“Lulu,” Joseph said. Seeing her frown at his chosen nickname for her, he began again, gently taking her by the shoulders. “Louise, I know you’re in your second trimester, but not that far into it. Besides, the journey normally only takes about two months’ time. This is a tremendous opportunity for us,” Joseph continued. “Here I get peanuts for doing the same job I’m being recruited for. I’ve already been promised over 200,000 Simoleons up front, if I take the job. The only catch, it’s on Vulcan. I served some of my time as a Marine on the red planet. It’s really a lovely place. Good people, if not a tad stiff in some manner, but you’ll adapt to it. I promise. I personally know Ambassador Sarek. Oh, and his wife, Amanda, is human. She’s also a teacher.”
“But we’re to live in a compound? They keep all of the human residents in a compound? I don’t like the sound of it. Joseph, I don’t.”
“It’s not what you think. The Vulcans rely on Logic and have trained themselves to avoid emotional statements as much as possible. Neighborhood implies emotion by the very nature of the word. It’s a very nice neighborhood, I’ve been there. We’ll likely not see too many Vulcans there. So, you’ll have the opportunity to make some friends. Human friends.”
Louise lowered her head for a moment and let out a long, audible sigh. She really didn’t want to go. Gazing up again at him again, she said, “I’ve got one very active baby with another baby on the way. Being cooped up in a small spacecraft spells nightmare for me.” Joseph’s light blue eyes were aglow at the prospects of finally getting ahead in his chosen career. Another look at Joseph and Louise relented. She did love him so. Against her better judgement, she found herself saying, “Oh, all right. We’ll give it a try. But, if things don’t work out, please tell me you have an exit strategy.”
“Exit strategy? Oh, sure. Yes Ma’am.” His smile was tentative, since he had already signed a two-year contract, renewable if he performed well at the job at hand.
The trip was long and arduous. The craft, already old, had several breakdowns along the way. Having to be towed, via Tractor Beam, to a Space station equipped to make repairs took way more time than expected, its location drawing them several parsecs off course. Again, due to the availability of out-dated parts. The advanced simoleons were meant to cover their housing. Sadly, the almost ancient Skiff took most of it just to get there. They could not afford the costs of repair, let alone the expenditure of time. Repairs took weeks.
Waylaid as they were, virtual prisoners in their own ship, the repairs notoriously slow, suddenly Louise found herself in labor. “Oh, Joseph, this isn’t gas at all. This is the real deal. This baby is coming now. And I mean, right now.”
“But we’re still parsecs away from Vulcan. The mechanics have assured me we’ll be on our way again very soon. Can’t you wait for another hour?”
“Yes, Mr. Genius, I’ll just tell the baby to put things on hold,” she said, the humor curiously lacking from her pretty face. Then narrowing her eyes as if in contact with the baby inside of her, she shook her head. “No . . . no, somehow, he’s just not listening. He says he’s done baking and wishes to come out, now.”
Joseph gazed at his young wife, “I’m in trouble, huh.”
True to their word, the mechanics finished up their work and bid the Cantrell family a Bon Voyage. The ship was still slow, which left Joseph in a near panic. Soon their toddler, Aaron was walking. Louise having to chase after him, who seemed to have a very bad case of the wanderlust. Or, perhaps he was just Inquisitive. At any rate, Louise was certain the mite was intent on exploring every nook and cranny of this sad vessel. She longed for the moment she could beam down and check out the only house they could afford with the leftover funds.
Five months after their second child arrived, their craft all but drifted into Vulcan’s atmosphere, where again, a Tractor Beam was used to pull them into the active space port where they offloaded. A crew was there to secure their luggage and little Aaron’s stuffed bear, that lay neglected on the deck. When his parents were able to interpret his anxious squawks, it was soon recovered. “Heaven forbid, Bear should get left behind,” Louise said, presenting it to the tot. By the iron grip the child had on the brown, stuffed replica of the Terran mammal, peace reigned once again.
