Forum Discussion
7 years ago
Simlish TV going to start a new challenge\reality show. The rules made by me.
Prehistory to the Challenge.
The RULES of Challenge The Dance School:
Prehistory to the Challenge.
The RULES of Challenge The Dance School:
In the course of the Challenge you will find out:
- Who will be the best teacher of the year? Whose students will show the best result?
- Which of the students will be able to gain all the necessary skills and to get a diploma with distinction?
- What feeling will prevail at the end? - Love or hate?
The Challenge lasts 4 game weeks. Requirements - Get Together, Spa Day , Jungle Adventures, (Seasons optional).
1. Start a new game (Autumn). Full freedom of will. Aging is disabled.
2. You have to build a Dance School with everything necessary for classes, residential lot. (You can use the cheat for money or "freerealestate on")
Requirements for the school:
- separate hostels for guys and girls, including a bedroom, a bathroom, as well as a separate small room with a dance floor and rugs for yoga. (must have doors that will be closed to the club rivals)
- a common area (dining room, play area, massage chair)
- The general area for classes (a gym, a dance floor, a swimming pool, a place for yoga, a skating rink)
- a stall with Selvadoradian food
3. You have to create a family of 8-16 Sims (if you are playing with mods), age young adult/ adult. The family should have the same number of girls and boys. Students should not have any skills and character traits: Active, Dancemachine, Genius! They should not have any romantic relationship.
It is necessary to create 2 mentors - a guy and a girl. The Guy must have a character trait Romantic. The Girl mentor must have a character trait Jealous.
They must have full skills of Fitness, Dancing, Healthy Lifestyles, Skating, Skill of Selvadorian Culture.
You can use cheats:
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5
stats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5
Also, mentors must have a negative relationship.
Friendly -100, Romantic -100
Cheats again:
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -100 Romance_Main
4. Your mentors should create 2 clubs of 4-6 people (depending on the size of your family). Clubs by invitation only:
a. Clubs for training and lessons - Girls Team \ Guys Team:
Training and classes (meetings of these clubs) will be held on weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM. (The exception is the WinterFest and Love Day). It is desirable for the club to have a common uniform for classes.
Characteristics for the club, Girls Teams:
Club activities - Dancing, Yoga, Meditation, Training, Skating.
Prohibited activities - Sleeping, Watching TV, Playing games, Cooking, Flirting with anyone
Properties for the club, Guys Team:
Club activities - Dancing, Yoga, Meditation, Training, Skating.
Prohibited activities - Sleep, Watch TV, Play games, Cooking.
Club Points ---
The first 100 points you have to spend on any club handshake.
The remaining points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. It will give some advantages to the clubs. (see below)
Free time club - Club of Love (boys) \ Club of Hate (girls)
Club meetings are held every weekday from 4 PM to midnight, and from 8 AM to midnight on weekends/holidays on a residential lot.
Properties for the Guy's club (Club of Love):
Club activities - To be friendly, romantic, to kiss, to hug, WooHoo with the club of Hate.
Prohibited activities - to be evil, Fight with the club of Hate, to cook, to be romantic with the Club of Love (optional).
- The first 100 points you have to spend on the Coquettish club atmosphere
- the following earned points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. (see next)
Properties for girls club (Club of Hate)
Club activities - Be evil, Mischief, fight with the club of Love, and be friendly and funny with the club of Hate.
Prohibited activities - Be romantic, kiss, hug, WooHoo with the Club of Love and be romantic with the club of Hate (optional)
- the first 100 points you have to spend on an angry club atmosphere
- the following earned points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. (see next)
You can hire a main dor the school.
However, no one cleaning lady can cope with the cleaning of the whole school. Things break, garbage and dirty laundry are strewn all over.
Therefore, students should maintain a daily duty to fix the broken things and clean the territory. When? Of course, at night!
Therefore, from midnight until 8 am, clubs of duty enter into force. Alternately.
You have to divide the students into pairs - one guy + one girl (randomly) and create for each pair the Duty Club. (Duty Club 1, Duty Club 2, etc.)
(for 12 students I've got 6 pairs, 6 separate clubs). Clubs can have uniforms.
The properties for the Duty Clubs are as follows:
Club activities - To clean, to repair items, to cook and be friendly and romantic with a member of this club.
