Forum Discussion

SappySifaka's avatar
4 years ago

Edit Neighborhood Tool Ever Coming?

I'm still holding out hope for some version of an Edit World/Neighborhood tool to be patched in.

A full-on Create a World tool seems unlikely at this point in the game's progression. That being said, I would be happy if I could, at a minimum, move the world objects likes trees, rocks, street lights, picnic tables, easels, market stalls, decor (i.e. ruins), etc. Even if we can't place new lots or manipulate/paint terrain, I'd love to see at least a basic tool that allows us to remove/add decor items in the world environment. I'm honestly surprised we still don't have this functionality, considering how significant of a feature it was in previous Sims games and how much creativity it unlocks. I spend most of my in-game time anymore thinking about how game-changing of an addition Edit Neighborhood would be for a number of playstyles, but who knows if it'll ever appear. #ShesElusive
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