Expansion Ideas....
Citylife EP -Cars, apartments, condos, bands, public transportation (bus, taxis, trains), food trucks/ice cream truck, dance/night clubs, Film career, Modeling career, celebrities, Journalism (reporters) Hospitals, grocery stores, parades, BBQ's/tailgate parties.
University EP- more career options (Business, Politics,Biology,Military etc)dorms, chemistry labs, public transportation(subway tunnels), new party options ( Pool, Graduation,Game Day, toga party etc), roommates, take food options (Chinese, Sushi, Italian, Greek etc).
Into the Future EP for sims 4- more build options(futuristic, sci-fi etc, hover-boards, sleep pod, robotic pets, synthetic food, elevators, online dating, alien plants
Pets EP-Cats, dogs, horses, Birds, Rodents, Monkeys Etc. if a sim can befriend a fox, raccoon or deer they can keep it for a pet, Pet shops where sims can buy a pet, Pets can be taken away if neglected, They can keep fish they find from fishing as pets. Aquariums now have feed and clean tank options.
Seasons with Natural disasters and Holidays EP- Ideas for each season (natural disasters can be a random thing)
Winter-New years, snow, blizzards, skiing, Gift Giving party, winter solstice, Chinese new year, Hanukkah, groundhog day
Spring-Easter, flowers bloom, rain, graduation,spring break, mud slides/hurricanes, memorial day,
Summer-sunburns, pool parties, BBQ's, no school, 4th of July, tornadoes, heat waves,
Fall/Autumn- leaves fall, milder temperatures, back to school, thanksgiving, Halloween, meteor shower, wild fires,