Their second child, another boy they named Erik, was no longer a newborn when they finally reached Vulcan space. Emerging from the craft in the hangar, a small delegation of Vulcans and Humans greeted them. Joseph had kept them apprised of his travel woes, which phased them not at all. He was given the day off to get his family situated in their new home. The couple only saw it virtually and had contracted a builder to make an archway between the two smaller bedrooms the boys would share. Among a few other alterations.
Getting a chance to tour it, though soon brought Louise almost to tears. Beaming down to see the house in person shattered her expectations. If she found being cramped in a small spacecraft for nearly eight months was a nightmare, these quarters were equally small if not smaller. Two bedrooms, as per their changes, one bath, but the entire place was just small, the rooms cramped, not at all like the pictures online. Being rather adept at photography she should have realized the angle used was in an almost deceptive way. The kitchen was a bit of a joke. Strictly speaking a one-butt kitchen--- if it was even large enough for one. They had a small island added, for more working surfaces.
No laundry room, whatsoever. She had the movers place the stackable washer and dryer in the corner of the main bedroom. There simply wasn’t anywhere else it could go. Joseph quickly settled into his new job, taking over the recently vacated 5th grade class at Province Elementary School, serving the Human Compound.
So on top of having to adjust to the stronger pull of gravity on this planet, the thin atmosphere, which made breathing a bit harder for them, the hotter than blazes temperature, even in winter, which dropped to nearly unbearably cold temperatures once the sun went down; she also now had a new challenge before her.
Louise found herself confronted headlong with Sibling Rivalry. Being an only child herself, this was foreign to her. Yet, Aaron was clearly jealous. He had a nasty case of it, she noted. So far he contented himself to pull at little Erik’s feet whenever Louise sat down to breast feed him. Louise had to be on her guard to make certain her toddler didn’t further act out his feelings
Having learned of such beasts as the Sehlet, often domesticated to her confusion, the bear-like animal had six-inch fangs. Or worse, the known predator called Le-matya, which bore poisonous claws. She worried Aaron would wander off someday and they would forever lose him in this almost hostile and alien world. She still just didn’t understand what it was Joseph found so enchanting about this place.
Despite it all, Louise found a job in the Painters Career. She was something of a prodigy, herself, when it came to translating images to canvas. She painted to relax. The more she created, the better she felt, as if driven to express herself in this manner. The fact that her work was drawing notice was nice and it did help to keep her at the easel. When she wasn’t running after Aaron, that is. He was most certainly a handful, that boy, with his rather reckless desire for adventure.
She was already making her mark on the Art world, having achieved the status of Proper Celebrity. She refused to let it go to her head, and instead decided the Paparazzi who hung around outside of their little dwelling, would be her first friends in this alien place.
Busy taking care of her two children, in between dealing with Morning Sickness again, she soon realized they had been a bit on the capricious side when they ‘initiated’ their new home, shortly after moving in. What were they thinking?
Faced with a third child under the age of four, she worried that the Daycare wasn’t being run as well as they promised. Often, Erik came home hangry with a wet diaper and exhausted. But, could they afford a nanny? This prompted her to produce more paintings which she sold to an Art Collector, which returned many more Simoleons that just selling it straight out.
Moving to Old Penelope, Province, Vulcan, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part One Update
The owners of the house readily accepted the offer the Cantrell’s made on their house on Old Penelope. Things ran smoothly all the way through escrow and upon the final Walk-Through, the couple saw some things that needed to be changed. The place needed a slight refreshing. They hired a local Contractor to change out the flooring, and wall treatments were changed more to their liking.
This took an additional few weeks to be completed. During this time, Joey grew into an Infant.
By this time, on the new three-year Human calendar app Joseph supplied, the human holiday of Liberty Day 2260 was upon them. Which suggested on Earth it was early Fall, already. Deciding to get their laundry done rather than move with dirty clothes and such, the couple opted to let their older boys sleep until they awoke on their own.
