Forum Discussion
6 years agoSeasoned Ace
Alright, so I've started playing this and it's been really pretty fun (tho I think I made some mistakes, which I'll talk about in a min), but I've read ahead and--absolutely nothing against the creator of this challenge, it's a really fantastic idea and they put a lot of thought into it!--but I was a little disappointed to find that not many generations past the first really have much to do with gardening. That might be what some people want, but I really wanted something focussed on the gardening theme.
I've worked up a bit of a revamp, still taking a lot from the original challenge, but making it a little more focused on plants and the outdoors throughout, and also making some "rules" to address some dumb things I did (that is, strong suggestions to not do shit that makes things less fun lol). I will be making this based on the packs I have, so that's all the expansions and game packs except Strangerville, and I've also taken out the berry challenge bits cause I'm just not familiar enough with that to know what to do with it.
Like I said, most of this will be pretty similar to above (to start out with anyway) and I'll highlight my additions. Also, you may notice I cheated and called the first gen the "founder" so I could fit an extra generation in and still call it ten. Sorry.
I'll be putting the rest under the cut cause long.
So, yeah, that's what I got. I really hope least one other person gets kick out this cause I do not want to admit how long I took on it lol.
I've worked up a bit of a revamp, still taking a lot from the original challenge, but making it a little more focused on plants and the outdoors throughout, and also making some "rules" to address some dumb things I did (that is, strong suggestions to not do shit that makes things less fun lol). I will be making this based on the packs I have, so that's all the expansions and game packs except Strangerville, and I've also taken out the berry challenge bits cause I'm just not familiar enough with that to know what to do with it.
Like I said, most of this will be pretty similar to above (to start out with anyway) and I'll highlight my additions. Also, you may notice I cheated and called the first gen the "founder" so I could fit an extra generation in and still call it ten. Sorry.
I'll be putting the rest under the cut cause long.
Basic rules:
Money Cheats are NOT allowed
Aesthetic CC and poses are FINE
Needs must be on decay AT ALL TIMES
Feel free to pause aging ONLY FOR STORY PURPOSES
Your Sims must live on the SAME LOT for the whole 10 generations. A larger lot is recommended
Any world is fine
You may edit what your Sims look like in CAS if they plum
You are not allowed to download any lots or rooms from the gallery with harvestables in them (I did this cause I like to thematically fill out my world and it was dumb)
You are not allowed to buy the money tree reward trait until the final generation.
Adoption is okay, but always adopt babies and don't age them up prematurely
You may play on any lifespan, just consider them easy, normal and hard modes respectively.
All ongoing requirements for each generation are in effect only as long as they are the "reigning" generation, before the next one takes over, in case that is unclear.
Your entire 10 generations will be named after various plants you could find or have in your garden harvestable plants in the Sims 4 that you will have in your garden. This is inspired by the fact that your Sims will have a love for nature throughout all 10 generations, living their life on the family farm. This challenge will be about about growing and maintaining a garden through those generations, and you will need to keep the garden begun by your founder alive throughout.
Founder Generation: ROSE
Traits: Ambitious, Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Information: This is the founder of your legacy! From living their entire childhood in the smelly and loud city, they have decided to begin a new lifestyle in the countryside. They dream of running a farm to support the generations to come.
Complete the Aspiration
Have at least 1 child
Have 1 dog and 1 cat
Collect every base game plant except death flower, growfruit and space pod/U.F.O plant
Reach level 10 of the Gardening career
Care for at least 2 cowplants throughout your life
Max out the friendship level with at least one bee hive
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach at least level 5 in: cooking, parenting and handiness
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the rose plant growing on your lot.
Generation 1: DAISY
Traits: Outgoing, Good, Self Assured
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Information: You grew up in a loving household, making you a friendly and nurturing Sim who wants nothing else than to help others. You parents gave you a love of nature, and you want to protect it.
Complete the Aspiration
Enter the Politician career, Cause: Speak for the Trees
Reach the top level in the politics career OR "complete" your cause (you'll get a pop up saying you've successfully solved your cause and to pick a new one)
Marry your first friend
Have at least 1 child
Reach level 10 charisma
Go out at least three times with friends every week.
