shields. Your father just left my house.
    All for now. Thanks for reading.


    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Wow, I didn't realize how much problems that photo could cause. They had a date was all. I had a feeling Drake would be react this way when  Hayliegh had to change her highlights. The way he raised them, and their mother defending his behavior😵‍💫 
      You get him Louise! 
      Eriks text, "Red Alert" I love it, I like texting that for dramatic effect 😆 Hope they prepare well

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Thank you for commenting. Drake is a helicopter father, like so many parents are recently. I'm more old-school. I was born in the 1950s. We kids were let out the front door to play and told to be back before the streetlamps came on. My hubby used to ride his bicycle for miles all over Orange County! I didn't know him, then. So, Drake isn't really a bad guy, he's just more on the controlling side. Basically, he's scared to death his girls will get hurt --- beyond anything he can fix. And, unfortunately, he's of the opinion Erik is a Rocker, in the worse sense of the word.

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        In a past iteration of my story, Drake and Erik had a great deal of tension between them. I had to show just what got Erik on Drake's wrong side. LOL And, yes, being a helicopter parent makes Drake a bit on the crazy out-of-control side. Thanks for reading and commenting!

    • rosemow's avatar

      I hope that Erik and Kayleigh’s relationship will still keep going although her father is not very keen🙁

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Me, too.  In a past iteration there was a great deal of tension between Drake and Erik. I decided I had to show just what it was between them. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  • Young Love, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
    Erik’s heart sang all the way up the hill to Cantrell House. The next day was Night on the Town. Erik paced and wondered just when he should ask her out. Realizing it was just too early in the day, he decided to direct his focus on his career. He did another photoshoot, this time for a different magazine from the night before, Image, which included a nice Interview.
    This was followed by a concert and then he hit the recording studios to lay down fifteen more tracks to make a third album. As busy as he was, she dominated his thoughts. He couldn't get over just how much he and Kayleigh had in common. Already he felt a tight bond with her. Steady, steady there, Captain, she's just a girl, don't let her lure you onto the rocks. Mom is right, I've never fully gotten over the little girl who gave me a verbal chewing out, that day in the park. I'm forever smitten.
    As busy as he was, she dominated his thoughts.  He couldn’t get over just how much he and Kayleigh had in common. Already he felt a tight bond with her. Steady, steady there, Captain, she’s just a girl, don’t let her lure you onto the rocks. Mom is right, I’ve never fully gotten over the little girl who gave me a verbal chewing out that one day at the park. Smitten. I’m forever smitten.

    Whether they wanted to or not, Joseph insisted his children attend University. “I met your mother there. After my stint in the Marines concluded, I took my G.I. benefits and put myself through school. Got my degree which led to my becoming a teacher.”

    “But I already have a lucrative career in the works,” Erik argued. “My songs are topping the charts. Sold out concerts . . .”
    “And, that’s fine, for now. But life’s path isn’t always so straightforward. You can hit bumps along the way. Trust me, there may be a time when you’re glad you’ve got a degree to fall back on,” Joseph said. “It happens.”

    “But,” Erik started to add, then merely thought it, instead. How can I do both?
    “As you each finish high school, I want you to research possible scholarships.”


