6 years ago
Gender Preference
Just something I was thinking about last night. Apparently this game has this "Gender Preference" as a hidden feature but what if it was made as an option in CAS? When a new Sim is created, you ge...
"FanPhoria;c-17168447" wrote:
See, that's the only way I'd be cool with a gender preference--if we, the players, could control it. Right now it feels...obstructive, and it actually makes it difficult to play truly bisexual storylines. Like, apparently, the algorithm or whatever takes previous "behavior" into account, but that basically means any sim that's married is virtually un-romanceable by the gender they're not married to. Which means there's a whole bunch of stories (say, a lesbian married to a man for convenience, but then falls for a woman outside of her marriage) aren't really available. Before I could basically just direct my sims to have a certain preference through their actions, or follow their whims and such, and it baffles me that they thought it was okay to take this aspect of the game out of the hands of the player.