Choose one major holiday: you must throw an annual event on that holiday every year (I'm thinking Winterfest, but whatever works for you)
Maintain the garden begun by your parent.
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the daisy plant growing on your lot.
Here's where things really start to shift, so I'll stop bolding things. There are still a couple bits I took from the original challenge, but I think the bolding will just get annoying from here on out:
Generation 2: HOLLY
Traits: Family Oriented, Childish, Cheerful
Aspiration: Super Parent
Information: Your parent was a great person, but they were pretty busy with work and shmoozing it up in the social circle to promote their cause--you're going to make your family a top priority! Kids come first, and you're going to make their childhoods something wonderful to remember!
Complete the Aspiration
Reach level 10 parenting
Have at least 4 children, one for each season, and name all children either after the season or a holiday theme or a typical weather or a plant in the season when they were born or conceived. (Fall will be Dahlia, but all others up to you)
Never have an official career
Make every holiday a big deal every year and make sure the children enjoy themselves. You must have at least 1 major holiday scheduled for every season, and have at least five major holidays total
Take the kids out on a day trip every Saturday
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
Collect all plants added by the seasons expansion
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the holly plant growing on your lot.
Generation 3: DAHLIA
Traits: Perfectionist, Neat, Snob
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Information: Your childhood was happy, but not everything can be fun and games, and you kind of wish you'd been pushed more growing up--so that's what you intend to do with your child! Always remember: there's a place for everything, and everything in its place!
Complete the Aspiration (only one child required, but more okay)
Marry into one of the "elite" families in the game (Landgraabs, Goths, Villereals, ect.) What qualifies is up to you, and if you don't play with MCCC I realize this will be difficult, so just make sure they live in a big house or something, lol.
Always discipline your children when possible and always use at least the strict option.
Join the critic career
Always work from home
Reach the top of either branch of the critic career.
Reach level ten of painting, writing, gourmet cooking, or any instrument.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
By the end of this sim's life, you must have ALL PERFECT PLANTS IN YOUR GARDEN. Any non-perfect plants must be removed at the end of this sim's life, and there must be at least one of each type of base and seasons pack plants (except for trash plants cause ew, and including dahlia, of course ;-D)
Generation 4: CHERRY
Traits: Outgoing, Lazy, Glutton
Aspiration: Master Chef
Information: Your parent always pushed you, but you just like enjoy life--good food, especially. Fortunately, succeeding at cooking should keep your parent happy guess you'll do that!
Complete the Aspiration.
Never work out, eat whenever possible--getting plump is encouraged.
ONLY cook things you have fresh ingredients for (yes, including cakes--only honey and strawberry and carrot cakes allowed)
Reach the top of the culinary career.
Max both cooking and gourmet cooking skill.
Attend every spice festival that doesn't conflict with work and always eat something there.
Sample and learn to cook all experimental food.
Sample and learn to cook all city living foods.
Marry and have at least one child with someone you met at the spice festival.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors. Should already have a perfect cherry tree, but if you don't, get one.
Generation 5: HUCKLEBERRY
Traits: Slob, Loves Outdoors, Loner
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Information: Left to basically run wild as a kid, you've come to love and be fascinated by the wilderness. Time spent watching the clouds or fishing on your own are some of your happiest, and you can't wait to explore more that the forests have to offer. Time to go get that camping gear and head out to the woods!
Complete the Aspiration
Go camping in Granite Falls every weekend (you heard me)
Never stay in a lodge, only a tent on the campground or in the woods.
Collect all Granite Falls plants and plant them at home.
Buy AT LEAST three weather related reward traits, like water proof or cold resistant.
Make excellent versions of all herbal remedies.
Reach level 10 fishing.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors.
I'm actually not sure if OR plants improve in quality but if they do, by the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the huckleberry plant growing on your lot.
Generation 6: BASIL
Traits: Active, Self Assured, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Information: You were raised to have a love and respect for the great outdoors, but simple camping wasn't enough for you--no, you want to explore the deepest, most dangerous jungles...and maybe make off with a few of their valuables!