When the two sleepy heads finally pulled themselves out of bed, The couple loaded up the clean wash, the children and various other small items. They had decided to let the furniture, with the exception of the kids’ room, stay with the house. Hopping into the Hovercraft, the family made the one-minute commute to the other side of the neighborhood.
Pulling up to the front of the house, Joseph, Louise and their children debarked. Joseph took Joey, leaving Aaron and Erik to run toward the front steps of their new house. The boys seemed eager to explore. In no time, the couple managed to get the two Toddler beds and the crib set up. They never had a changing table before, mostly for lack of room, but since this house was more spacious than they’d ever had prior, Joseph made certain one was delivered to the new place. Already set up and ready for use in the third bedroom. Here they also placed Joey’s crib.
Louise, for the first time since they got here, was genuinely happy, at peace. This was a lovely home, with a bit more room than before, although the bathrooms, all three of them were on the scrunchy side. This made her wonder about Vulcans and their use of space. Was comfort truly not an issue to them?
Aaron had grown, so. A Toddler, still, but not for long. He clearly was changing right before her eyes. His face chiseling out a bit, losing his baby fat. She baked a white cake early one morning. Placing candles on it, he was called into the kitchen. This time the boy didn’t need assistance. He knew what to do and blew the candles out in one big breath. “Okay, do the twirly thing,” his parents chorused.
He twirled so fast his parents barely saw it. Suddenly, this older boy was standing next to Erik and looking positively pleased with himself.
His hairstyle took them by surprise, but they didn’t argue with the boy. Instead, his father helped him with his homework, so that the next day he would be ready to enter the world of Academia.
Joseph was glad he had a couple of days off. He found himself watching the clock, anxious for his firstborn to arrive home again. At ten minutes after the hour, Joseph caught a glimpse of the lad as he walked toward the front steps.
Aaron came through the door bearing a sullen mood. Joseph was waiting for him in the Livingroom close to the foyer. “Aaron, how was your first day of school?”
“Not so great. I dropped my tray of food right in front of everybody. They all laughed at me.”
“Oh, ho, no, I’m so sorry, son. It will get better, I promise. Come here, let me give you a hug. That is, if you’re not too old for one.”
As the family settled into their new place, Louise made a discovery. Things were, again, about to change.
She went in search of Joseph and found him, as usual, spending time with their children. “Joseph?” She said as she entered the Nursery.
“Babe, what is it? Something wrong?”
“We’re having another baby! Oh, I do hope this time it’s a girl. It really feels like a girl, to me. And by the way, this one is my last. I am done.”
As the parents continued to work with Joey, helping him to achieve various milestones as he grew, time passed rather swiftly.
At last, he was sitting on his own.
Feeding him, Louise came to the conclusion one day, that Joey and Erik were more alike than just the color of their hair. He proved to be just as messy an eater as his next older brother. Louise gave him a spoonful and then leaned back a bit as he splashed and made a mess.
As she waited for the new baby to arrive, Louise busied herself painting. She had earned a raise, and was now a Master of the Real. Her paintings she sold,always to the Art Galleries, as these paid more for her work than Collectors, although every now and then she’d give a nod to the Collectors. She liked to think that by selling her work, even the so-called masterpieces, had helped them to be able to purchase this new house they were now living in. Certainly, her job had
its perks.
One day, as she made brush stroke after brush stroke, she got a familiar feeling. Labor! Please be my baby girl. Please be my baby girl.
“Joseph, it’s a G-I-R-L,” she cried out. “Oh, let me look at you, you sweet, sweet thing.”
Erik, who was very curious about things, ran in first to see what his mama was so excited about. He stood there and just gazed at the funny basket.
Brianna’s Story: A Tale of Extraordinary Talent, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part One Update
Louise began to giggle in her sleep. Still tightly asleep she began to murmur, “Bree, is that you? What are you doing, go back to bed. And for pity’s sake stop tickling me. I’m not getting up right now.” With that, she grabbed the covers and rolled over.