    Aaron finally pulled his grades up, before the others and graduated early, although by then it was several months into the school year, nearly a year. The baby was born. Shortly after, Aaron turned seventeen. Followed by Joey and then Brianna, who also graduated early. Studiously, they each put in for scholarships.
    Erik, who was really enjoying his free time all but dragged his feet getting around to it. He put out a second and that third album, and then realized just how he could do ‘both’. He took the time his siblings unwittingly afforded him and laid down forty-five more tracks, turned them into three additional albums, that were ready to go. All he need do, is find a spare moment each term, to release an album. This would keep him relevant.
    Pleased with himself, he got back, having worked on the third album in this additional group, just as the afternoon was coming to a close. Immediately, he called Kayleigh and asked her out on a date, so long as her father approved. “Daddy, please,” Erik heard her say. “Daddy says I can go, so long as you have me back by eleven.”
    “Will do. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
    Kayleigh met him outside of her house which surprised Erik. He fully intended to meet her parents and introduce himself, properly. He grew a tad suspicious when she insisted, they go. “Are you sneaking out?” he asked. Altogether uncomfortable with that notion. “If you are, I don’t wish to be an accomplice,” he told her. Glancing up at him, she shook her head. 
    “I have permission to go out.” To Erik’s raised eyebrow she furthered, “I just don’t want my sisters to tackle you — and they will. They are a mini mob all on their own. So, come on, if you please.”
    Hesitating for a moment more, uncertainty plaguing him, Erik hit the button on his fob to open the passenger side of the Hovercraft. He assisted her inside the vehicle. He took her to Pietro’s Bistro, happy to learn it was a franchise and was also in Oasis Springs, not too far from Del Sol Valley.  He requested a table, and the two were shown to a nice table-for-two.
    “I hope this is to your satisfaction, Mr. Cantrell,” the Server said. They know my name?
    “This is very nice, thank you.”
    Kayleigh smiled as she leaned over the table toward Erik. “You come here often enough that they know you by name?”
    “No, I’ve been to the one on Vulcan, but I hardly think my name was noted.”
    “Oh, I get it. I completely forgot you’re a Proper Celebrity, now, according to Image Magazine.”
    “Just. I think winning the Karaoke Contest gave me a boost.”
    “I hope that doesn’t bother you,” Erik was quick to add, with a smile.
    “No,” she said, “I’ve been keeping up with your upward progress, thanks to Sim Beat.”
    “Yeah, I guess they are a bit of a tell-all publication.”
    “Just be careful to not give them too much information. Sim Image, either. But I would like to ask, what’s it like having strangers know your name?”
    “To be quite honest, strange. If feels strange. But since this whole planet is rather strange to me, I just take it in stride. Or at least I try to. Besides, it makes me feel more like I belong here. In some small way. I think I miss home.” The Server came forward and Erik ordered for them. Kayleigh watched and waited. Once the Server left, she said, "My Dad says I have to go to university, right after Christmas, at the start of the term,” she suddenly blurted.
    “Oh? I thought you were Joe’s age and had a couple of years left of high school.”
    “I graduated early just this past week. See? I’m just not allowed to have any friends. I really like you, Erik. Really like you. To the point my heart is already breaking at the thought of not seeing you.”
    “Well, now, have you chosen a school, yet? I recommend, Britechester-U. That’s my parents’ Alma Mater. All four of us, my brothers and sister, are going there come the next term, since they finally managed to graduate early. We’ll be in Wyvern Hall.”
    “Are you asking me to dorm with you and your siblings?”
    “I think it could be fun, don’t you?”
    Before they could finish their conversation, they both looked up at a sudden commotion going on just a short distance from their table. Thorne Bailey was busy jumping up and down, hooting and hollering, doing whatever he could to draw attention. Both Kayleigh and Erik got out of their chairs to see just what was going on.  Unfortunately, Thorne drew closer to the young couple until he was almost standing between them. He certainly was making them both uncomfortable. Just when Erik was cranking up his courage to kiss the girl. Figures, you overgrown **bleep**.
    Erik caught Kayleigh’s eye. “Let’s blow this place. How would you like to go dancing?” Giving up their table, Erik grabbed her hand and the two took his father’s Hovercraft to Windenburg to the Pan Europa Discotheque. The two eagerly took to the dance floor.
    What was that all about?” she asked him, meaning Thorne’s strange behavior.
    “My guess,” Erik said, standing beside her doing the Cowpoke dance, “is he’s a bit of an attention seeker. A publicity hound. And I don’t like the way he looks at me, as if I’m the very reason he’s still a Proper Celebrity. So am I, big deal.”
    The time whizzed by, and while the dance floor became packed, at least it wasn’t stolen by one Thorne Bailey. All too soon, the night for them was over. “So, did you decide on a university, yet?” Erik asked, as they drove back to Del Sol Valley.
    “It depends on if I can qualify for enough of the right scholarships, I suppose...”
    “The term is coming up, after Christmas, come the spring. I do hope we find ourselves on the same campus, at least.”
    “Me, too. I had a great time tonight.”
    Erik smiled broadly, “Yeah, it was a good night. Thanks for joining me. Wait, I don’t suppose you would consider . . . being my girlfriend or anything?”
    “Why Erik Cantrell, you are just full of surprises now, aren’t you. Be careful, I might just take you up on your offer.”
    “Is that a yes?”
    Kayleigh squealed, “Yes. Daddy will have my head, but yes.”
    All for now, Thanks for reading!