Prohibited activities - to Sleep, to Watch TV, to Play games and to be evil with a member of this club.
We spend club points as they arrive:
The first 100 - Coquettish club atmosphere
Then - 400 Strengthening the skill of mechanics
300 - Bonus friendly actions
300 - Bonus romantic actions
200 - More coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Very coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Strengthening the Dance Skill
The remaining points you can spend as you wish.
As a result, all your students should have 3 clubs, and the mentors must have 2.
Then you must claim beds, close the doors for the rival club. And you are ready to start the Challenge.
Preparation is over ... It's time to deal with the rules:
Rules and gameplay:
1. Full Free Will
2. Follow the schedule (do not forget to turn on / off the club meetings according to game time). You can manage only mentors on the lessons. (exception is yoga).
Students always act with full freedom of will.
General schedule (time of club meetings)
Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 8 AM - 4 PM Classes and training. Guys Team \ Girls Team.
During this time period, according to the schedule, you have to "conduct classes," namely, to perform specified group interactions, managing only the trainers. (For a schedule of classes and an explanation, see below)
Weekdays From 4 PM to midnight, Weekends from 8 AM to Midnight - Free time. (Mettings of Clubs of Love \ Hate)
You must fulfill your sims whims. But only those that relate to a particular sim (whims with portraits). (for example - "talk to Bella Goth"). BUT you can not cancel the whims.
Weekend and weekends. From midnight until 8 am - Groups of Duty. In turn.
The guy, member of this active club of Duty can perform ONE interaction on your choice from the Friendly or Romantic section (ONLY if he has romantic interest) towards girl with whom he has the best relationship at the moment (romantic scale in priority).
And also you are obliged (if possible) to fulfill all the whims "with portraits" appearing for these sims of active club ob Duty.
If members of Club of Duty went to bed - you can wake them up (meaning canceling the sleeping), but only one time.
Timetable of classes.
Mon. 8 AM - 4 PM. During this period of playing time, it is necessary for mentors to perform certain interactions for the group. (Clubs - Guys Team and Girls Team - ACTIVE)
1. Boxing. Place the necessary number of boxing pears for the whole club in one place. The mentor of each club must use the interaction "Boxing together" (only once).
2. Dance Lesson. To gather all the members of the club together, you have first use the "Dance together " interaction on the dance floor (wait until everyone gathers on the dance floor). Then the mentor uses the Group Dance interaction (any of the available).
Note: It happens that Group dance is not available if any of the group members can not dance (feels very uncomfortable). You can wait a while, but even if you did not manage to hold an interaction for some reason - the training club meeting at the specified time should end.
Remaining time until 4 PM all your Sims are left to themselves with full freedom of will.
Tues. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. The lesson of Selvadoradian Culture. You have to hire a seller for a stall with Selvadoradian food. Your mentors have to gather everyone at an open stall. Then each mentor should tell the Selvadoradian story for all the students from the club.
2. Swimming.
Mentors should once use the interaction "swim here together".
Wed. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. Skating. Interaction for mentors - Invite to skate all members of the club.
2. Basketball. Interaction for mentors - throw the ball together. (when its winter, instead of basketball on the street, you can make regular training in the gym)
Thu. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. The lesson of Yoga. Each of the students has to perform the interaction to do yoga routine.
Alternatively, you can use the Live in Business mod from LITTLEMSSAM then your trainers can work as a yoga instructor on a residential lot.
2. Dance Lesson. To gather all the members of the club together, you have first use the "Dance together " interaction on the dance floor (wait until everyone gathers on the dance floor). Then the mentor uses the Group Dance interaction (any of the available).
Fri. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. Lesson on Selvadoradian Culture. You have to hire a seller for a stall with Selvadoradian food. Your mentors have to gather everyone at an open stall. Then each mentor should tell the Selvadoradian story for all the students from the club.
2. Dance Lesson. Dance battles. Compete for pairs of students (guy / girl) with negative (red) relationships. Those couples whose relationship is worse start first.
Friday evening (from 4 PM to midnight) and Saturday (from 8 AM to midnight) - this is the time for dates.
Students guys who have a romantic relationship with any of the girls (even with a mentor) can invite a girl to a date (if the girl agrees).
The priority is for those who have a higher level of romantic relationship. Also, only those couples who are not in a serious romantic relationship (they are not girlfriend\boyfriebd and they have not had a WooHoo) go on a date.