Moments later Joseph sat upright in bed. A frown furrowed his brow. “Louise, are you awake?”
“I am now.”
“I’m sorry to wake you, but we have a slight problem on our hands. That little minx of a daughter was just tip-toeing through my brain. She’s human, and that’s very strange. So very strange.”
“I think you’re mistaken. She was just beside out bed chatting with me. I sent her back to her room. Go see for yourself”
“Chatting with you?”
“Well, I think so. Funny thing is my brain tickled while she talked.”
“Oh, my God, I have to call someone. We can’t let her do this. This is serious. Even Vulcans don’t take such liberties. Entering another person’s mind without their express permission. . . Wandering as they call it is expressly forbidden akin to a form of a Violation, if you will. Only of the mind. We can’t allow this to go on.”
He got up quickly and left the room. “Joseph? Joseph, she’s just a baby.” Throwing the covers aside, Louise washed up and got dressed. Later in the afternoon, when putting Brianna down for her afternoon nap; Louise was surprised at the conversation she had with the little girl.
“An I going to marry a prince —”
“A prince?” Brianna nodded.
“An live in a castle.”
“Oh, my such an imagination you have. What nice thoughts. Now go to sleep.”
Joseph, good to his word, contacted Ambassador Sarek of the House of Talek Sen Dene, the top Ruling House of planet Vulcan. “Thank you, Sir, I greatly appreciate your input and your help on this. The child has me scared witless for her.”
“Rest easy, my old friend,” Sarek said. “I shall bring this to T’Pau’s attention forthwith. This shall be resolved quickly for the sake of the child — and your sanity.”
Drawing in a long sigh, Joseph said into the compti unit, “Yes, thank you.”
Over at the Canyon Creek Corner, T’Pau paid an urgent visit to one of her former protégés, T’Pran of the House of Kooli Ton Lok. The woman left the Temple in pursuit of becoming a Full-time Nanny. Her specialty, surprisingly, was human children. Although, she seemed less enthused when presented with this position.
"T’Pau, I am honored that you have come directly to me for this position. I will say, acceptance will only come after I have met this curious family. How is it, one of four children has such a ----a proclivity? Very curious And curiosity is what is driving my choice. I will go interview them, as you request.”
Joseph having just returned from work waited for the Vulcan female on the front porch. He stood up when she arrived, raising his hand in the customary split-finger fashion. “Professor Cantrell, I presume,” she began, raising her own hand in return. She took a seat next to him upon his invitation.
“And you would be the highly acclaimed, T’Pran. I have heard many good things about you. I am honored you’re considering my household for your next position.”
Before another word could be spoken little Brianna burst through the door, throwing her arms wide. T’Pran stood up, as the child said, “I knew you would come for me. I meet my prince now?”
T’Pran lowered herself and gathered the toddler into her arms. “Not today, but you will meet him, I am certain.”
Over her shoulder she said to Joseph, “I perceive part of the problem, here. She has a very high Esper Count. She is telepathic. Mindmelds, however, are not Telepathy. This is a most perplexing and curious problem, is it not?”
“Yes, most perplexing.” Joseph stood up and with a gesture, “My wife, Louise, is just inside.
“Of course.”
“T’Pran, is it?” Louise said, doing her best to not show emotion as she spoke. Inside she was terrified, worried that her children having a Vulcan Nanny may cease to be themselves. It was vital to her that while her children needed to know and understand how to comport themselves in a polite society, that they retain the freedom to pursue who they were.
“You have concerns,” T’Pran suddenly said.
“Oh, do forgive me, I didn’t mean to Broadcast, is that the correct term? Won’t you stay for lunch? I was just about to feed the children.”
Aaron and Erik were already seated at the dining room table when the women came in. “Aaron, Erik, this is T’Pran. Your father and I were hoping she would come stay with us to help so that Joey and Brianna won’t spend most of their young lives in Daycare. I’m sorry we couldn’t do the same for you two.”
