Forum Discussion

Fanphoria's avatar
6 years ago

Could we have some cold weather clothes for pets?

There are "sweater" looking type options for them, but none of them actually keep our pets warm! With seasons, I would really appreciate having a cold weather outfit for my pets, so my dogs won't be freezing when they go for a walk in winter, lmao, and my prowler cats can still comfortably get out of the house when it's cold. Everyone else gets to bundle up but our poor pets are left naked and cold! Give me some pet sweaters that actually keep them comfortable!
  • This is a great idea. I also wish raincoats would keep them dry and clean too for walking the dog when it's wet and muddy. I'm about to my real life Scottie in his coat now so we can brave the elements.
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    From my experience as a cat owner, my cat has shorter fur for summer and longer fur for winter. During the spring or autumn/fall, my cat sheds her fur. I have also noticed that for dogs.
    So maybe there should be some (or a lot of) fur piles during the spring or fall. I'm not against to pet clothing, but not all people dress their pets up.
  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    "ChadSims2;c-16952221" wrote:
    I'd hate that if it was forced I have not dressed up a real or Sim pet in my life I just think its weird. Would not mind it optional for those that wanted that but since we're talking about Sims 4 options are not a thing.

    You obviously don't live in a cold weather region with a short coated dog like a Schnauzer. You have to get them in a sweater or some other type of wrap for their core because if they need to go outside they freeze their little hind ends off.
  • Maybe we could get free cold weather pet clothing in the Holiday Celebration pack for the holiday season in 2019?
  • I agree. I'm disappointed that Seasons didn't add raincoats and more sweaters for pets if you owned CD.
  • "ListentoToppDogg;c-16941276" wrote:
    I agree. I'm disappointed that Seasons didn't add raincoats and more sweaters for pets if you owned CD.

    Agreed. I think they would never do new pet outfits in a pack because of MFPS.
  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    Warm sweater and rain gear for pets would be so appreciated
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I'd hate that if it was forced I have not dressed up a real or Sim pet in my life I just think its weird. Would not mind it optional for those that wanted that but since we're talking about Sims 4 options are not a thing.
  • "ChadSims2;c-16952221" wrote:
    I'd hate that if it was forced I have not dressed up a real or Sim pet in my life I just think its weird. Would not mind it optional for those that wanted that but since we're talking about Sims 4 options are not a thing.

    I think my issue is that pets already are cold all the time in the game, but there's no way to stop them being uncomfortable other than bring them inside, which makes it pretty rough for dogs that like to be walked or prowler type cats and such. I'd be fine if weather just didn't affect pets at all tbh, but since that's not the case I really wish there was something we could functionally do about it.
  • suceress's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    My dogs all stay inside during winter & it doesn't get very cold here so I've never put clothes on them. However, it would be cool to have that as an option. Would be cool if they added horses and allowed us to give them livery and armor.

    Ooh, armor for pets would be cool too!