5 years agoNew Vanguard
Create an Aspiration Tool
I would really love the chance to create our own aspirations. I recently downloaded a modder's custom aspiration, which is based off the Gold Digger one from Sims 2, which I'm looking forward to trying, but I would love the chance to do all of following:
The option to create our own aspirations per sim would also be a great way to customise aspirations for teens as there are certain things they can't do until they become adults, and give child sims more individuality since they still only have the 4 original aspirations to choose from. Even if you make a child sim a scout, some of the badges are unavailable until they become a teen so it's not the best alternative to focusing on aspirations for a child.
- Replicate more of the aspirations/LTWs from the older games
- Create career-based aspirations
- Easier aspirations for sims who aren't ambitious at all and who just want to focus on everyday life
- Design a sim's 10 year plan focused on a set of goals specific to them.
The option to create our own aspirations per sim would also be a great way to customise aspirations for teens as there are certain things they can't do until they become adults, and give child sims more individuality since they still only have the 4 original aspirations to choose from. Even if you make a child sim a scout, some of the badges are unavailable until they become a teen so it's not the best alternative to focusing on aspirations for a child.