On the dates, your Sims acting with Full freedom of will. But you have to fulfill they whims (every whim, not only with "portraits") if its possible.
YOU CAN NOT cancel the whims. If you have earned the Gold on a Date the couple gets additional training from the mentor of Love.
Sunday. The mentor of Club of Love or Hate, who scored the highest number of club points has to arrange a party.
At the party, you can fulfill (if its possible) only whims with portraits. If the party has earned gold - the club can spend club points:
For the club of Love:
1. Bonus (romantic actions)
2. Strengthening the skill of charisma
3. A more coquettish club atmosphere
4. Very coquettish club atmosphere
For the club of Hate:
1. Bonus (aggressive actions)
2. Strengthening the Mischief skill
3. A more aggressive club atmosphere
4. Very aggressive club atmosphere
When one of the clubs of Love / Hate spends points - the opponent's club must spend the same number of points, but on things that do not affect the gameplay (like jackets with club logos, new handshakes, etc.)
Also on Sunday, you must determine the best group of students of the week (Guys Team or Girls Team) those who scored more points over the past week.
This team can spend club points to increase the growth of skills:
Clubs Girls Team \ Guys Team can spend points as follows.
1. Strengthening the skill of the Selvadoradian culture
2. Strengthen fitness skill
3. Strengthening the skill of dancing
4. Strengthening the Healthy Lifestyle skill
When one of the clubs of Love / Hate spends points - the opponent's club must spend the same number of points, but on things that do not affect the gameplay (like jackets with club logos, new handshakes, etc.)
Dance Skill raises quickly, so at the end of every week, you have to reset the dance skill of students using the cheat ---- stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 1
(but you have to remember the result for the week of each student with score 1-5, and at the end of the year, the average rating of the year will be calculated)
Students Relations.
If a couple of students have developed a relationship to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend or they had a WooHoo, they exit the club of Love/Hate and create their own club of Lovers.(Lovers 1, Lovers2, etc.)
This club active at the same time as the clubs of Love \ Hate. (from 4 PM to midnight on weekdays and from 8 AM to midnight on weekends). You can also fulfill their whims "with portraits."
Properties for the Lovers clubs:
Club activity - To be friendly, romantic, to kiss and WhoHoo with a member of this club, Dancing.
Prohibited activities - Be mean to members of this club, be romantic with members of clubs of Love and Hate.
You have to spend the points of the club:
The first 100 - Coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Strengthening the Dance Skill
400 - Strengthening the fitness skill
400 - Strengthening the skill of a healthy lifestyle
400 - Strengthening the skill of Selvadoradian culture
500 - Moral Spirit
The remaining club points are spent at will.
Mentors relations.
Your task is to reconcile the quarreling spouses.
For this purpose, it is allowed 1 time per day, during free time(when the clubs of Love and Hatred come active) if Guy Mentor makes one interaction from the Friendly / Romantic categories with the girl mentor.
If the relationship has developed to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend or they had a WooHoo, then the Club of Hate activities has to be replaced by the activities and properties of the Club of Love.
However, to reconcile former spouses is not so easy. And perhaps a broken cup of love cannot be glued together. Everything can be.
And of course, the possibility of relations between mentors and students is not excluded.
If one of the students has developed a relationship with the opponent's team trainer to the Boyfriend / Girlfriend relationship level or they had a WooHoo, the student must leave his club Love or Hate. And at the same time that student gets additional training (for any skill) from his mentor and partner every day.
Relationships with NPCs.
The sims from your family can host guests (if they have acquaintances or have relatives/friends), but they can not leave the residential lot by the invitation of npc sims.
Sometimes can happen that the npc sim is asking to join the club. You can take npc sims only in the clubs of duty. (there is nothing wrong with getting help to clean up).
If the student has developed a relationship with the npc to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend relationship level or they had a WooHoo, this student exit the club of Love or Hate and creates own club Lovers with NPC. The properties for that club is the same as for Lovers Clubs.
Summarizing. The winners of the Challenge.
1. The best team of students of the year is announced by the number of points scored by the club.
2. The best students of the year are determined according to the level of skills (ideally all the 5 skills -- Fitness, Selvadoradian culture, Dancing (overall rating), Healthy lifestyle and Skating should be at the maximum)
3. Also on the level of relations, the best couple of the year is determined.
In the course of the Challenge you will find out:
- Who will be the best teacher of the year? Whose students will show the best result?
