@Veriona you play SWOTR? So do we (off an on). I never played a Sith Warrior so I'm not familiar with Vette and don't know Jayla (still have yet to see Beyond). How did you like it? In SWOTR I'm always a smuggler or trooper -- I like to smack stuff and distrust magic (IC of course). =) I want to buy the WoW movie too eventually mostly because it was so awesome to see places we'd walked around for years on the big screen.
@Laebeth Mercy is my favorite but I am very new. I've had maybe 3 hours on her. My son bought me Overwatch for Christmas. But my new-ish (re-fabricated) Laptop won't play Overwatch. It can't render Direct X 10 or higher :( So until we sort that I'm benched. Mercy is my son's main. He does those ranked matches and is very good - gold high tier I think? He plays with four friends. When I could play, he tutored me and we played against bots (head shots mostly which helps with aim). Btw, did you see the cos-play pix on Imgur yesterday? One was an amazing Mercy! Oh I love Junkrat too. SO fun to play. But Reaper is my favorite dps -- probably because in Wow I'm a subtlety rogue, played until Legion so she's 100 -- and we got Legion too but my oldest son disappeared last March (we all four played WoW together) and after a while I couldn't play without him. Disc priest huh. *Salutes* Respect. =)
@Corwim that's awesome that Vanderetro visited your page. It really means a lot and I always appreciate your comments and visits. A few folks from @Rosemow 's wonderful thread have visited and I love it. Yesterday I spent time doing that too and leaving comments. Thanks for your support re my thread. I hope you get to see the vids and get that computer sorted soon. I understand the frustration -- just solved it recently.