Complete the Aspiration
Spend every summer in Selvadorada (yes, all of it, save up.)
Collect all JA plants (aren't many, but grab'em) and plant them at home.
Collect all frog OR all plate treasures (or hell, go ahead and complete the collection, I actually don't know how hard that's going to be)
Put together all relics (activation optional, but again, go for it if you want)
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill
Marry a native from Selvadorada in Selvadorada (bonus if you do a local dance after the ceremony, elopement or not)
Have a child and make at least one trip to the jungle with them when they are a child.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors.
Should already have a perfect basil plant, but if you don't, get one. In any case, by the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect examples of either black beans or avocados growing on your lot (or emotion tree, but I'm not sure those actually improve in quality).
Generation 7: QUILL
Traits: Genius, Squeamish, Ambitious
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Information: Unlike your parent, you never really took to traipsing around in the undergrowth and dirt. But their adventurous spirit has given you great curiosity about the universe and an insatiable thirst for forbidden knowledge and the desire to explore the stars!
Complete the aspiration.
Reach the top of the scientist career. Until you do, never take a day off and always join them at work.
Collect all alien plants, including U.F.O seed but NOT sixam mosquito seed, and plant them at home.
Take microscope slides of all the plants that you have and examine them under the microscope (or at least as many as you can without wanting to die I guess).
Explore space at least once a week.
Reach level 10 of the rocket science
Marry someone you met at work (bonus if it's an alien) and have at least one child with them.
Make a clone of one of your children (I dunno if you can do that when they are a child, but if not teen is fine)
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the quill plant growing on your lot.
Generation 8: APPLE
Traits: Cat Lover or Dog Lover (your choice), Jealous, Unflirty
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Information: You have a complicated relationship with your parent--they even experimented on you! (Or maybe you were the experiment...) In any case, it's given you some trust issues and made you want to seek out the kind of love you can really know and depend on: pets!
Complete the Aspiration.
Have at least one pet in the household at least from teen age to sim's death.
Collect all catnips and plant them at home.
At some point, have more pets than human sims in the household
Adopt at least one pet "in the wild" and not through the service
Any time there is more than one pet, you must have at least one of each type (1 cat & 1 dog if two or more, but having only one pet is okay sometimes, and you don't have to maintain equality past that point)
Own and run a Vet clinic
Max veterinary skill
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
You should already have a perfect apple tree; if not, get one. If they can be improved, get at least one of the catnips to perfect. There are no marriage requirements, you're welcome to get an heir any way you like, including adoption. But marriage and natural offspring are also permitted.
Generation 9: LILY
Traits: Gloomy, Good, Bookworm
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Information: You're used to pets and books than people, but that doesn't mean you don't like or care about them. That there's so much evil in the world saddens you terribly...but maybe there's something you can do about that...
Complete the Aspiration
Careers chosen to complete the aspiration must be chosen from the following: doctor, detective, scientist, gardener, writer, secret agent (diamond agent branch, if you get that far), politician, astronaut (space ranger branch, if you get that far)
Collect wolfsbane, sixam mosquito plant seed, and garlic and plant them in your garden (you can get plasma fruit too if you want but you don't have to)
Reach max vampire lore skill.
Make at least one garlic braid.
Make a vampire cure.
Cure OR KILL (via sunlight) Vlad Straud (if he's made it this long, lol. If not, pick another evil vampire that's spawned, or make one yourself.)
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
You should already have a perfect lily plant; if not, get one. Get one of the vampire plants to perfect.
And finally (sheesh, is anyone gonna read this? Let me know, anybody who's gotten this far, lmao)--
Generation 10: ORCHID
Traits: Self absorbed, Materialistic, Romantic
Aspiration: You choose! You've earned it! You can pick from the following: Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Serial Romantic, or World Famous Celebrity
(we're back to taking a lot of inspiration from the original with this last one, so let's throw another bit of thanks back their way, yah?)
Information: After everything, you finally decide that your family is worth more than living on a farm forever. Who said it was OUR job to fix the world, make it greener, or more beautiful? Let somebody else do that! It’s time for your legacy to move on. You want to move out into a penthouse in the city and create an exciting future for generations to come!
