I'm just tired of passing out ideas and it's just don't get heard or big turn into a complete trainwreck *sideeye* Anyways I'm done with active schools I would like more GAMEPLAY!!! let me be specific and clear this time. For kids I would like to have Special Days it don't have to be on the calendar but like a pop up. Wear Pajamas at school, Crazy hair, hat day, teacher appreciation day, feild trips like in Sims 3 it can be a rabbithole.
After school stuff for kids like learning Ballet, Soccer, Football, or even Basketball Practice. Selling Chocolate Bars, integrating scouts and parenthood. So if they get in trouble at school they get in trouble at home. Student of the month or Season? Perfect Attendance. Can we please please please have backpacks like have a back on a chair, wall decorations. Have a tutor after school. Have a Void Critter Tournament.