8 years ago
IDEAS to make PlantSims better in TS4!
First of all you could improve PlantSims in any Expansion Pack. They already have a base you can build on.
And we need actual PlantSim looking clothes AND hair styles...
- Give our Sims the option to be a permanent PlantSim
- Send out spores that effect other Sims emotions
- ...or make them attracted to the PlantSim
- ...or make Sims throw up/nauseous
- PlantSims will get brown-ish skin and hair if they aren't hydrated
- Special Plumbob with leaves
- They can only reproduce by taking a cutting from themselves and planting a baby PlantSim which will eventually turn into a toddler PlantSim after 3 days of good care of the plant
- Absorb water puddles for water need
- Fill water need while standing in rain (Seasons)
And we need actual PlantSim looking clothes AND hair styles...