Volleyball game/net
Pool tables and decor for a pool hall
A slide for swimming pools and a proper diving board
The sculpting block from Sims 3 and pottery wheel and sewing machine from Sims 2 so my artistic sims have another outlet
Toy making bench
Jewelry making bench
Chin up bar from Sims 3
Dumb bell and kettle bell weights for beginning fitness
Bearskin Rug from Sims 1
Baseball mitt and ball so families can play catch together
Tennis court and rackets
Birds, snakes and lizards as pets
Playground slides for older kids
Carnival games
Roller coasters
The Chinese vases from World Adventures as decor pieces, or makeable on the pottery wheel
Taxidermy specimens
A retro chemistry set for adults
Mad scientist lab equipment and antique torture devices as decor
Spinning wheel, butter churn and other antiques as decor
Restore-able cars, trucks and motorcycles for motor enthusiasts to have a hobby.