“Don’t be sorry, Mother,” Erik said, ever so properly. “I think we’re both just fine.”
T’Pran drew herself up to the table. She chatted ever so briefly with Aaron, “Yes, I have made it my specialty to know humans and their particular culture,” she told him.
Just as quickly she gazed sternly at Erik. “And you, go put a shirt on. It is deemed unseemly to come to the table shirtless, in your culture. Do so at once.”
“Y-y-yes, Ma’am.”
At the end of this day, T’Pran approached Joseph “Professor Cantrell” she began. “If I may present my overall assessment.”
“Please.” He nodded.
“Sir, my impression is that your children are good-natured Hellions. I accept the challenge.”
Joseph turned in his chair, raised his right hand in the customary splitfinger greeting, which she returned and said, “Welcome Aboard.”
“I shall bring my necessary items over forthwith.”
I am glad I found your update, it can be hard with the forum presently. There seemed to be a bit of a time jump, with Bree going from a baby to a toddler in this segment. It was interesting to see more about Bree and her telepathic abilities.
Nearly a Full Boat, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part One Update
Louise couldn’t get any bigger at this point. She was huge. After the one false alarm she was beginning to fear her state of pregnancy was for keeps. Or she wasn’t pregnant at all and had just gained an unsightly amount of weight. Oddly enough, whenever she gave this notion any real thought, she would receive a rather brutal kick from the Being within.
Their house was way too small. Erik was getting to be such a big baby. Still not crawling, but he was able to pull himself up on a piece of furniture. Glancing at the 2260 calendar, even though Vulcan’s season didn’t align, Erik’s first birthday was upon them. They left church just after they shared one cup of coffee with their Church Family during Coffee Hour.
Happily, Erik was so worn out he fell asleep almost as soon as his blond head hit the crib mattress. This left Louise some time to bake a chocolate cake for the wee one. Feeling almost sentimental about him not being quite such a baby anymore, she got another hitch in her side and wondered, if this baby and Erik would end up sharing a birthday?
Joseph took Aaron out back to help keep him occupied and allow Louise to have the kitchen to herself. Aaron was always asking a lot of questions. Sometimes he would pester his mother so much while she cooked, she would accidentally leave out a few
key ingredients.
After about an hour or so, Louise called them back inside, baby on her hip. “Come on,” she said, as she stepped out onto the backdoor stoop. “Erik says he’s ready to blow out his candles now. And he would be most pleased if the two of you would join him as he celebrates this milestone.”
The cake sat on the end of the kitchen counter, candles ablaze. “Okay, take a big, big breath and blow the candles out like this,” she said, as she carefully blew out just one. She quickly relit it.
Closing her eyes, she made a wish for Erik.
“Okay, now. Big breath and — blow!”
Erik’s light blue eyes grew very large. “You did it, you got them all!” How did you manage that? Total breath control, my word.
In another minute Erik was a Toddler. “Oh, there’s my big, big boy!”
One late afternoon, three weeks later, Joseph came home from work. He seemed to have a bit of a bounce to his step. He joyfully, in fact, collected the mail from the mailbox out front, separating the bills and letters from the junk mail, and then pulled open the front door. “Honey, I’m home,” he called out. Louise smiled. She had watched him from the window. She approached and gave him a kiss.
“You look as if you’ve had a terrific day, come sit down, and let’s eat.”
“I have indeed. I have news and an announcement to make.”
“Oh? Please spare me the suspense, I’ve been having a lot of Braxton Hicks today.”
Joseph nodded and smiled as he said, “I have been promoted! With it came a tidy raise, and a bonus. A bonus. And you know that house we looked at over on Old Penelope?”
“You mean the one that was built there after old man Cahill passed away? The Spanish, almost adobe-style house?”
“Yes, that’s the one. Nice big yard to give the kids room to run around. I believe we now have the proper income to allow us to make a bid on the place. I drove passed it on my way home today, and it is still listed.”
