5 years ago
Expanding aliens, Sixam and alien lore in the Sims (expansion)?
Ive been playing TS2 and I made a Russian spy who dabbles in espionage and the secrets of the stars. She also has 3 german shepards who double as spy dogs who keep people off her property. She married a guy who was head over heels for her just to use him as the birther for her alien babies. That's the story in my game right now in TS2, but I wish there was more to aliens in the game.
When playing ts2 aliens were mysterious and frieghtening. Bella had been abuducted and looking at her story album, I was afraid of aliens. The way the sims screeched for help was also terrifying and the light pulled them out. On the otherhand, in Strangetown there was Technitian #9, who was a family man, and had a semi-normal family going on with Jane. So aliens can be creepy or friendly.
I love the Sixam idea and wish aliens could be expanded - especially with an evil and good alien race. One with powers for evil and another that is good. A new alien WORLD your sim could visit, alien skill trees and all that. I like how the idea is also in Prey. Avoid spoilers!
I havent played Sims 4 aliens so what are they like? Ive played with Sims 3 and Sims 2 aliens.
When playing ts2 aliens were mysterious and frieghtening. Bella had been abuducted and looking at her story album, I was afraid of aliens. The way the sims screeched for help was also terrifying and the light pulled them out. On the otherhand, in Strangetown there was Technitian #9, who was a family man, and had a semi-normal family going on with Jane. So aliens can be creepy or friendly.
I love the Sixam idea and wish aliens could be expanded - especially with an evil and good alien race. One with powers for evil and another that is good. A new alien WORLD your sim could visit, alien skill trees and all that. I like how the idea is also in Prey. Avoid spoilers!
in Prey, the more alien tech you use the more alien you actually become. I think that would be so cool to add. The more alien skills your sim develops the less human they become until they are full alien! Once full alien even their own sim needs are different.
I havent played Sims 4 aliens so what are they like? Ive played with Sims 3 and Sims 2 aliens.