Complete the Aspiration
Have a perfect orchid plant in a pot with you in the city (you should already have perfect orchids, so this should be easy)
Purchase the money tree reward trait and grow a money tree (I think you should be able to grow/have it in a pot in an apartment/penthouse)--You must have purchased the trait BEFORE moving to the city, and until you do you must still maintain the garden!
"Dye" your hair a different color from your natural one--unnatural hues encouraged!
Marry someone living in a swag place in San Myshuno and move in with them.
Join one of the following careers: Actor/Actress, Business, Politician (Politician branch), Social Media, or Style Influencer.
Reach level 10 your chosen career
Throw a party every weekend + every holiday
Have at least 1 child
And lastly--this is more for you, the player, really--after you've sold your family farmhouse...turn it into a park! Renovate it, make it a public space, and then have your sim visit it every Sunday with their family. Who knows? Maybe one of their kids will want to head back out to the countryside, just like their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother did!
Money Cheats are NOT allowed
Aesthetic CC and poses are FINE
Needs must be on decay AT ALL TIMES
Feel free to pause aging ONLY FOR STORY PURPOSES
Your Sims must live on the SAME LOT for the whole 10 generations. A larger lot is recommended
Any world is fine
You may edit what your Sims look like in CAS if they plum
You are not allowed to download any lots or rooms from the gallery with harvestables in them (I did this cause I like to thematically fill out my world and it was dumb)
You are not allowed to buy the money tree reward trait until the final generation.
Adoption is okay, but always adopt babies and don't age them up prematurely
You may play on any lifespan, just consider them easy, normal and hard modes respectively.
All ongoing requirements for each generation are in effect only as long as they are the "reigning" generation, before the next one takes over, in case that is unclear.
Your entire 10 generations will be named after
Founder Generation: ROSE
Traits: Ambitious, Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Information: This is the founder of your legacy! From living their entire childhood in the smelly and loud city, they have decided to begin a new lifestyle in the countryside. They dream of running a farm to support the generations to come.
Complete the Aspiration
Have at least 1 child
Have 1 dog and 1 cat
Collect every base game plant except death flower, growfruit and space pod/U.F.O plant
Reach level 10 of the Gardening career
Care for at least 2 cowplants throughout your life
Max out the friendship level with at least one bee hive
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach at least level 5 in: cooking, parenting and handiness
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the rose plant growing on your lot.
Generation 1: DAISY
Traits: Outgoing, Good, Self Assured
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Information: You grew up in a loving household, making you a friendly and nurturing Sim who wants nothing else than to help others. You parents gave you a love of nature, and you want to protect it.
Complete the Aspiration
Enter the Politician career, Cause: Speak for the Trees
Reach the top level in the politics career OR "complete" your cause (you'll get a pop up saying you've successfully solved your cause and to pick a new one)
Marry your first friend
Have at least 1 child
Reach level 10 charisma
Go out at least three times with friends every week.
Choose one major holiday: you must throw an annual event on that holiday every year (I'm thinking Winterfest, but whatever works for you)
Maintain the garden begun by your parent.
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the daisy plant growing on your lot.
Here's where things really start to shift, so I'll stop bolding things. There are still a couple bits I took from the original challenge, but I think the bolding will just get annoying from here on out:
Generation 2: HOLLY
Traits: Family Oriented, Childish, Cheerful
Aspiration: Super Parent
Information: Your parent was a great person, but they were pretty busy with work and shmoozing it up in the social circle to promote their cause--you're going to make your family a top priority! Kids come first, and you're going to make their childhoods something wonderful to remember!
Complete the Aspiration
Reach level 10 parenting
Have at least 4 children, one for each season, and name all children either after the season or a holiday theme or a typical weather or a plant in the season when they were born or conceived. (Fall will be Dahlia, but all others up to you)
Never have an official career
Make every holiday a big deal every year and make sure the children enjoy themselves. You must have at least 1 major holiday scheduled for every season, and have at least five major holidays total
Take the kids out on a day trip every Saturday
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
Collect all plants added by the seasons expansion
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the holly plant growing on your lot.