- Which of the students will be able to gain all the necessary skills and to get a diploma with distinction?
- What feeling will prevail at the end? - Love or hate?
The Challenge lasts 4 game weeks. Requirements - Get Together, Spa Day , Jungle Adventures, (Seasons optional).
1. Start a new game (Autumn). Full freedom of will. Aging is disabled.
2. You have to build a Dance School with everything necessary for classes, residential lot. (You can use the cheat for money or "freerealestate on")
Requirements for the school:
- separate hostels for guys and girls, including a bedroom, a bathroom, as well as a separate small room with a dance floor and rugs for yoga. (must have doors that will be closed to the club rivals)
- a common area (dining room, play area, massage chair)
- The general area for classes (a gym, a dance floor, a swimming pool, a place for yoga, a skating rink)
- a stall with Selvadoradian food
3. You have to create a family of 8-16 Sims (if you are playing with mods), age young adult/ adult. The family should have the same number of girls and boys. Students should not have any skills and character traits: Active, Dancemachine, Genius! They should not have any romantic relationship.
It is necessary to create 2 mentors - a guy and a girl. The Guy must have a character trait Romantic. The Girl mentor must have a character trait Jealous.
They must have full skills of Fitness, Dancing, Healthy Lifestyles, Skating, Skill of Selvadorian Culture.
You can use cheats:
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5
stats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5
Also, mentors must have a negative relationship.
Friendly -100, Romantic -100
Cheats again:
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -100 Romance_Main
4. Your mentors should create 2 clubs of 4-6 people (depending on the size of your family). Clubs by invitation only:
a. Clubs for training and lessons - Girls Team \ Guys Team:
Training and classes (meetings of these clubs) will be held on weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM. (The exception is the WinterFest and Love Day). It is desirable for the club to have a common uniform for classes.
Characteristics for the club, Girls Teams:
Club activities - Dancing, Yoga, Meditation, Training, Skating.
Prohibited activities - Sleeping, Watching TV, Playing games, Cooking, Flirting with anyone
Properties for the club, Guys Team:
Club activities - Dancing, Yoga, Meditation, Training, Skating.
Prohibited activities - Sleep, Watch TV, Play games, Cooking.
Club Points ---
The first 100 points you have to spend on any club handshake.
The remaining points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. It will give some advantages to the clubs. (see below)
Free time club - Club of Love (boys) \ Club of Hate (girls)
Club meetings are held every weekday from 4 PM to midnight, and from 8 AM to midnight on weekends/holidays on a residential lot.
Properties for the Guy's club (Club of Love):
Club activities - To be friendly, romantic, to kiss, to hug, WooHoo with the club of Hate.
Prohibited activities - to be evil, Fight with the club of Hate, to cook, to be romantic with the Club of Love (optional).
- The first 100 points you have to spend on the Coquettish club atmosphere
- the following earned points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. (see next)
Properties for girls club (Club of Hate)
Club activities - Be evil, Mischief, fight with the club of Love, and be friendly and funny with the club of Hate.
Prohibited activities - Be romantic, kiss, hug, WooHoo with the Club of Love and be romantic with the club of Hate (optional)
- the first 100 points you have to spend on an angry club atmosphere
- the following earned points are used only according to the rules of the Challenge. (see next)
You can hire a main dor the school.
However, no one cleaning lady can cope with the cleaning of the whole school. Things break, garbage and dirty laundry are strewn all over.
Therefore, students should maintain a daily duty to fix the broken things and clean the territory. When? Of course, at night!
Therefore, from midnight until 8 am, clubs of duty enter into force. Alternately.
You have to divide the students into pairs - one guy + one girl (randomly) and create for each pair the Duty Club. (Duty Club 1, Duty Club 2, etc.)
(for 12 students I've got 6 pairs, 6 separate clubs). Clubs can have uniforms.
The properties for the Duty Clubs are as follows:
Club activities - To clean, to repair items, to cook and be friendly and romantic with a member of this club.
Prohibited activities - to Sleep, to Watch TV, to Play games and to be evil with a member of this club.
