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grrrlonfire's avatar
3 years ago

Taylor Swift Legacy Challenge - Swiftacy - 10 Generations [Update 07/14/23]

I've always been a Taylor fan but I've been obsessed with her music all year, and so with the release of Midnights I decided to create this for myself. Not sure if many others will be interested, and I've seen a few people create their own versions elsewhere, but this is mine! There are some repeating traits etc, but I tried to make them as varied as possible whilst still staying within the themes of the albums. If any of you attempt this challenge I'd love to see!

Update on 07/14/23: I wanted to add another rule for each gen, and update for the new pack that's about to drop (even though I've already played Gen 1) so there's now an extra rule for each gen and some updated descriptions.

Extra bits:
- Standard legacy rules other than the ones listed below (no money cheats etc) but you may choose the traits of the spare siblings, for example if you want them to fit the theme of the album along with the heir.
- I've written this with female sims in mind but you can absolutely do it with a sim of any gender.
- This creator has made some awesome Taylor Swift CC here, including album prints! I plan on putting each one underneath the portrait of the corresponding gen. They haven't made Midnights yet, but hopefully they will eventually.
- For an extra challenge, you could try having each heir live through storylines that match as many of the songs from her corresponding album as possible. Some of the rules for each generation do have you do this already.
- As always with these challenges, if you don't have all the packs for the rules, traits and world, don't let that stop you, just adapt it to the packs you do have.

Gen 1: Debut
All your life you've dreamed of having your own bit of land to have your own big country home, your own farm, and most importantly your own family with a loving spouse. Now, out on your own for the first time after inheriting a bit of land from a distant relative, you're making your dreams come true. You feel a little in over your head at times, like you're still too young to be out doing all this on your own and starting your own family legacy, but you know all your hard work will pay off in the end.
World: Willow Creek OR Chestnut Ridge
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Childish
Aspiration: Successful Lineage OR Big Happy Family
Career: Gardener
- Play guitar as a hobby, & busk in public for extra money
- Marry someone else with the Loves The Outdoors trait
- Keep livestock and/or chickens
- Own & ride your own horse
- Be good friends with all of your children

Gen 2: Fearless
You grew up happy and mentally healthy, and your parents couldn't be more proud of you. You're their golden child. Your focus on your studies meant you were never popular in high school, but you had a small group of friends that stayed with you for the rest of your life, including your high school boyfriend/girlfriend. As you grow older, you find more and more people are drawn to your good nature and personality, and you find yourself making many more friends.
World: Copperdale
Traits: Good, Ambitious, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (teen), Friend of the World OR Neighborhood Confidante (young adult+)
Career: Education
- Graduate high school with an A grade
- Be in the chess club in high school
- Marry your high school sweetheart
- Be best friends with your mother
- Have a date night with your spouse at least once a week

Gen 3: Speak Now
Ever since you've been a little girl you've always had your head in the clouds, dreaming about magical fairytale kingdoms and spinning around in ballgowns. Your brain is bursting with whimsical ideas at all times and you find an outlet for this in your art. You're always daydreaming about extremely romantic scenarios that people say are unrealistic, they think you need to come back down to earth, but you'd rather be in your sparkly purple palace in the clouds. The down-side of this is that you often let your emotions get the better of you and make questionable decisions you later come to regret.
World: Windenburg
Traits: Loyal, Creative, Outgoing
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Painter
- Max imagination skill as a toddler and creativity skill as a child
- When you move out of your parents home, move in to a home that looks like a castle... Or an actual castle!
- Make 3 wishes in the wishing well between the ages of YA and Elder
- Meet your spouse at a formal event (starlight accolades, at a lounge in formal wear, or at a charity fundraiser)
- Age in to YA with Argumentative or Uncontrolled Emotions character value trait

Gen 4: Red
You have your mother's creativity and your grandmother's drive. For this reason, you've always been fairly confident, until a bad breakup with the person you thought was your soulmate seriously knocks your confidence and faith in your ability to both succeed and be happy. It doesn't last forever, though, and you're able to channel all your pain and anger in to literary masterpieces that change lives.
World: Brindleton Bay OR Newcrest
Traits: Gloomy, Music Lover, Self Assured
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Writer
- Date a celebrity and go through a bad breakup with him/her
- Host slumber parties for your friends as a young adult
- Write autobiographical and semi-autobiographical books about your life experiences
- Surpass your ex in fame, or if they're a Level 5 celebrity, reach the same level
- Take a vacation every Fall (for as long or little as you want)