Generation 3: DAHLIA
Traits: Perfectionist, Neat, Snob
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Information: Your childhood was happy, but not everything can be fun and games, and you kind of wish you'd been pushed more growing up--so that's what you intend to do with your child! Always remember: there's a place for everything, and everything in its place!
Complete the Aspiration (only one child required, but more okay)
Marry into one of the "elite" families in the game (Landgraabs, Goths, Villereals, ect.) What qualifies is up to you, and if you don't play with MCCC I realize this will be difficult, so just make sure they live in a big house or something, lol.
Always discipline your children when possible and always use at least the strict option.
Join the critic career
Always work from home
Reach the top of either branch of the critic career.
Reach level ten of painting, writing, gourmet cooking, or any instrument.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
By the end of this sim's life, you must have ALL PERFECT PLANTS IN YOUR GARDEN. Any non-perfect plants must be removed at the end of this sim's life, and there must be at least one of each type of base and seasons pack plants (except for trash plants cause ew, and including dahlia, of course ;-D)
Generation 4: CHERRY
Traits: Outgoing, Lazy, Glutton
Aspiration: Master Chef
Information: Your parent always pushed you, but you just like enjoy life--good food, especially. Fortunately, succeeding at cooking should keep your parent happy guess you'll do that!
Complete the Aspiration.
Never work out, eat whenever possible--getting plump is encouraged.
ONLY cook things you have fresh ingredients for (yes, including cakes--only honey and strawberry and carrot cakes allowed)
Reach the top of the culinary career.
Max both cooking and gourmet cooking skill.
Attend every spice festival that doesn't conflict with work and always eat something there.
Sample and learn to cook all experimental food.
Sample and learn to cook all city living foods.
Marry and have at least one child with someone you met at the spice festival.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors. Should already have a perfect cherry tree, but if you don't, get one.
Generation 5: HUCKLEBERRY
Traits: Slob, Loves Outdoors, Loner
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Information: Left to basically run wild as a kid, you've come to love and be fascinated by the wilderness. Time spent watching the clouds or fishing on your own are some of your happiest, and you can't wait to explore more that the forests have to offer. Time to go get that camping gear and head out to the woods!
Complete the Aspiration
Go camping in Granite Falls every weekend (you heard me)
Never stay in a lodge, only a tent on the campground or in the woods.
Collect all Granite Falls plants and plant them at home.
Buy AT LEAST three weather related reward traits, like water proof or cold resistant.
Make excellent versions of all herbal remedies.
Reach level 10 fishing.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors.
I'm actually not sure if OR plants improve in quality but if they do, by the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the huckleberry plant growing on your lot.
Generation 6: BASIL
Traits: Active, Self Assured, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Information: You were raised to have a love and respect for the great outdoors, but simple camping wasn't enough for you--no, you want to explore the deepest, most dangerous jungles...and maybe make off with a few of their valuables!
Complete the Aspiration
Spend every summer in Selvadorada (yes, all of it, save up.)
Collect all JA plants (aren't many, but grab'em) and plant them at home.
Collect all frog OR all plate treasures (or hell, go ahead and complete the collection, I actually don't know how hard that's going to be)
Put together all relics (activation optional, but again, go for it if you want)
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill
Marry a native from Selvadorada in Selvadorada (bonus if you do a local dance after the ceremony, elopement or not)
Have a child and make at least one trip to the jungle with them when they are a child.
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors.
Should already have a perfect basil plant, but if you don't, get one. In any case, by the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect examples of either black beans or avocados growing on your lot (or emotion tree, but I'm not sure those actually improve in quality).
Generation 7: QUILL
Traits: Genius, Squeamish, Ambitious
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Information: Unlike your parent, you never really took to traipsing around in the undergrowth and dirt. But their adventurous spirit has given you great curiosity about the universe and an insatiable thirst for forbidden knowledge and the desire to explore the stars!
Complete the aspiration.
Reach the top of the scientist career. Until you do, never take a day off and always join them at work.
Collect all alien plants, including U.F.O seed but NOT sixam mosquito seed, and plant them at home.
