Forum Discussion

Lumiasta's avatar
5 years ago

Filters for Curtains, Please!

Could we get some sort of filters for curtains, pretty please? Already simple height ones similar to the ones windows have would help. Adding the 'how many tiles they need' would help out even further.

Also it would be wonderful to have an update to the curtains so that each large-width curtain would have accompanying narrower ones to match. As it is, most curtains seem to be created for a situation that has one window per room.

Just a random repeated thought that I once again thought of as I'm trying on half of the curtains on a window, and trying desperately to match the ones available for three-tile-width to the diagonal one tile width windows...
  • I would like to be able to open and close curtains aswell. I don't need a sim to physically close or open them, just a button that does it automatically. Like you would if you turned lights off, it'd happen a soon as the button is clicked.
  • dianed485's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    I’d really like the ability to use any type of curtain on any window no matter its size. It would be nice if the curtain length could adapt to the size of the window.

    It’s rare to see rooms with several windows that don’t have the same curtains, yet in the game it’s hard to have your two-tile window curtains and one tile window curtains matching.

  • dianed485's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    Here's an example of curtain issue : I like these curtains, they have a plain white swatch, but, they look weird on small windows.
  • I actually would like to see blinds and window treatments to be able to expand to fit different sizes of windows that way we don't just have the usual stable of certain sized curtain or blinds.