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LizzieMay's avatar
11 years ago

"Love Thy Neighbour" Sims 4 Challenge

LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR - A Sims 4 Challenge

P.S: This challenge is a work in progress. It has not been tested out so if you do decide to give it a go, let us know how it goes. If you run into any trouble, let us know :)

The purpose of the challenge is to see how many sims that your controlled sim (male or female) can sleep with without getting caught by their spouse or children. You cannot control the other family members in order to keep them out of the house, but you may 'push' them into skill building to move up careers/get better grades.

1. You must play as either a married pre-made (such as Bella or Mortimer Goth) or create your own little family. I would suggest a YA married couple or two sims already dating to get the best start. I've added some handicaps below that may change this starting requirement
2. You may date both male and female sims for the sake of variety.
3. You must have at least three dates with your objective sim. You must get each level of dating with the sim in question: bronze, silver, and gold. Or all three dates must be gold. You must get a medal for the date or you lose points, see below for scoring.
4. You must woohoo only in the family house.
5. You must retain a good relationship with the spouse and children, to prevent them getting suspicious. This was changed from having the controlled sim woohoo the married sim twice a week but what do you think?
6. No cheats except to sort out game issues (such as resetsim)
7. No feeding the prospective date flirty cookies
8. You cannot use the potion of youth because the aging acts as a timer

-Challenge ends when either the spouse or the controlled sim dies. As soon as this happens, calculate the total points and post on this here thread.

  • Base Scoring:

+1 point for each bronze medal,
+2 points for silver and
+3 points for Gold.
-1 point if you fail to get a medal for the date.

Up to 3 dates per sim, points (if achieving a medal each time) will range from 3 to 9 points. this potentially changes getting a bronze, silver and gold medal for each sim

+1 point for each first kiss you achieve with a sim.
+5 points for every successful woohoo
-10 points if the spouse catches you.

If you fall below 0 points, you lose the game. If the spouse catches you, but your points are still above 0 then you may continue. But you must repair the relationship as soon as possible, as the spousal relationship must be high at all times.

  • Handicaps!

-You can have any amount of these handicaps for extra points, but trying to abide by every handicap would make the challenge extremely difficult. Read below for more information.

'A Loving Friend'
-All your controlled sim's friends must be lovers.

+2 every friend who becomes a 'sweetheart'
+2 every sweetheart that becomes a soulmate

'Keep it in the Family'
-The controlled sim and their spouse must have at least 3 children, to increase the challenge difficulty.
-Starting with a pre-made family who have kids immediately gives them the points if you chose this handicap. So, the Goths would be already +10.

+5 for every child living on the lot that is the spouse's child
-3 for every child who is NOT the biological child of the controlled sim's spouse

'Risky WooHoo'
The controlled sim (or the Adulterer) must only every 'try for a baby' with their lovers.
-This and the 'Keep it in the Family' handicap would be a difficult match. Be careful.
-This handicap requires a female controlled sim.

+2 for every try for a baby that does not result in a child (they'd be happy about that, right?)
-2 for every try for a baby that results in a child.

'My Kids Aren't His'
The controlled sim wants more kids but her spouse's genetics just aren't rich enough.
-This handicap requires a female controlled sim

+2 for every child per man. No extra points for multiple births (so no +4 for twins or +6 for triplets and so on). This +2 point also includes children with the spouse.
-2 for every second pregnancy from the same man. I.e having a second child in a different pregnancy with the spouse should result in -2. This means that it is the opposite of the 'Keep it in the Family' handicap.

'Stay at Home Spouse'
The spouse does not work and thus is at home more often. You can send the spouse away from the house only once a week, so use the time wisely.
-This makes the challenge harder.
-You can have either a male or female controlled sim for this one.

+2 for every successful woohoo on the home lot. (Adds to the above points)
-2 every woohoo occuring off the home lot
-1 every time the spouse leaves the home lot.

'Love Thy Help'
Your controlled sim begins a romantic relatonship with the help. 'The Help' can either act as a nanny, extra source of income (a tenant, perhaps?) or a maid. But an extra sim not related to the married couple must live in the house.
-Either a male or female controlled sim will work
-The gender of the help is entirely your decision. You can only move in help.

+2 for becoming sweethearts with the help
+2 for becoming soulmates with the help
+2 if the spouse is friends with the help
+2 if the spouse is bestfriends with the help

Your controlled sim begins a torrid affair with the friends of the spouse
-Either a male or female controlled sim will work

+2 for every sim that is lovers with the controlled sim and best friends with the spouse.
-5 if the spouse catches the controlled sim + their best friend doing romantic actions (except from 'ask if single')
-5 if the spouse catches the controlled sim and their best friend woohoo'ing (this is as well as the -10 listed above, making the total -15 points if the spouse catches them together)

'Double Trouble'
The marriage has always been rocky. Maybe they're not meant to be in a marriage, maybe they rushed into the marraige? Either way, both of the sims in the marriage commit a series of affairs.
-This is different kind of handicap and may even be considered as a different take on the challenge all together.
-You have full control of both sims in the marriage
-You lose points if either sim catches them in the act

+2 for every successful woohoo on the lot
+2 if the couple romance the same sim
-5 if either sim catches their spouse woohoo'ing. This is INSTEAD OF the -10 listed above.
-1 if either sim catches their spouse doing any romantic interaction (except 'ask if single')

'Happy Families'
Sure, everything seems a bit warped on the inside, but outside the family is as normal as any.
-All children and adults should achieve their main aspiration by the time they're elders. If you start with an adult couple (for the 'Midlife Crisis' handicap, for example) you'll have to work fast.

+5 points for each sim who reaches the end of their aspiration and received the extra aspiration trait
-5 points for each sim who, on their elder birthday, has not received that extra aspiration reward trait
-2 points for each child who ages to teen without getting their child aspiration reward trait

'Midlife Crisis'
It was a happy and faithful marriage for the couple till they became adults. They realise life is too boring without a bit of excitement and secrecy...
-Only play the challenge with adult sims
-You may add children if you start in CAS
-Play the 'Happy Families' handicap for an extra challenge

'Life is Short'
Your married sims have realised that life is just too short to be in a monogamous relationship
-Only play the challenge on a short life span
-You may add children
-Both genders work with this challenge

+5 for each soulmates relationship outside of the marriage
+2 for each woohoo on the homelot not with the spouse
-5 if the spouse catches the controlled sim in a romantic interaction
-5 if the spouse catches the controlled sim woohoo'ing (so a total of -10 here)
Any more handicap ideas are welcome. But please first talk them through with the challenge makers before using them in your game. You could see your handicap ideas listed in the main challenge!

'Nothing In Common'
Your sim and their new lover have absolutely nothing in common, but for the mutual attraction
-You cannot have a romantic relationship with anyone with ANY shared traits
-You have to get a soulmates relationship to win points
-Bonus points to getting the two lovers best friends
-Bonus points if the lovers have opposite traits (good/evil, neat/slob, active/lazy, hates children/family oriented, loner/outgoing)

+2 if the opposites really have opposite traits (good/evil, neat/slob etc)
+2 if you get the opposites to woohoo
+5 if you get the opposites be best friends

You can do this for fun or challenge your friends or yourself - maybe you can see if you can reach +50 points? Or how long you can last without the spouse catching you in the act.

Credit also goes to @MeggieWes and @MrMagnetic for the help and ideas.

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