Gen 5: 1989
For generations your family have lived in the countryside and suburbs. Well, you're bored. You've always dreamed of the city, of bright lights, meeting new and interesting people, and dancing until dawn with a squad of other it-girls, all while performing for thousands of adoring fans who know all the words to your songs. You love meeting interesting new people, so it takes a while for you to truly settle down.
World: San Myshuno
Traits: Choose THREE- Insider, Party Animal, Dance Machine, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Entertainer
- Go on group outings to lounges/bars/nightclubs OR throw parties at least twice a week
- Master the dance and singing skills
- Capture your life in photographs and keep a photo wall somewhere in your apartment/house
- Casually date at least 3 sims but don't seriously commit to any of them for a while
- Eventually revisit one of your previous flames and marry them

Gen 6: Reputation
For as long as you can remember, you've felt misunderstood among the in-crowd of San Myshuno where everyone is happy to manipulate facts to keep their image clean, so as soon as you're old enough you escape to somewhere everyone will leave you alone. Defending yourself against backstabbers and bullies and having people spread rumors about you leads you to develop an intimidating persona. However, in the midst of all the chaos, you meet the one person who sees the real you: The king/queen of your heart.
World: Forgotten Hollow
Traits: Paranoid, Romantic, Loner
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Secret Agent
- Have a negative reputation in the reputation system
- Have at least five enemies and no more than two friends (not including family and spouse)
- Use a voodoo doll and master the Mischief skill
- Spend at least two sim weeks without leaving the house at all apart from for work
- Marry a sim with the Good trait

Gen 7: Lover
You and your mother are very, very different. You are optimistic, sociable, and colorful, like a walking, talking rainbow. You absolutely take after your other parent rather than her. However, you admire your parents relationship a great deal and want to find one just like it one day. You love a lot of things and a lot of people in many different ways, and are passionate and making the world a more loving, fair place.
World: Tartosa
Traits: Romantic, Cat Lover, Cheerful
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Politics
- Max the positive reputation bar
- Have a wide range of hobbies and skills that make you happy
- Be elected prom royalty as a teen at least once. If you can't achieve this, that's fine, but try your best
- Use NAPS to implement positive changes in your neighborhood
- Throw protests or rallies for your career at least twice a week

Gen 8: Folklore
For as long as you can remember, you've wanted a slow-paced life in the woods away from the pressures of a 9-5 job. You move to the Henford-on-Bagley countryside to be close to nature and pursue activities that make you happy. You love stories, and sharing them with other people. Nothing makes you happier than a cozy night next to the fire be it alone or with your family.
World: Henford-on-Bagley
Traits: Bookworm, Lazy, Green Fiend
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Self-Employed Crafts Seller
- Be in a love triangle as a teenager, decide how you want it to be resolved when you reach young adulthood: who ends up together?
- When you move out, live in an off-the-grid home
- Take frequent camping trips to Granite Falls where you tell stories around the campfire
- Master knitting skill
- Get divorced as an adult

Gen 9: Evermore
You have always been wise beyond your years and a little world-weary, even as a young girl, likely in part due to your parents' divorce. Your intuition and ability to sense exactly what's going through people's minds leads you to become a detective. But there's even more to you than meets the eye... You have a power inside you that most people fail to comprehend. However, all of this comes with a price. You sometimes feel so disconnected from others that it affects your relationships.
World: Moonwood Mill OR Glimmerbrook
Traits: Art Lover, Noncommittal, Proper
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Career: Detective
- Be best friends with grandmother
- Become a Spellcaster
- Leave someone at the altar
- Conceive your child on a one-night woohoo with an ex
- Eventually marry, but end up having an affair. Decide how you want to resolve it

Gen 10: Midnights
You are the best and the worst of all the women who came before you. You're complex, often contradictory, ever-changing and all over the place. There's a lot you don't like about yourself. But you're a mastermind, and will do whatever it takes to be a star, including moving out of your small town as soon as you're old enough and in to Del Sol Valley to make a name for yourself.
World: Del Sol Valley
Traits: Erratic, Overachiever, Genius
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Actress
- Exchange promise rings with your teenage boyfriend/girlfriend only to break it off as soon as you become a YA and move out
- When you do find your life partner, if you want to marry them you must wait until you're at least half way through adulthood
- Master charisma & acting skills
- Own a pet cat called Karma
- Write a book about your family and their legacy

1 Reply

  • hello! i stumbled upon this challenge and i am starting it! i really like the idea, i created my Taylor Swift sim and i hope to complete all the eras :D

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