5 years ago
Filters for Curtains, Please!
Could we get some sort of filters for curtains, pretty please? Already simple height ones similar to the ones windows have would help. Adding the 'how many tiles they need' would help out even further.
Also it would be wonderful to have an update to the curtains so that each large-width curtain would have accompanying narrower ones to match. As it is, most curtains seem to be created for a situation that has one window per room.
Just a random repeated thought that I once again thought of as I'm trying on half of the curtains on a window, and trying desperately to match the ones available for three-tile-width to the diagonal one tile width windows...
Also it would be wonderful to have an update to the curtains so that each large-width curtain would have accompanying narrower ones to match. As it is, most curtains seem to be created for a situation that has one window per room.
Just a random repeated thought that I once again thought of as I'm trying on half of the curtains on a window, and trying desperately to match the ones available for three-tile-width to the diagonal one tile width windows...