“Joseph, don’t tease me.”
“I’ll call the agent right now.”
“That’s terrific,” he said into his phone, “I look forward to hearing back from you.”
Well?” Louise said, rubbing at her lower back. The cramping hadn’t really let up, as she thought it might. In fact, the pangs were coming closer apart with more intensity. Joseph gazed at his wife.
“Are you all right?”
“I think I may really be having the baby, this time. The Braxton Hicks seem to be moving into something far more productive.” With that she got up and walked into their bedroom. In only moments Joseph heard the distinct hum of a personal Transporter, as the human physician, Doctor Lawrence, arrived.
“Honey,” Joseph called out to here, “the realtor said he was going to call the owners of the house and advise them of our bid. We could hear back from him very soon.”
“Wonderful, I’m having the baby right now,” she said.
“Fantastic, had I known this is all it was going to take, I would have sought other good news to bring home, sooner.”
“Is that what did it?” Doctor Lawrence said.
While Louise was busy in the other room, Joseph took a look at his two Toddler sons, “Whose turn it is to go first for a bath?” With the scarcity of water on this planet, the family chose to use the bathwater, twice. First one boy and then the next. The parents, each took very short showers.
At once harsh babbling was exchanged between the two of them.
Picture of Aaron and Erik in front of the tub
Before it came to blows of one sort or another, or likely shoves, Joseph said, “Boys, boys, no need to expend unkind words to each other. Daddy will decide.” Turning, he focused on Erik. “I know, it must be your turn, You’re looking pretty grimy. You must have thoroughly explored the back garden. Am I right?” he said, snatching Erik up. Noticing his mismatched apparel, he said, “Did you get dressed in the dark? Or are you just a tad on the Bohemian side?”
“We have another son,” Louise hollered from the main bedroom, halfway through Aaron’s bath.
By the time Joseph had bathed both of the older boys, the newborn had awakened from his light snooze. Grabbing up a bottle and very carefully heating it up in the microwave, he went to meet his third son. Since they both agreed early on, they didn’t opt to have the child’s gender revealed to them hoping for the surprise. The couple had decided should this child be yet another son, they would name him Joseph Alistair Cantrell, III. He would likely go by Joey, Jr., but that was his preference to make.
Gazing down at the rather handsome lad, Joseph’s heart swelled with pride. Three sons. He had three sons to carry down the family name and legacy. “Hello, there, Joey. I’m your Daddy.”
When next the newborn squalled, Erik came running into his parent’s bedroom. He stopped short in front of the funny basket his parents had brought in. Peering into it, he thought, What’s that?
As the clock drew near the seven o’clock hour, Joseph rounded up the other two children. “Honey, is Aaron in there with you?”
“No. Just Erik. He’s fascinated by the noises Joey makes. Did you check out back?”
“No, but I will.”
Sure enough, Aaron sat in his little Toddler Swing, gazing out at something. Perhaps, just the skyline. He was obviously lost in thought.
“Aaron?” Joseph said, gently, drawing the almost four-year-old’s attention. “What is it? What’s wrong, son?”
“What you get another one for?” Joseph hunkered near the swing. He ran a hand over his face, trying to figure out a good way to answer the boy.
“Because mommies and daddies make families. And this is our family. Mommy and Daddy always wanted a big family. Lots of children, round about our table. You know the Mason family at church? They have five children with another one on the way.”
“Too many. I don like so many. No more attention for me.”
“Aaron, son. You will always be the Firstborn and that’s a very special mantle to wear. Believe me, I’m the firstborn of your uncles and aunties. Besides, we love each of you equally. You’re all different, you’re all special in your own way. We love all of you. You’re our family. And one day we hope to have more children. Mommy wants a baby girl.”
Aaron furrowed his brow. “A girl? What’s a girl?”
“Well, let me see if I can boil this down for you. A girl is what your Mommy used to be before she grew up.”
