Yes! I feel like "tense" gets used for way too many REALLY different experiences--lack of fun, being spooked by a ghost, and writers block are NOT the same thing. I think low fun need should maybe result int being bored instead of tense, and then there should be more real consequences for boredom, like not being able to do work activities or clean (unless sim has neat trait), stuff like that. And the being spooked by a ghost and stuff like that should be the fear emotion, and the tense should reserved for things that are actually stressful, like working to hard at work, and all the trait interactions like being a loner when around people or loving outdoors and being inside too much or, like I mentioned, writers block. Right now all these experiences feel way to similar, and a lot of the whims aren't really appropriate for what the actual cause is. Fear whims could include similar things like giving yourself a pep talk, but also new whims like seeking out a trusted friend, grabbing a drink (for some liquid "courage" ie, confidence), or even adopting a dog ;-D