Forum Discussion

blue-wreith's avatar
9 years ago

Help - platform over pool

So I have some sims that are engaged, to be wedded. I decided to build them a pretty venue (well, technically, decorate the garden of a venue I downloaded form the gallery). But anyway, I thought it would be a creative idea if instead of a red carpet or something for the isle, they walk down a platform, over a petal-littered pool in the shape of a cross.

This is how it looks right now:

Before you say anything I kow the romantic garden thingy-ma-jig doesn't serve as a wedding arch, but I got a modded one that does work the same as an arch. Anyway...Basically, I'm trying to make the platform (the wooden stuff in the middle of the pool) into a slightly smaller cross shape, so the pool almost acts as a border. A few problems though: it won't let me build a platform anywhere but where I've already put it. Plus, I don't want the pool trim around the edges of the platform, bc it's supposed to look like the platform goes OVER the pool, not that there's some pool, some platform, and then some more pool. It would be nice if I could completely get rid of all the trim around the pool too, but I don't think that's a thing.

Also, I saw this thing about building basement rooms in order to create a walkway over the pool (which I don't quite understand), but I did that, except it won't let me draw rooms where the pool is, and I can't delete bits of the pool to make the rooms bc if I try to delete bits of it, it deletes the whole pool. I don't want to build a bridge with stairs and stuff, I just want a platform but I don't understand how to get it (and yes I've seen the thread about bridges over pools but I didn't understand it and didn't want to 'necro' the thread..)
  • Ok so your main issue here is you are trying to build a platform over an existing pool, that doesn't work. You have to shape the pool by hand to form the shape you want and form a "platform" from the empty space between. If you click the pool, you should be able to drag the platform towards the archway if that helps.

    To remove the pool trim from the middle part, you have to first remove all the trim from the entire pool, then hold shift and click each pool wall you want the trim on individually.

    As far as platforms directly over pools goes, that's not an option. A walkway must be at least one story above the pool to go over it.
  • "StSciurus;15210081" wrote:
    If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to see a picture of your finished pool. I've been following this thread, but I don't really understand what you were trying to accomplish, and "a picture speaks a thousand words". Thanks! :smiley:

    The result isn't quite what I had in mind, but I still really love it...Also, I'm aware sims won't be able to get to the walkway without swimming that little bit across or something, but I'll just use the teleport cheat to get them on the walkway instantly. I tested it out and the pool still works, thought it would be cute for my newly weds to go swimming with each other after. Things may look a bit weird bc it's still a WIP.

  • "StSciurus;15211295" wrote:
    It looks great! I love the striped lawn too. :smiley:

    I also do too! But I can't take credit for that, bc that was already there when I downloaded the lot from the gallery. The garden was empty though, but obviously I added the cross pool, and also the trees, flowers, petals, horse, alter, arch, seats, and the flower pieces lining the pool.
  • "SpecterCody;15208651" wrote:
    Ok so your main issue here is you are trying to build a platform over an existing pool, that doesn't work. You have to shape the pool by hand to form the shape you want and form a "platform" from the empty space between. If you click the pool, you should be able to drag the platform towards the archway if that helps.

    To remove the pool trim from the middle part, you have to first remove all the trim from the entire pool, then hold shift and click each pool wall you want the trim on individually.

    As far as platforms directly over pools goes, that's not an option. A walkway must be at least one story above the pool to go over it.

    Never mind, I figured out what I was doing wrong, but thanks anyway! I got one of those thingies that are like decks but without the fence and put it underground and that allowed me to build my walkway on the pool.
  • If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to see a picture of your finished pool. I've been following this thread, but I don't really understand what you were trying to accomplish, and "a picture speaks a thousand words". Thanks! :smiley:
  • "SpecterCody;c-15208651" wrote:
    Ok so your main issue here is you are trying to build a platform over an existing pool, that doesn't work. You have to shape the pool by hand to form the shape you want and form a "platform" from the empty space between. If you click the pool, you should be able to drag the platform towards the archway if that helps.

    To remove the pool trim from the middle part, you have to first remove all the trim from the entire pool, then hold shift and click each pool wall you want the trim on individually.

    As far as platforms directly over pools goes, that's not an option. A walkway must be at least one story above the pool to go over it.

    How exactly do you remove pool trim?
  • "Amiracorine;c-16853910" wrote:
    "SpecterCody;c-15208651" wrote:
    Ok so your main issue here is you are trying to build a platform over an existing pool, that doesn't work. You have to shape the pool by hand to form the shape you want and form a "platform" from the empty space between. If you click the pool, you should be able to drag the platform towards the archway if that helps.

    To remove the pool trim from the middle part, you have to first remove all the trim from the entire pool, then hold shift and click each pool wall you want the trim on individually.

    As far as platforms directly over pools goes, that's not an option. A walkway must be at least one story above the pool to go over it.[/quot