  • Nominated, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
    Erik checked the mailbox, sorted the junk from the actual mail, and to his surprise, a curious, gray-tinted envelope addressed to him was inside the box. With shaky hands he slit open the envelope and tugged at the heavy cardstock until it cleared its outer wrapping.
                                   You’re presence is cordially requested
                  at the Tile Placement Ceremony on the Avenue of the Stars, 
                                                   Del Sol Valley, Earth, 
                 You are encouraged to select any empty space of your choosing. 
            The Ceremony will begin at Five o’clock PM. On the fifth Day of Winter 
                                    We offer our Congratulations to
                                     Global Superstar Erik Cantrell. 
                               You have ascended to the top of the heap.
                                 The Committee of the Starlight Academy
    “Mom! Mom!” he shouted as he pounded up the stone steps of the Cantrell House.
    “Erik, simmer down, what’s wrong?” Still shaking, he handed over the gray tinted cardstock. Louise smiled, as she saw it. 
    “You’re a Global Superstar, aren’t you. Well, I’m not surprised. You released that second album and it’s soaring up the charts, too. I always knew you would make it. There is all kinds of talk about your first-published song, too. Didn’t I see a notice it’s been nominated for Best Song?” Unable to speak, Erik just nodded his head. “It’s a beautiful song,” she continued, “I just can’t get over the fact you wrote it when you were twelve.”
    They went down to the Avenue of the Stars as directed. Due to the season, the sun set much quicker than the family expected. Happily, Louise was there to help Erik pick his place. The newborn tethered to her chest, she did her best to see beyond little Adrian. “How about that one to the left of yours?” Erik said, pointing at the empty space.
    “Why how nice of you. Most teens can’t get away from their parents fast enough. Oh, I’m just so touched. Are you sure? I mean, really sure?”
    “Seems good to me.”  The family settled down as soon as the director called for the ceremony to commence.                 
    At one point Erik noticed that Kayleigh was there, the two stood and chatted while waiting for the actual ceremony to begin. 
    “Oh, I have to go,” Erik said as he walked away from her when the director called the ceremony to begin     
    . Singularly focused on his job, before he could get back to her, he was surrounded by adoring fans. One asked for a Selfie with him, for which he complied, with a smile. 
    Then a small fan jumping all over the place in her excitement, asked him for his autograph. Erik smiled brightly at her, and said, “Why certainly, I’m always happy to meet a fan.” He signed the picture and handed it back.

    “Thanks so much. I never met a Superstar before, let alone a Global one. What does that mean?”

    “I think it means I have fans all over the planet.”

    “All over the planet?”

    Erik smiled widely, and said, “Something like that."

