Forum Discussion

Simalleyaile's avatar
Rising Ace
8 years ago

Create-A-Job Tool + DIY Skill

This is an idea for a SELF-EMPLOYMENT system inspired by Get Together's Club feature. :)
It will also address the issue of having the inaccurate "unemployed" tag, when your sim actually works really hard for their simoleans.

Sims Register their Business via a computer.

All venue owners will be able to register the NAME OF THEIR RETAIL OR RESTAURANT BUSINESS, and this will now appear under their CAREER tag. If they are also employed in a career or profession, this will also appear. The sim who REGISTERS will be considered the "owner" of the retail - (even though anyone in the household can work or manage it).

Self-Employed Business are divided into 3 catergories, each with unique gameplay.

First Screen: Choose your field of expertise:



Sims in the CRAFTING industry have open hours. They craft any time, or when demand is high.

Next Screen: Please choose at least 1, and up to 5 items you will sell: (I have included hopeful future content too)

  • paintings
  • woodworking items
  • literature
  • photographs
  • drinks
  • cooked items
  • gourmet items
  • baked items
  • chocolates and confectionary
  • floral arrangements
  • sculptures
  • candles
  • jewellery
  • knitted wear
  • toys
  • perfume
  • body care products
  • potions and remedies
  • pottery

Next Screen: NAME YOUR BUSINESS (this will also be your WEBSITE name)
Next Screen: Choose your BUSINESS STORAGE UNIT

Sims self-employed in the CRAFTING industry are required to purchase one BUSINESS STORAGE to store their crafted items. It is this inventory
that the system will use instead of their personal or household inventory. Once a sim has crafted the item, they can drag it into the storage
system. This is how the game can differentiate between what's crafted for personal use, and what's been crafted for sale.

As well as what's already available - retail, sell via inventory, using the CL table - Crafters will get two NEW unique ways of selling their wares:

1. Online SHOPPING - 25% mark up
2. Sales PARTY - 50% mark up


Sims can take photos of their product, and upload the image to their business website.
The game will then simulate 'sales' and the crafted items will be automatically taken from their BUSINESS STORAGE inventory.
The sim can check their sales progress via the computer, as well as checking their business inventory. They can also see if any orders* have been placed.


Players who enjoy rotating through different households, can also benefit from having a SELF EMPLOYED CRAFTER sim in their world. Any sim can go online, click on the SHOPPING websites, and purchase the products available. eg, if you have Sim Albert who made chocolates and confectionary, sim Susan who lives in a different household can purchase Sim Albert's chocolates. The purchased items will appear in their personal inventory.

Sims should get whims to "Shop online!" What's available to purchase will depend on what SELF EMPLOYED CRAFTING sims have in their business inventory.

If the business inventory has run out, sims can *PLACE AN ORDER on their website.


A self-employed CRAFTING sim should get whims to throw a SALES PARTY

This is a TIMED EVENT available to any sim, but particulary useful to self-employed crafters.
Similar to house parties, the sim is chosen as host, then choose guests, then the venue. The host will have to make sure they have their BUSINESS STORAGE with them for the party.

MAIN GOAL: to sell 10 (?) items
Set display: make sure a CRAFTED item is available to see. i.e. drag it to a table, if the crafted item is clothing, accessories etc, have the sim WEAR the product.

Interactions available during party:

  • Show the product
  • Demonstrate the product
  • Talk about the product
  • Confident: Enthuse about the product
  • Playful: Make a friendly joke about the product
  • MEAN: guilt trip into buying product

The game will simulate sims interest in the product, and 'sales' will occur throughout the party.
Sales Parties sell each ITEM at a 50% markup price.


What if your sim wants to spend their time serving others, and get paid for it?

Sims in the SERVICE Industry can have flexible hours, choosing full time, or part time employment.

This industry will involve loading screens (travelling to others residences or businesses)

Next Screen: Please choose at least 1, and up to 5 services your sim will provide:

  • cleaning
  • repairing
  • upgrading plumbing
  • upgrading electric
  • upgrading kitchen appliances
  • catering
  • mixologist
  • barista
  • child minding
  • gardening
  • Djing
  • pianist
  • vioinist
  • guitarist
  • singer
  • stand up comedian
  • massage*

Next Screen: NAME YOUR BUSINESS - and Choose an ICON.This name will appear in the Service Directory.

All contracts will take place via the PHONE.