We spend club points as they arrive:
The first 100 - Coquettish club atmosphere
Then - 400 Strengthening the skill of mechanics
300 - Bonus friendly actions
300 - Bonus romantic actions
200 - More coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Very coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Strengthening the Dance Skill
The remaining points you can spend as you wish.
As a result, all your students should have 3 clubs, and the mentors must have 2.
Then you must claim beds, close the doors for the rival club. And you are ready to start the Challenge.
Preparation is over ... It's time to deal with the rules:
Rules and gameplay:
1. Full Free Will
2. Follow the schedule (do not forget to turn on / off the club meetings according to game time). You can manage only mentors on the lessons. (exception is yoga).
Students always act with full freedom of will.
General schedule (time of club meetings)
Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 8 AM - 4 PM Classes and training. Guys Team \ Girls Team.
During this time period, according to the schedule, you have to "conduct classes," namely, to perform specified group interactions, managing only the trainers. (For a schedule of classes and an explanation, see below)
Weekdays From 4 PM to midnight, Weekends from 8 AM to Midnight - Free time. (Mettings of Clubs of Love \ Hate)
You must fulfill your sims whims. But only those that relate to a particular sim (whims with portraits). (for example - "talk to Bella Goth"). BUT you can not cancel the whims.
Weekend and weekends. From midnight until 8 am - Groups of Duty. In turn.
The guy, member of this active club of Duty can perform ONE interaction on your choice from the Friendly or Romantic section (ONLY if he has romantic interest) towards girl with whom he has the best relationship at the moment (romantic scale in priority).
And also you are obliged (if possible) to fulfill all the whims "with portraits" appearing for these sims of active club ob Duty.
If members of Club of Duty went to bed - you can wake them up (meaning canceling the sleeping), but only one time.
Timetable of classes.
Mon. 8 AM - 4 PM. During this period of playing time, it is necessary for mentors to perform certain interactions for the group. (Clubs - Guys Team and Girls Team - ACTIVE)
1. Boxing. Place the necessary number of boxing pears for the whole club in one place. The mentor of each club must use the interaction "Boxing together" (only once).
2. Dance Lesson. To gather all the members of the club together, you have first use the "Dance together " interaction on the dance floor (wait until everyone gathers on the dance floor). Then the mentor uses the Group Dance interaction (any of the available).
Note: It happens that Group dance is not available if any of the group members can not dance (feels very uncomfortable). You can wait a while, but even if you did not manage to hold an interaction for some reason - the training club meeting at the specified time should end.
Remaining time until 4 PM all your Sims are left to themselves with full freedom of will.
Tues. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. The lesson of Selvadoradian Culture. You have to hire a seller for a stall with Selvadoradian food. Your mentors have to gather everyone at an open stall. Then each mentor should tell the Selvadoradian story for all the students from the club.
2. Swimming.
Mentors should once use the interaction "swim here together".
Wed. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. Skating. Interaction for mentors - Invite to skate all members of the club.
2. Basketball. Interaction for mentors - throw the ball together. (when its winter, instead of basketball on the street, you can make regular training in the gym)
Thu. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. The lesson of Yoga. Each of the students has to perform the interaction to do yoga routine.
Alternatively, you can use the Live in Business mod from LITTLEMSSAM then your trainers can work as a yoga instructor on a residential lot.
2. Dance Lesson. To gather all the members of the club together, you have first use the "Dance together " interaction on the dance floor (wait until everyone gathers on the dance floor). Then the mentor uses the Group Dance interaction (any of the available).
Fri. 8 AM - 4 PM
1. Lesson on Selvadoradian Culture. You have to hire a seller for a stall with Selvadoradian food. Your mentors have to gather everyone at an open stall. Then each mentor should tell the Selvadoradian story for all the students from the club.
2. Dance Lesson. Dance battles. Compete for pairs of students (guy / girl) with negative (red) relationships. Those couples whose relationship is worse start first.
Friday evening (from 4 PM to midnight) and Saturday (from 8 AM to midnight) - this is the time for dates.
Students guys who have a romantic relationship with any of the girls (even with a mentor) can invite a girl to a date (if the girl agrees).
The priority is for those who have a higher level of romantic relationship. Also, only those couples who are not in a serious romantic relationship (they are not girlfriend\boyfriebd and they have not had a WooHoo) go on a date.
On the dates, your Sims acting with Full freedom of will. But you have to fulfill they whims (every whim, not only with "portraits") if its possible.
