Forum Discussion

Munching_Croc's avatar
5 years ago

Countryside Living - Pack Idea

So, Uni is out and now it's time for "wHEre Is FARminGGgG" and "OMG WE DON'T WANT THIS WE WANT FARMING!!!" being spammed on every single piece of sims content out! Hooray!!! (Nah I'm just kidding!)

But seriously, I really want a farming or countryside lifestyle pack and I know many others do too so I decided to just throw my ideas out into a post and see if people agree, also enjoy my mediocre attempt at a fan-cover.

(I traced a sims horse, and drew it myself. I know it's pretty bad haha I'm not great at realism)


INSERTFARMYSOUNDINGWORLDNAMELATER - INSERTFARMYSOUNDINGWORLDNAMELATER Is a countryside. I imagine it'd be like Granite Falls or Glimmerbrook in the sense that there would be no fake buildings around (Except maybe a barn or two.) but with way less trees. (Way less, I'm talking about pretty much a bland field.) I think this could be a great world for builders as you wouldn't have to make your buildings look like the ones in the background and it'd be much easier to express your creativity with no issues of it looking out of place. I'm thinking a big world, but with only 1 or 2 pre-built houses, maybe a pre-made farm or shop as well. Rest would just be big empty lots.


Market //Food Store - A big market or a grocery shop where you can sell your goods you produce in your farm. You can of course also just buy from there whether you own a farm or not.

Farms and Barns - Could be a tied together lot type, or two separate ones. You could start with a small barn, can house a horse and a few farm animals. plus a field where you can grow hmmm... maybe 10-20 crops? then when you get more money, you can upgrade it into a bigger barn with more crops! there would probably be about 2-3 upgrades. Also a star system like there was in the Restaurants and Vets! (Oh, and this would obviously be a business lot.)


- The main reason a lot of people want this pack, Horses!! Horses... are well horses and would probably work the same as they did in TS3 but most likely non-controllable like the cats and dogs in... cats and dogs.

Farm Animals (Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens and more!) - Again, self explanatory. You could buy these animals, milk the cows, receive eggs, and maybe even breed them! I doubt you would be able to uh... turn them into meat but maybe you could send them off to have that be done? (Idk if Sims would include that though.)


Vegan Trait - I know that we may be getting a self-care stuff pack with this trait. But if that doesn't win the poll we could always get it in this pack.

Horse Lover - Self-explanatory. Happy moodlet when riding horses, easier to control and ride them. Things like that.

One with nature (Aspiration Reward Trait) - A bit like the loves outdoors trait, but just more about the whole farming lifestyle. Happy moodlets when spending time with farm animals/horses or harvesting crops. Sad moodlets when far away from the countryside for long amounts of time or when staying in places like cities for too long... stuff like that. Also maybe it boosts your performance in running a farm and you can sell produce for much larger amounts of money. Plus maybe you can connect with farm animals better.

Best Farmer in Town (Aspiration) - An aspiration where the goal is to be well... the best farmer in town!
Milestones: (btw, I know that this is a pretty boring aspiration where the goals are just to have sold a bunch of stuff or have gathered a certain amount... I was kinda out of ideas for this. I'll probably update it when I have more ideas, feel free to add your own in the comments not just for the aspirations but for the whole pack!!)

1 - Rookie Farmer

Own a farm.
Own 2 or more farm animals.
Have harvested 20 crops.

2 - Getting A Grasp

Have sold 400 or more in produce or animal goods.
Own a 3 star farm.
Have harvested 50 crops.

3 - Advanced Farmer

Own a 5 star farm.
Have sold 1000 or more in produce or animal goods.
Have best upgrade of farm.
Have harvested 100 crops.

Raise Farm Animals (Aspiration) - An aspiration where the goal is to raise a bunch of farm animals and be the best chicken mother out there! I lost all creativity during this one, also you may be asking "Whats the point of having a farm animal aspiration?? why not bunch it in with the best farmer in town?" I assume for this pack they'd bring another animal related aspiration, why you may also ask? It's because they have a category for "Animals" in the aspirations tab. I don't understand why they'd make that category and use it once unless they were planning to create more animal related ones. Also idk what I was doing with the milestone names lol


1 - Milking the cows
Own 2 or more farm animals.
Milk a cow.
Have sold 100 in animal produce.

2 - Stop Horsing around!
Own 5 or more farm animals.
Own a horse.
Have sold 500 or more in animal produce.

3 - Best chicken parent in the world
Own 10 or more farm animals.
Have sold 1000 or more in animal produce.
Breed 2 pairs of farm animals.


Horse Riding - A skill for horse riding. Become better at horse riding the more you improve it... obviously. Also controlling your horse and stopping it from being disobedient becomes much easier.

Knitting or Crochet - A crochet or knitting skill. ability to knit or crochet rugs and blankets and maybe pet clothes! sell your creations out on the street or to retail businesses.

Jam making, Sauce making etc etc - I saw someone mention this a while back on some other thread about future expansion packs/farming. I thought I'd include since it's a cool concept.

In general, just fun things to do on the countryside and farm. Also, children could do chores and earn a bit of pocket money from doing so! (They could finally add personal bank accounts!)


Horse riding outfits, Helmets, and more.

Lumberjack like clothing.

Old, Dirty Peasant clothing (Could be great for rags to riches!)

More to be added soon!


Hay bales and hay piles. Kids and toddlers could play in it, Adults can wOoHoO in them. Pets could also maybe play around in them
Rustic furniture (More like some of the stuff we got in outdoor retreat)
Sleeping Bags
More to be added soon!

What do you guys think about a farming Pack? Feel free to leave suggestions and talk about it in the comments! If I see ideas I like I might put them onto here.