Forum Discussion

Sims4DisneyStuf's avatar
5 years ago

Creating a Resident Evil movie using the sims...any tips on voice actors?

For the past month I’ve been working on creating a movie based on the first Resident Evil games! So the reason I’ve posted this here is because I’ve been working on the script for a month now and it’s finally done. If you love the resident evil games like I do and wanted to see a proper movie created based on them, I’m hoping this could be the movie for you because I’ve carefully worked at creating what is shaping up to be a trilogy of Resident Evil movies. I’ve included elements from the games mostly; but also brought in elements from George Romero’s first script idea and also brought in live action elements too (the ones I think did kinda work). The reason I’m posting here is because I’m wondering if anyone has any tips for hunting voice actors? I’ve used plenty in the past but none seem to be doing that hobby any more so I’m left at a loose end with finding people who love resident evil enough to want to voice a character. If anyone on here could be interested, or if you guys have any advice at finding some I would appreciate it because it’s the only thing I’m struggling with. So any advice on finding people to voice this would really help me out guys 😊 or even if any of you would be interested that would be a big help 😊
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