Day of Reckoning, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part One Update
The day beamed brightly, shooting harsh rays of sunlight at him through the window. Joseph pulled himself out of bed, only to realize Louise was already up. Baking a cake in this heat was trying, despite the forced air-conditioning they enjoyed. Shortly after his feet hit the floor Brianna came running to him. “My burfday today? I twirl today? Get big?” Joseph smiled. As well as she spoke, the t-h sounds still evaded her.
“Yes, my precious Girl today is your birth day,” he said emphasizing the sound she continually struggled with.
As expected, all three boys were up, as well, awaiting the possibility of cake for breakfast. The family could procrastinate the celebrations until the end of the day, but why make the baby wait? Picking up his little girl, he stood next to the counter where the cake sat candles ablaze. Louise had spent the wee hours baking, frosting and making it ready. “Okay, my little sweetheart, take a deep breath and blow out your candles. There’s a girl.”
.“Good girl, I knew you could do it.” Taking her aside, he placed her out on the back deck.
“Now, do your Twirly-thing.” Surprisingly, the tot backed down the stairs, the sounds of her labor filling the early morning air. She went off to the right and suddenly aged up.
Tucked into her new big-girl bed, Brianna drifted off to sleep. She had some amusing dreams and at one point, just before dawn, paid a visit to her Nanny, fast asleep in the single bed on the other side of her bedroom. T’Pran sat up abruptly. “What? What a naughty student you are,” she exclaimed.
In truth the incident troubled the Vulcan woman, greatly. She had diligently taken the steps to instruct her young charge to stay out of others’ heads. The family already were adept at Shielding their own thoughts from intrusion. T’Pran was alarmed she had unconsciously let down her own guard. Yet the more she thought about it, the more she realized the child had managed to break through her Shielding. This was disturbing, indeed. Clearly her efforts had failed.
While the family thought T’Pran just really enjoyed observing the sky and outer space, she was actually taking the time to meditate. Brianna’s situation was unlike any she had come across. She spent years at the Temple honing her ability to shield her own thoughts, keeping herself from Broadcasting her thoughts willy-nilly, as the humans called it. So as to never intrude upon another’s.
What she had never come across, however, was a human, most especially a young child to not only intrude, but to have developed a propensity for it. To top it off the child found it particularly amusing. Needing to meditate more fully on the matter, she walked to the large observatory.
This troubled her most of all. If the child couldn’t learn to curb her proclivity for bouncing into another’s head, invading their thoughts as she did, it could mean one day she could end up in very serious trouble. T’Pran slowly emerged from her meditative state. She needed to bring this situation to T’Pau and subsequently to the High Priestess, T’Lar. Once decisions were made, she would make her case before the Cantrell family. Distressing as all of this was, telling the parents what must be done weighed on her soul.
“T’Pran,” T’Pau said, as T’Pran beamed onto the front lawn. She watched patiently, as the woman coalesced from many colorful sparkles of energy into a cohesive form once again.
“High Councilor,” T’Pran greeted, “we need to talk.”
“So I surmised by your clipped tone. I sent you on a very difficult mission.”
“The family is very charming. They have gone out of their way to make me feel as one of them. Family. I have carefully assessed the situation. The child in question is highly intelligent, mischievous, and playful. She finds her ability to bounce into another’s thoughts amusing. I have faithfully worked with her as if she were a Vulcan child. However, on my own, I have failed to curb this egregious proclivity.”
“Indeed?” T’Pau said. “What can be done?”
“I ask to bring her to the Temple where intense instruction will be more effective. She needs to begin exercising her discipline; to learn how to Shield her own thoughts, to keep from Broadcasting them willy-nilly; and to learn once and for all that it isn’t acceptable for her to bounce into the thoughts of others without their express permission. This will subjugate the problem, I am certain.”
“Let it be done.”
“I shall accompany you as you perform the unfortunate task of informing the family of what must be. For the Child’s own safety,” T’Pau announced.
“Thank you. Yes, informing them shall be most unpleasant for all concerned.”
