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KamioMax's avatar
5 years ago

Glimmerbrook Academy + More ☾✩☽ Updated 20/08 ~ A Supernatural Mash up of Epic Proportions

Hey All and welcome to my threat on my game play!

I am loving my Glimmerbrook Academy Family at the moment. Please enjoy their story below!!!

There will be more families joining this story and it will expand outside of the small town and into other occults (you can read my original post in the spoiler down below) but for now I'm keeping it focused.

Hey All!!!

Long time no see! I've missed you all so much!

I have been lurking in the shadows following your stories...mwahahahahaha!

I haven't shared my game play in a long time and I miss it...ALOT.

I plan to update this thread when I have something to share...

....and I have LOTS to share.

So strap in and get comfy...there's a number of updates coming to catch everyone up!


I've basically played about 6 generations of gameplay. It's an immortal origin story for the occult types in game and I worked in my Selection Challenge/Royal Family into the picture as well. I'll post the origin story for the sister's shortly and update you all on my Royal Family but for now I'd like to introduce you all to....

☾✩☽The Three Sisters☾✩☽

Left to Right: Cyrene, Anthe & Veria

Cyrene pronounced - Siren (the youngest sister) was cursed to live her life in complete frivolity as a mermaid, forever splashing around in the waves and never able to find a soulmate.

Veria (the oldest) was cursed to the shadows she preferred to keep to rather than defend her sisters. Her heart was hardened against her sisters and allowed evil to dwell within. Cursed to never bear children of her own Veria has been raising an entirely different and wicked family of her own.

Finally we have Anthe she was cursed with neither long life, fangs or fins. Her punishment was to grow old and pass away, unable to defend her sister's past the end of her natural life. Luckily for her sister's Anthe decided to take matters into her own hands. She grew in her knowledge of the magical arts and become a powerful Spellcaster. She unlocked the secrets to enteral life and has been a thorn in the side of their enemy ever since.

Why were they cursed? Well, you'll just have to wait to find out.

22 Replies

  • Also....please enjoy this blooper. I though it was hilarious. They had all just gotten brooms...and well this happened when they were heading home after the tavern and had had enough of walking...


    Mid air collision....for Xavier, Morgan, Aine and Alex.

    Cassandra meanwhile, is killing it.

    the landing.....if you can even call it that.

  • Lol, I love the bloopers! And Cassandra should have a serious convo with Xavier about the state of things.