2 years agoSeasoned Adventurer
In-Depth Cars Game Pack (The Sims 4: On the Road?)
While I understand that most people don't necessarily want or see a need for cars given the lack of open world, I feel like cars and driving are a huge part of life (at least in the US) and I've had some ideas brewing in my head for how they could implement them and I'd love to see everyone's feedback.
Pre-Pack Patch Update
The patch changes the functionality of roads (across the worlds that have them) in the game & optionally adds the carpool system from TS1-3 back.
It also adds police cars, and with the addition of those, it adds a toggle for burglar gameplay. On a 3-week timer, there is a random chance for your sims' home to get broken into and have things stolen. Burglar alarms also make a return.
Actual Pack Features
The pack adds travel time to loading between lots with a toggle option. This creates a reason to actually own and drive vehicles, as it lessens the time skip between lots, giving your sims more time to do things during the day.
lots in same neighborhood = no travel time
lots in other neighborhoods, same world = 1 hour travel time on foot, no travel time w/ vehicle
lots in other worlds = 3 hour travel time on foot, 1 hour travel time w/ vehicle
Crosspack compatibility: Bikes, brooms, transportalate, bat form, mist form, vampiric running, werewolves, etc. = no travel time or reduced travel time on foot.
Adds customizable/upgradeable cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles, scooters.
Adds fire engine, ice cream truck, food delivery car, mail truck, service vehicles.
Adds parking space object, similar to TS3 with teleporting to road.
-As much as I'd like the driveway animations from TS2, I understand that that's not really feasible for the way lots are made in this game.
Adds garage doors.
New (Hobby) Trait: Vehicle Enthusiast - gains special moodlets when interacting with vehicles, special conversation topics, gets negative moodlets when going too long without driving or working on vehicles.
New 10-level skill: Driving skill
1: Drives slow (under limit), frequent stops.
2: Drives at limit, frequent stops
3: Drives at limit, no longer stops (can now ride motorcycles)
4: Drives confidently, special moodlets when going on a drive
5: Unlocks new career options (commercial driver, racing career)
6-8: Filler levels, maybe extra interactions, moodlets or vehicle upgrade unlocks
9: Required to reach level 10 in Commercial Driver branch
10: Required to reach level 10 in Racer branch
Rabbit Hole class option: Driver's Ed (only effective until Level 3 Driving)
Adult sims can teach teen sims how to drive; starts with live animation, leading into rabbit hole event; new milestone for teens in Growing Together.
Fixer-upper car object, requires level 6+ Handiness.
New Woohoo spot: all closed 2-4 door vehicles.
New 10-level rabbit hole career: Driver
1-5: Delivery Driver (requires Driving skill)
6-10: 2 branches—
Commercial Driver (requires Handiness & Driving, Energized mood)
Racer (requires Charisma, Driving, Confident or Focused mood)
Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, Delivery Driver could be a part-time or freelance career, akin to odd jobs to simulate Uber/Lyft. The better your personal vehicle and Driving skill, the better the cash payout and job performance.
Pre-Pack Patch Update
The patch changes the functionality of roads (across the worlds that have them) in the game & optionally adds the carpool system from TS1-3 back.
It also adds police cars, and with the addition of those, it adds a toggle for burglar gameplay. On a 3-week timer, there is a random chance for your sims' home to get broken into and have things stolen. Burglar alarms also make a return.
Actual Pack Features
The pack adds travel time to loading between lots with a toggle option. This creates a reason to actually own and drive vehicles, as it lessens the time skip between lots, giving your sims more time to do things during the day.
lots in same neighborhood = no travel time
lots in other neighborhoods, same world = 1 hour travel time on foot, no travel time w/ vehicle
lots in other worlds = 3 hour travel time on foot, 1 hour travel time w/ vehicle
Crosspack compatibility: Bikes, brooms, transportalate, bat form, mist form, vampiric running, werewolves, etc. = no travel time or reduced travel time on foot.
Adds customizable/upgradeable cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles, scooters.
Adds fire engine, ice cream truck, food delivery car, mail truck, service vehicles.
Adds parking space object, similar to TS3 with teleporting to road.
-As much as I'd like the driveway animations from TS2, I understand that that's not really feasible for the way lots are made in this game.
Adds garage doors.
New (Hobby) Trait: Vehicle Enthusiast - gains special moodlets when interacting with vehicles, special conversation topics, gets negative moodlets when going too long without driving or working on vehicles.
New 10-level skill: Driving skill
1: Drives slow (under limit), frequent stops.
2: Drives at limit, frequent stops
3: Drives at limit, no longer stops (can now ride motorcycles)
4: Drives confidently, special moodlets when going on a drive
5: Unlocks new career options (commercial driver, racing career)
6-8: Filler levels, maybe extra interactions, moodlets or vehicle upgrade unlocks
9: Required to reach level 10 in Commercial Driver branch
10: Required to reach level 10 in Racer branch
Rabbit Hole class option: Driver's Ed (only effective until Level 3 Driving)
Adult sims can teach teen sims how to drive; starts with live animation, leading into rabbit hole event; new milestone for teens in Growing Together.
Fixer-upper car object, requires level 6+ Handiness.
New Woohoo spot: all closed 2-4 door vehicles.
New 10-level rabbit hole career: Driver
1-5: Delivery Driver (requires Driving skill)
6-10: 2 branches—
Commercial Driver (requires Handiness & Driving, Energized mood)
Racer (requires Charisma, Driving, Confident or Focused mood)
Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, Delivery Driver could be a part-time or freelance career, akin to odd jobs to simulate Uber/Lyft. The better your personal vehicle and Driving skill, the better the cash payout and job performance.