5 years ago
Ideas For Careers And How They Would Work
What are some careers you would like to see in the sims and how would they work?
Architect/Builder- Sims would be given a budget and have to meet the requirements for the build. Having an Architect in game just makes sense. Other wise how do explain houses just appearing.
Seamstress/Tailor- Nifty Knitting but make it so sims can make all the clothes in cas to sell. Would go really well with the retail career. Just saying.
Repair man - There should be an option for The repair person to upgrade items. I don't want sims to learn certain things. And while we're on the topic of sims learning things. We should be able to lock skill levels or prevent sims from learning skills we don't want.
Architect/Builder- Sims would be given a budget and have to meet the requirements for the build. Having an Architect in game just makes sense. Other wise how do explain houses just appearing.
Seamstress/Tailor- Nifty Knitting but make it so sims can make all the clothes in cas to sell. Would go really well with the retail career. Just saying.
Repair man - There should be an option for The repair person to upgrade items. I don't want sims to learn certain things. And while we're on the topic of sims learning things. We should be able to lock skill levels or prevent sims from learning skills we don't want.