Okay so this is by no means a fresh pack idea, but just some things that I'd love a Seasons pack to consist of if we get one.
-A leaky roof lot trait where if it rains and your lot has that trait leaks will spring and leave puddles in random areas.
-Natural disasters; so we have earthquakes, and they don't really do much. So I was thinking, what should disasters look like if more are implemented? Well first they should go with their corresponding season, blizzards that snow you in and cancel snow in the winter, maybe even causing you to lose power since we know the sims 4 already includes power loss. Tornadoes in the summer, where there'd be some kind of swirl or animation on the screen and if the sim had a basement theyd run down there to take cover, or if they didnt theyd hide in a bathroom. Tornadoes/hurricanes could come through and damage the roof and you have the replace option like when something burns. It can make your trees and outdoor furniture disappear and leave piles of trash in your yard, you could get some trash in your house and maybe a couple items break or go missing, and the power would go out. Things like that.
-Let the sims get struck by lightning again!
-Fix the issue in the previous games (I remember for sure it was an issue in TS2) where if it rained unless you zoomed in far enough to see up your sims' noses, the rain and cloudiness would still be in site even when you were in the house.
-Let the plants be watered by rain
-Let the trees and plants and flowers change as the seasons changed