Your comment is a pleasant surprise.
I loved all of this story, and also enjoyed the improvement in both storytelling and screenshots from the very beginning until now. I think you mentioned on another thread that you prefer to direct readers away from the start of your story but actually I thought it was really great to be able to see how your thought process evolved and how you really settled into the kind of story that you wanted to tell over the span of gen 4 and 5.
That's sweet of you to say, and it's helpful to know. I am reluctant to direct readers to the beginning because reading almost 100 chapters of a legacy requires substantial time, and I don't want anyone to feel burdened, especially when the earlier chapters have a different tone and style. However, I love it whenever I see someone has started from the beginning/somewhere near the beginning and caught up. Thanks. <3
What i love most about it is your depiction of internal struggle, like Deli's doubts about her vampirism at the beginning and the questions she had to ask herself, particularly those about her immortality and how every mortal she loved would eventually grow old and die while she remained the same. Now we're seeing it again with Adelise.
I see it as being a big problem for them, but I try not to dwell on it too much. I imagine that Deli has intrusive thoughts often, but if that’s all they think about, everything becomes too depressing. There’s not much that can be done to change things either, so I feel that even though Deli is still not 100% okay with being a vampire, she’s content to wait and see for now. She wants to enjoy being around her family.
Thank you for your comments about Adelise, Asher, and Elmire as well. Asher's job is easy, and he rarely sleeps or has low needs, so he frequently decides to do something odd that interests me.
Their home did take forever to build, but there are elements of it I want to change or that I never finished.