And So We Moved, a Cantrell: The Early Years Save “Lulu,” Joseph said. Seeing her frown at his chosen nickname for her, he began again, gently taking her by the shoulders. “Louise, I know you’re in ...
Moving to Old Penelope, Province, Vulcan, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part One Update
The owners of the house readily accepted the offer the Cantrell’s made on their house on Old Penelope. Things ran smoothly all the way through escrow and upon the final Walk-Through, the couple saw some things that needed to be changed. The place needed a slight refreshing. They hired a local Contractor to change out the flooring, and wall treatments were changed more to their liking.
This took an additional few weeks to be completed. During this time, Joey grew into an Infant.
By this time, on the new three-year Human calendar app Joseph supplied, the human holiday of Liberty Day 2260 was upon them. Which suggested on Earth it was early Fall, already. Deciding to get their laundry done rather than move with dirty clothes and such, the couple opted to let their older boys sleep until they awoke on their own.
When the two sleepy heads finally pulled themselves out of bed, The couple loaded up the clean wash, the children and various other small items. They had decided to let the furniture, with the exception of the kids’ room, stay with the house. Hopping into the Hovercraft, the family made the one-minute commute to the other side of the neighborhood.
Pulling up to the front of the house, Joseph, Louise and their children debarked. Joseph took Joey, leaving Aaron and Erik to run toward the front steps of their new house. The boys seemed eager to explore. In no time, the couple managed to get the two Toddler beds and the crib set up. They never had a changing table before, mostly for lack of room, but since this house was more spacious than they’d ever had prior, Joseph made certain one was delivered to the new place. Already set up and ready for use in the third bedroom. Here they also placed Joey’s crib.
Louise, for the first time since they got here, was genuinely happy, at peace. This was a lovely home, with a bit more room than before, although the bathrooms, all three of them were on the scrunchy side. This made her wonder about Vulcans and their use of space. Was comfort truly not an issue to them?
Aaron had grown, so. A Toddler, still, but not for long. He clearly was changing right before her eyes. His face chiseling out a bit, losing his baby fat. She baked a white cake early one morning. Placing candles on it, he was called into the kitchen. This time the boy didn’t need assistance. He knew what to do and blew the candles out in one big breath. “Okay, do the twirly thing,” his parents chorused.
He twirled so fast his parents barely saw it. Suddenly, this older boy was standing next to Erik and looking positively pleased with himself.
His hairstyle took them by surprise, but they didn’t argue with the boy. Instead, his father helped him with his homework, so that the next day he would be ready to enter the world of Academia.
Joseph was glad he had a couple of days off. He found himself watching the clock, anxious for his firstborn to arrive home again. At ten minutes after the hour, Joseph caught a glimpse of the lad as he walked toward the front steps.
Aaron came through the door bearing a sullen mood. Joseph was waiting for him in the Livingroom close to the foyer. “Aaron, how was your first day of school?”
“Not so great. I dropped my tray of food right in front of everybody. They all laughed at me.”
“Oh, ho, no, I’m so sorry, son. It will get better, I promise. Come here, let me give you a hug. That is, if you’re not too old for one.”
As the family settled into their new place, Louise made a discovery. Things were, again, about to change.
She went in search of Joseph and found him, as usual, spending time with their children. “Joseph?” She said as she entered the Nursery.
“Babe, what is it? Something wrong?”
“We’re having another baby! Oh, I do hope this time it’s a girl. It really feels like a girl, to me. And by the way, this one is my last. I am done.”
As the parents continued to work with Joey, helping him to achieve various milestones as he grew, time passed rather swiftly.
At last, he was sitting on his own.
Feeding him, Louise came to the conclusion one day, that Joey and Erik were more alike than just the color of their hair. He proved to be just as messy an eater as his next older brother. Louise gave him a spoonful and then leaned back a bit as he splashed and made a mess.
As she waited for the new baby to arrive, Louise busied herself painting. She had earned a raise, and was now a Master of the Real. Her paintings she sold,always to the Art Galleries, as these paid more for her work than Collectors, although every now and then she’d give a nod to the Collectors. She liked to think that by selling her work, even the so-called masterpieces, had helped them to be able to purchase this new house they were now living in. Certainly, her job had
its perks.
One day, as she made brush stroke after brush stroke, she got a familiar feeling. Labor! Please be my baby girl. Please be my baby girl.
“Joseph, it’s a G-I-R-L,” she cried out. “Oh, let me look at you, you sweet, sweet thing.”
Erik, who was very curious about things, ran in first to see what his mama was so excited about. He stood there and just gazed at the funny basket.