Take microscope slides of all the plants that you have and examine them under the microscope (or at least as many as you can without wanting to die I guess).
Explore space at least once a week.
Reach level 10 of the rocket science
Marry someone you met at work (bonus if it's an alien) and have at least one child with them.
Make a clone of one of your children (I dunno if you can do that when they are a child, but if not teen is fine)
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
By the end of this sim's life, you must have a perfect example of the quill plant growing on your lot.
Generation 8: APPLE
Traits: Cat Lover or Dog Lover (your choice), Jealous, Unflirty
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Information: You have a complicated relationship with your parent--they even experimented on you! (Or maybe you were the experiment...) In any case, it's given you some trust issues and made you want to seek out the kind of love you can really know and depend on: pets!
Complete the Aspiration.
Have at least one pet in the household at least from teen age to sim's death.
Collect all catnips and plant them at home.
At some point, have more pets than human sims in the household
Adopt at least one pet "in the wild" and not through the service
Any time there is more than one pet, you must have at least one of each type (1 cat & 1 dog if two or more, but having only one pet is okay sometimes, and you don't have to maintain equality past that point)
Own and run a Vet clinic
Max veterinary skill
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
You should already have a perfect apple tree; if not, get one. If they can be improved, get at least one of the catnips to perfect. There are no marriage requirements, you're welcome to get an heir any way you like, including adoption. But marriage and natural offspring are also permitted.
Generation 9: LILY
Traits: Gloomy, Good, Bookworm
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Information: You're used to pets and books than people, but that doesn't mean you don't like or care about them. That there's so much evil in the world saddens you terribly...but maybe there's something you can do about that...
Complete the Aspiration
Careers chosen to complete the aspiration must be chosen from the following: doctor, detective, scientist, gardener, writer, secret agent (diamond agent branch, if you get that far), politician, astronaut (space ranger branch, if you get that far)
Collect wolfsbane, sixam mosquito plant seed, and garlic and plant them in your garden (you can get plasma fruit too if you want but you don't have to)
Reach max vampire lore skill.
Make at least one garlic braid.
Make a vampire cure.
Cure OR KILL (via sunlight) Vlad Straud (if he's made it this long, lol. If not, pick another evil vampire that's spawned, or make one yourself.)
Maintain the garden begun by your predecessors
You should already have a perfect lily plant; if not, get one. Get one of the vampire plants to perfect.
And finally (sheesh, is anyone gonna read this? Let me know, anybody who's gotten this far, lmao)--
Generation 10: ORCHID
Traits: Self absorbed, Materialistic, Romantic
Aspiration: You choose! You've earned it! You can pick from the following: Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Serial Romantic, or World Famous Celebrity
(we're back to taking a lot of inspiration from the original with this last one, so let's throw another bit of thanks back their way, yah?)
Information: After everything, you finally decide that your family is worth more than living on a farm forever. Who said it was OUR job to fix the world, make it greener, or more beautiful? Let somebody else do that! It’s time for your legacy to move on. You want to move out into a penthouse in the city and create an exciting future for generations to come!
Complete the Aspiration
Have a perfect orchid plant in a pot with you in the city (you should already have perfect orchids, so this should be easy)
Purchase the money tree reward trait and grow a money tree (I think you should be able to grow/have it in a pot in an apartment/penthouse)--You must have purchased the trait BEFORE moving to the city, and until you do you must still maintain the garden!
"Dye" your hair a different color from your natural one--unnatural hues encouraged!
Marry someone living in a swag place in San Myshuno and move in with them.
Join one of the following careers: Actor/Actress, Business, Politician (Politician branch), Social Media, or Style Influencer.
Reach level 10 your chosen career
Throw a party every weekend + every holiday
Have at least 1 child
And lastly--this is more for you, the player, really--after you've sold your family farmhouse...turn it into a park! Renovate it, make it a public space, and then have your sim visit it every Sunday with their family. Who knows? Maybe one of their kids will want to head back out to the countryside, just like their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother did!
So, yeah, that's what I got. I really hope least one other person gets kick out this cause I do not want to admit how long I took on it lol.
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