Next Screen: Please choose your HOURS OF OPERATION:

Flexible: - available any time, upon request
Rigid: - choose at least one, and up to 5 days: Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- choose at least one, and up to 2 times of day: morning (7am-12am), afternoon (1pm-5pm), night (6pm-10pm)

Next Screen: Choose your uniform: taken to CAS where you can design whatever you'd like your sim to wear to work.. Your sim will then spin into their uniform before they head off to their job, and wear it while performing their duties.

The game will simulate customers phoning the sim to ask for your sims specialised service. They ask for one time appointments, and if you say yes,
the loading screen will take you to either their residence or their retail, or restaurant (or any other venue we may get to own in future).

Also, when your other sims use the HIRE option on objects, All applicable Registered Business will be available.

When your other sims host a SOCIAL EVENT, all applicable Registered Businesses will appear in all options under Catering, Entertainter, Mixologist etc

Special Services

*the massage table from SPA DAY should be made PORTABLE so your registered business owner can transport their own table ANYWHERE in the world and offer massages for a fee.

When your sim registers their HOME as a daycare facility, an INSPECTION NPC will come to visit your residence, and check that you have suitable safety measures,enough equipment/toys/facilities etc. They will assess how many toddlers at the one time you will be allowed to care for. Once they shake your hand, you can open your business, and toddlers will appear on your home lot. If toddlers needs are not taken care of, your Business Licence will be revoked!


Does your sim have some skills they can convert into simoleans? Now they can offer one one tutoring, which is similar to mentoring, but with more detail, and getting paid for it.

(A formal Teaching Career could come in a dedicated EDUCTATION Pack.)

Sims must be MAXED in the skill they want to tutor.


Next Screen: Choose your expertise: Up to 3 can be chosen:

  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Violin
  • Keyboard
  • Guitar
  • Singing
  • Cello
  • Drums
  • Saxophone
  • Dancing
  • Fitness
  • Wellness*
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Chocolates and Confectionary
  • Woodworking
  • Other Craftable Skills - see above
  • Logic
  • Rocket Science
  • Homework**

*Wellness: once a sim has maxed this skill, they should get a teaching yoga mat, with attached yoga mats, that they can take ANYWHERE in the world, and begin yoga classes. Other sims on the lot, or in the public spaces can be drawn, and pay for the one-off lesson.

**Homework: If a teen has an A report grade, they can register a part time business as a homework tutor to help children and other teens.
Young Adult, Adults and Elders can also register as homework tutors.

Next Screen: Choose your venue:

Home Residence - the students will appear at your home. You must ensure that you have the objects required for learning available.

Community Venue - the students will appear at the designated venue. Either the entire lot can be designed, built and dedicated to tutoring, or a designated room can be put aside with the DOOR LOCK feature for classes.

for example:

  • a personal trainer may prefer to work at a specific gym
  • a homework tutor may like to work in a private room at the library
  • a logician may choose to work with objects at a Museum (with the Science Lair lot trait)
  • a piano teacher may like to work in a room at the Arts Centre
  • a baking instructor may choose a room in a retail bakery

Next Screen: Design a SCHEDULE. As students enrol, your 'spaces available' will get filled.

Choose the days - at least 1, up to 5: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Choose time of day, at least 1, up to 3: 9am - 11am; 1pm - 3pm; 4pm - 6pm; 7pm - 9pm

The game will simulate students PHONING the teacher to ask for specific appointments. When the teaching day begins, the students will turn up to the teacher, whether at home, or at the venue. They will leave the lot when their lesson is finished.

Tutoring Fees should depend on the TUTORS skill level and hours of experience.

Interactions specific to tutoring lessons:

  • Demonstrate: the teacher does the skill and the student watches
  • Praise: - gives the student confidence
  • Correct: - gives the student focus
  • MEAN: berate for inadequacy - makes the student tense/and or cry
  • MEAN: yell at to try harder! - makes the student angry
  • Tell Inspiring Story: makes the student inspired
  • Enthuse: makes the student energised

If the tutor is mean and uninspiring the student may get so angry or upset that they quit!

Ages CHILD through to ELDER should be able to attend lessons. Their skills increase at a faster rate while attending lessons. If your sim is enrolled with a tutor, the game will take note of their schedule, and you will have the option to attend tutoring lessons with your sim, or send them alone.

Available interactions from students:

  • Ask a question
  • Ask for a demonstration
  • Complain of boredom!
  • Irritate tutor
  • Compliment teaching style
  • Belittle teaching style
  • Give a tip! (extra simoleans)
  • End Lesson Amiably
  • Quit in a huff!


Small things available to ALL self-employed sims at any time (not just when they are working):

  • hand out business cards
  • promote business
  • offer impromptu lesson/service


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