The Vulcan women stood just outside the fencing, as if awaiting Joseph’s return from work.
“T”Pran?” he said, as he approached. “Something is amiss, I fear. Are the children all right?”
“Professor Cantrell, may I present to you, High Counselor, T’Pau.”
Joseph, at once bowed giving her a Proper Introduction.
“What’s this about?” he said, upon straightening up again.
“There is a need to pursue your daughter’s training in the Way. Her reckless disregard will put her life in jeopardy. You are aware of the penalty for forcing one’s mind into that of another?”
Joseph went as white as a ghost before he recovered himself. “I know it’s a felony to do so.” Exactly what became of S’bina. He let his thoughts drift ever so briefly. He never got over his guilt, somehow blaming himself for what occurred between them. He should never have flirted with her. His pleas in court fell on deaf pointed ears. The Vulcan woman knew better, knew the law and the penalty, they reiterated, for her egregious behavior. The human was not to blame.
“That draws our sharpest sentence,” T’Pau said, crisply, jolting him out of his thoughts.
“Death.” Joseph nearly swallowed his tongue. I’m so very sorry S’Bina. Please forgive me."Please, sir, allow us to go inside. We need to discuss this situation with your family.”
A short time later, the family gathered around the firepit out in their backyard. Louise was outwardly troubled, although she did remember to give the High Councilor her due, by bowing in a Proper Introduction.
“All right, children, settle down. T’Pran has some serious business to discuss.” As soon as the family were seated on the backless wood benches, the giggling died down, once T’Pran turned a sharp glance their way. Only Brianna sat upright, still, as if to show she had learned some things the nanny had taught her.
“I have some grievous news,” the Nanny began. “Brianna needs all of your support if we are to be successful with her training.”
“Hear that, Bree,” Aaron said, “It’s high time you paid attention or else . . .”
The Vulcan woman took a moment, closed her eyes, to center herself. “It’s so much more than that, Master Aaron. What I propose to do is take her to the Temple where she’ll have others learning what she’s learning. Peer pressure does have some merit, am I correct, Professor?”
“Yes, there is something to be said for it. Sure. So, instead of going to the school here in the Province, she’ll do so at the Temple. But, she’ll be back after the school day ends, right?”
“No. I propose she comes to live at the Temple, so she can be surrounded by the culture to which she must adhere.”
“Wait,” Louise spoke up. “You’re talking about taking my baby away. No, I refuse. Joseph, tell her it’s absolutely out-of-the-question. She can school there, that’s fine. But she must return home to us every day. On this I am firm.”
“So, you would sooner risk her existence than to allow us to help her? This I do not comprehend.”
Erik leaned over to speak directly to the woman he considered his friend. “You can’t just come. break-up our family. She’s my sister and you can’t just take her away,” His face flushed with his hot remarks. “I thought you were a friend — You’re no friend. You were supposed to help.”
“I am helping. Believe me, your sister’s life could be in danger if she doesn’t get this unseemly proclivity of hers under control We can help her far better at the Temple, full-time.”
Louise stood up. “Joseph, for God’s sake say something. You can stop this, please, please stop this!” With that she threw her hands over her face as she broke into sobs.
“Lulu,” Joseph gently murmured as he gathered his wife into his arms. “It’s really for the best. Someone will likely press charges against her for this heinous action and the penalty is Death. Surely, that’s not what you want. Neither do I.”
After she sobbed for a good long while Louise began again. “I have a better idea, Joseph,” she said, swallowing the emotion that threatened to choke her. “Let’s take our children — all of them and go back home — to Earth where we belong.”
"We can’t do that; I just signed another three-year contract and unwisely spent the bonus money”
"Don't you tell me that. Don't you dare say another word."
“What? Well, there’s no saying I have to stay. I’ll take the children away from here. Away from all of this. How can such a caring father make such a decision?” "To save her life, my wife. Please, I fully understand you’re overwrought, confused, angry. . .”