    By the time he looked up again, Kayleigh was nowhere to be seen. Joseph decided to take the family over to NewCrest, to dine at the Star Club. It was a rather chic place.  The building was stunning. Certainly, an achievement of Architectural design. The family was seated right away, Joseph ordered dinner for them.
    Erik’s Starlight Accolade Meet & Greet trophy sat on the coffee table in the corner of the shared bedroom. He lay in the middle bed flanked by Aaron on his left and Joey on his right, closest to the bedroom door. Poor kid, you still think this place is haunted. For the longest time, Erik watched out the window as a light wind gently shook the branches of the trees on the cul-de-sac that was the top of the hill. Unable to sleep he lay there for what felt like hours.
    Next thing he knew he opened his eyes to the brightness of the morning. Getting up, he decided it was high time he applied for the scholarships his father advised them each to do. The only thing that drove him was the faint possibility that Kayleigh would attend Britechester-U. Having mentioned it, far be it for him to not attend because he failed to register.
    “Done, and done,” he said as he sent the last application of scholarship off into the ether.
    All for now. Thanks for reading. 
  • Out Of Nowhere, Part Two, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two Update
    Erik lined up a Fan Meet & Greet at a bar in Oasis Spring, called Stone’s Throw. He was rather intrigued with the theme of the place looking as if it was a watering hole for Space bandits or something. The invited guests, and his family gathered as the Event began. Erik made certain to speak to each of the people who arrived, light chit-chat and thanking them for coming.
    The Paparazzi were there, too. He spent time posing for them, and also for his fans. I have fans! He signed autographs, took Selfies and mingled as best he could. Troubled by just how overwhelming all of this was to him. Surreal, he decided. This was all so very surreal. I’m here and yet not here. Most of his movements were by rote. In fact, he fully expected to awaken and realize he was still just Erik. Anonymous, dorky, Erik.
    Glancing around the room, Erik found himself intrigued by a very pretty teen girl, with long, silky blonde hair and big blue eyes that haunted him. Fan?  After the Event ended and he got home again, Erik laid awake in his bed for a long while. Partly wound up from the evening, but mostly he kept seeing those blue eyes of hers. Then he was filled with a very odd sensation. Do I know you? Have me met somewhere? I think it’s possible I know you. At least on some level.
    His Event was so successful that Erik’s status shot up to B-Lister. Not one to sit on his laurels he decided to take part in the Karaoke Contest the following evening. 
    He brought his family along and discovered the very same  enchanting girl in the audience. Slowly, he approached her. “I remember your eyes,” he said, when she turned to look at him.  “I’ve been thinking about it all night. I have to ask, is it possible I know you?” he said.
    She smiled, “That’s a rather creative first line, I must say, but I hardly think so,” she said, gazing up at his face, she crinkled her forehead.  “Yet, your eyes look rather familiar, too. And your glasses, do you attend Copperdale?”
    “No, I graduated early from Province High, on Vulcan.”
    Province High? No way.”
    “Way. Why would I lie about a thing like that?”
    “I met a boy there once, in Province on Vulcan. At a park. His name was Erik Cantr--- Wait, isn’t your name Erik Cantrell? Oh, my God, it is you.” Taking out his driver’s license he handed it to her. She stared at it long and hard.
    Leaning down he said quietly, "Do you ever wish you could roll back time a little and start again?’ Erik asked.
    Looking nervous she said, “Oh, please don’t bring that up. I’d like to change our first meeting, if that’s what you mean — I still can’t believe I shouted at you like that. Worst, most humiliating day of my life.” She leaned her head into her hand, the way he’d seen her do, a few short standard Earth years ago, as he walked away from the pirate ship.
    “That’s why your eyes looked so familiar,” Erik said. “You’re that girl. For a moment I thought I was going crazy. You know, I’ve never forgotten you. Not for a minute. If it’s okay with you, could we start again? I would still like a chance to get to know you.”
    “I . . .”
    Hearing his name over the speaker, Erik said, “Hold that thought, if you will, it’s my turn to compete.” With that he took the small stage, took up the microphone, pointed at the mic, and then at the girl, smiling largely, before he began to sing along with the machine, “Hotter Than Sin.”
    Returning to the table, he said, “So, how did I do?”
    “I’ve heard your voice on the radio. I just had no idea that was you. You know you’re really very good. I think you just won.”
    “Oh, no,” Erik said, sounding dismayed.
    “What, you’re not competing to win?”
    “It’s not that. Look,” he said, gesturing toward the stage as Aaron stood in front of the Karaoke machine, microphone in hand. “Don’t do it, Aaron,” he whispered.
    “I take it he’s a rival?”
    “He shouldn’t be. He’s my older brother. He just suffers from bouts of jealousy, sometimes.”
    “Oh,” she said. “Well, rival or not he certainly looks as if he’s about to steal your thunder.”
    "I hope not. I’ve heard him in the shower, he’ll only make a fool of himself and I’ll have to help him pick up the pieces of his shattered ego.”
    “You would do that for him? Curious.”
    “Well, sure. He’s my older brother, we may not always get along, but I care about him. Don’t do it, please.”
    A moment later, Aaron shook his head replaced the mic and said, “Erik, that was for you.” He left the stage snickering.
    “What a tease,” Kayleigh said, “reminds me of one of my sisters. He’s just so pleased with himself.”
    “That’s Aaron, on most days," Erik said. His phone chimed in his pocket. “Excuse me, I have to take this,” he said as he withdrew it from the inner pocket in his black leather jacket. He nodded as he read the text message. “I have another invitation for a photoshoot, but it can wait until eleven pm, when the Karaoke Contest has ended.”
    “Oh, good, because those are the rules. If you’re not here at the end, you don’t win.”
    “This is my first contest, ever. So, thanks for that. You come here often?”
    “I love music and yes, I enjoy the Karaoke Contests. Sh. wait, wait, wait, here is the announcement,” she cautioned.
     “And tonight’s winner is . . . Erik Cantrell with a stunning eighty-two out of one hundred points! Way to go, Erik. Be sure to come back Sunday to defend your title.”
    As Erik headed back to the stage, Kayleigh stood up. “See, did I call it, or what?”
    “You did. Maybe I should make you my manager or something.” Erik smiled as Kayleigh merely blinked her eyes and smiled back. “Oh, you wouldn’t like that, I’d be strict. You won’t get away with nothing, buddy.”
    At the close of the contest, the Cantrell family headed back home. “Can we drop you somewhere?” Erik asked. “And by the way, what is your name?”
    “What, you don’t remember?”
    “How could I, you never gave it to me.”
    “Oh, I guess I really was upset. It’s Kayleigh. Kayleigh Golden.”
    “I’m very glad to make your acquaintance, Miss Kayleigh Golden. It is miss, right? You are single.”
    All for now. Thanks for reading . . .