YOU CAN NOT cancel the whims. If you have earned the Gold on a Date the couple gets additional training from the mentor of Love.
Sunday. The mentor of Club of Love or Hate, who scored the highest number of club points has to arrange a party.
At the party, you can fulfill (if its possible) only whims with portraits. If the party has earned gold - the club can spend club points:
For the club of Love:
1. Bonus (romantic actions)
2. Strengthening the skill of charisma
3. A more coquettish club atmosphere
4. Very coquettish club atmosphere
For the club of Hate:
1. Bonus (aggressive actions)
2. Strengthening the Mischief skill
3. A more aggressive club atmosphere
4. Very aggressive club atmosphere
When one of the clubs of Love / Hate spends points - the opponent's club must spend the same number of points, but on things that do not affect the gameplay (like jackets with club logos, new handshakes, etc.)
Also on Sunday, you must determine the best group of students of the week (Guys Team or Girls Team) those who scored more points over the past week.
This team can spend club points to increase the growth of skills:
Clubs Girls Team \ Guys Team can spend points as follows.
1. Strengthening the skill of the Selvadoradian culture
2. Strengthen fitness skill
3. Strengthening the skill of dancing
4. Strengthening the Healthy Lifestyle skill
When one of the clubs of Love / Hate spends points - the opponent's club must spend the same number of points, but on things that do not affect the gameplay (like jackets with club logos, new handshakes, etc.)
Dance Skill raises quickly, so at the end of every week, you have to reset the dance skill of students using the cheat ---- stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 1
(but you have to remember the result for the week of each student with score 1-5, and at the end of the year, the average rating of the year will be calculated)
Students Relations.
If a couple of students have developed a relationship to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend or they had a WooHoo, they exit the club of Love/Hate and create their own club of Lovers.(Lovers 1, Lovers2, etc.)
This club active at the same time as the clubs of Love \ Hate. (from 4 PM to midnight on weekdays and from 8 AM to midnight on weekends). You can also fulfill their whims "with portraits."
Properties for the Lovers clubs:
Club activity - To be friendly, romantic, to kiss and WhoHoo with a member of this club, Dancing.
Prohibited activities - Be mean to members of this club, be romantic with members of clubs of Love and Hate.
You have to spend the points of the club:
The first 100 - Coquettish club atmosphere
300 - Strengthening the Dance Skill
400 - Strengthening the fitness skill
400 - Strengthening the skill of a healthy lifestyle
400 - Strengthening the skill of Selvadoradian culture
500 - Moral Spirit
The remaining club points are spent at will.
Mentors relations.
Your task is to reconcile the quarreling spouses.
For this purpose, it is allowed 1 time per day, during free time(when the clubs of Love and Hatred come active) if Guy Mentor makes one interaction from the Friendly / Romantic categories with the girl mentor.
If the relationship has developed to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend or they had a WooHoo, then the Club of Hate activities has to be replaced by the activities and properties of the Club of Love.
However, to reconcile former spouses is not so easy. And perhaps a broken cup of love cannot be glued together. Everything can be.
And of course, the possibility of relations between mentors and students is not excluded.
If one of the students has developed a relationship with the opponent's team trainer to the Boyfriend / Girlfriend relationship level or they had a WooHoo, the student must leave his club Love or Hate. And at the same time that student gets additional training (for any skill) from his mentor and partner every day.
Relationships with NPCs.
The sims from your family can host guests (if they have acquaintances or have relatives/friends), but they can not leave the residential lot by the invitation of npc sims.
Sometimes can happen that the npc sim is asking to join the club. You can take npc sims only in the clubs of duty. (there is nothing wrong with getting help to clean up).
If the student has developed a relationship with the npc to the status of Boyfriend / Girlfriend relationship level or they had a WooHoo, this student exit the club of Love or Hate and creates own club Lovers with NPC. The properties for that club is the same as for Lovers Clubs.
Summarizing. The winners of the Challenge.
1. The best team of students of the year is announced by the number of points scored by the club.
2. The best students of the year are determined according to the level of skills (ideally all the 5 skills -- Fitness, Selvadoradian culture, Dancing (overall rating), Healthy lifestyle and Skating should be at the maximum)
3. Also on the level of relations, the best couple of the year is determined.
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