This thread made me giggle.
I love peoples ideas, but i can see major complications in the making.
Im from east england and have been to the south/north and scotland and wales. Each place as cultural differences, where different parts of history has imfluenced the area, like suffolk and northfolk have a varity of different historical times, and these areas are somewhat different to the north and south, i find they have a more quient theme(towns and villiages.)
i think sims creators would have to pick a period of history to focus on otherwise it would make it complicated.
I love the idea of an english neighbour hood but i think somerset/cornwall would be perfect for most of the ideas i have read.
Ps. We have many coloured buses from red to green etc. Black cabs and cars with cab names on them.
Haha im still giggling, its gna keep me amused all day