    • rosemow's avatar

      It was great reading your update 🙂 It is lovely that he has met Kayleigh again.

    • oolonglong's avatar
      Seasoned Vanguard

      It was wonderful to see Kayleigh again!

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Thank you, but this isn't the first time she's made an appearance. 😉 Check out part one, "The Pangs of Adolescence".

    • BlueSeaWaves's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      His brother teasing him like that 😆 I was worried he would embarrass himself for a moment there 😭 

      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Worse than that, I was afraid he would outshine Erik! You just never know with these Sims. LOL

  • Out of Nowhere, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Two, Update
    The family got busy on the work of settling into the Cantrell House. Built on top of the hill, the view from there was astounding. The residence  was not only a Historic Place but was also on the list of sites to see when taking a tour of Del Sol Valley. A constant stream of people walked in front of it. Every now and again a few Paparazzi showed up, but that was due to Louise’s fame, they quickly decided.
    Going through Old Joe’s paperwork, Joseph discovered the place had not only been brought up to code, but the wiring had been redone over the centuries, as well. This surprised him when they had a kitchen fire of their own. Joey was attempting to cook when the island on the opposite side burst into flames. “Not haunted, eh?” Joey shouted. Thankfully, the teen was unscathed, except for his fright.
    As time went by Louise found herself having bouts of nausea. Sometimes she couldn’t hold it in. She was overly tired, had difficulty sleeping at night and in general didn’t feel well. The hot flashes were unbearable, might as well be back on Vulcan. When asked, she told her husband, “I think I just have a case of the flu.” Since she was in her early fifties, now, other symptoms she experienced suggested her time to have babies was basically over. So, when Joseph urged her to see a physician, the two came back from the visit nearly in shock.
    They sat the kids down and broke the news to them. Brianna furrowed her brow and said, “I don’t mean to sound selfish, but does that mean we have to give up that fabulous game room upstairs?”
    “We won’t be needing it, Bree,” Erik said, then turned to his parents. “A baby? Fine time for the four of us to go off to University. The kid won’t even know us.”
    “I promise we’ll take pictures, lots of them.” Joseph said. “Besides, we expect to see you every Sunday, as usual. So, you won’t be total strangers, either.”
    “Okay,” Erik said. “Better than nothing.”
    Later on when Erik was able to get his father alone, he said quietly, “Dad, has Mom gone off of her meds?”
    “Temporarily, doctor’s orders.”
    “Really? But what about her — condition?”
    “Well, that’s a rather antiquated term for it. Your mother is pregnant. She’s fine, the baby is fine and, yes, it has taken us both by surprise. We didn’t think it could happen anymore.”
    Erik loved taking long, thoughtful walks.  He felt lighter on this planet for some reason. He even considered jumping into the air to see if he defied gravity. Then decided, that wasn’t the kind of publicity he wanted and gave up the notion almost as soon as it crossed his mind. 
    Apparently, the gravitational pull wasn’t nearly as powerful as that of Vulcan’s. He made his way easily down the hill, the road a long, lazy curve, winding into the city below. He checked out the Orchid-A-Go-Go Lounge; his mind already planning how he might set about making himself ‘known’, which was required if he was ever going to make it as a Musician. So very caught up in his own thoughts and plans, he was gone longer than he intended.
    The climb back up the hill was tiring and his muscles started to scream at him.  Once again a Paparazzo was standing outside of their front gates. “Hi,” Erik said cheerfully. “If you’re waiting for my mother, I’m afraid it’s going to be a long wait. She’s prone to naps, these days, and then she rises to make dinner.”
    “Wait, you’re one of Louise’s kids?”
    “Erik. Erik Cantrell,” the teen said, extending his hand the way his father had instructed them. “I’m Brad Fischer from Sim Beat Magazine. You know, I would very much like to take a few pictures of you. I’m doing a piece on your mother and having pictures of at least one of her kids would make a nice addition. Show the other side of the artist, as it were. The family side.”
    Erik felt his cheeks warming, knew he was blushing. He inclined his head to the side. “You want pictures of me? Sure, so long as it’s done here at the house with my parents present.”
    “You’re one smart kid. We’ll be more than happy to accommodate you.”
    “Thank you, sir.”
    The crew came over to the house one evening. Focusing mostly on Erik, the two makeup artists applied powder and not much else to his face. Flanking him as he sat in a living room chair, he gazed up at them, bewildered. Both of these human females were lovely. And he had to confess he really didn’t mind their attention.
    The photographer was very pleased as he examined the digital images. “Hey, kid, you’re a natural. These pictures are amazing.”  When that edition of the magazine came out, Louise was quick to snatch up a few copies of it, before the rest went flying off the racks wherever they were on sale. Erik received multiple requests for him to do a photoshoot, and an interview, after that.
    Again, he was perplexed, as they informed him he was one hot commodity.  He sold magazines. “Face it, kid, you’re now a Notable Newcomer. Before he’d sung a single song, he graced many a magazine cover. The fact that he had learned how to model didn’t hurt, either.
    Erik spent time writing songs, playing his guitar, violin and piano regularly. He sang often to the dismay of Aaron, who would never confess to his brother, that Erik had one fine set of pipes. His fussing was just to help his younger brother keep his hat size. Erik didn’t care. He earned a tidy sum for his first photoshoot bumfuzzled by the fact they wanted him to grace the cover of Sim Beat magazine when he wasn’t even famous, not even close. Is this how stars are made?
    He was astounded, in fact, when he went to the market for his mother for just a couple of items and saw his image staring back at him as he waited in the checkout line. Even more was the reaction of teen girls grabbing at the magazine and the two who nearly destroyed the last copy on the stand, playing a for keeps game of tug-a-war. He blushed. This is crazy.
    “It’s you!” one of them suddenly shrieked at him, as she took a place in the line behind him, what was left of the magazine, clutched tightly to her chest. “Erik, you’re name is Erik, right?” Erik turned slightly to give her his attention. She took a look at the battered cover of the magazine, for confirmation, “Oh my God you’re even better looking in person! Take a Selfie with me my friends are not going to believe this.”
    “Believe what?” he asked.
    “That I ran into you at the market. What are you doing at the market?”
    Up went a shoulder. “My mom needed a few things. She sent me, is all. Why does that seem strange to you? Don’t you do things for your mom?”
    “He has a mom, Everybody, he’s got a mom!” She shrieked, turning toward the other shoppers who had stopped at the top of the nearest aisle to see just what all the commotion was about.
    Erik shrugged his broad shoulders, a grin playing on the edge of his mouth, “What’s the big deal about that? Doesn’t everybody?” Humans he found himself thinking, grateful he’d kept that thought to himself. Instead he just shook his head.
    Realizing he didn’t want to be just another pretty face, Erik took some of the money he’d earned and rented some time at a recording studio, Taygeta, over in NewCrest.  With permission, he traveled there and began recording fifteen songs, all self-written. Already a Notable Newcomer, according to the last Sim Beat magazine cover, with his released album, which shot up in the charts, he was now a Rising Star. Seemed every day his status changed. This is one crazy business.
    All for now, thanks for reading!