@DaniRose2143 <3 I always love how thoughtful your responses are! You've picked up exactly what I've been trying to portray, which makes me really happy. Evie's going through a transformation this summer whether she realizes it or not, and she's figuring out what she does and doesn't want, including the kinds of people she wants around her. Jen and Jude represent a possibility of what she can have, how she might be able to be happy just being herself instead of sticking to what's "normal" or what other people want her to be.
Ahh so interested to read about your background, I think it's so interesting how people from America have such varied ancestry - your family could truly be from anywhere. I did a DNA test last year and I came up as 100% Irish - which is so boring. Those of us who survived the British occupation & never emigrated to America, England or Australia have stayed put since, and it's not like people have been immigrating into the country until the last few decades. I guess there's not a lot of varied genes going around. One of the reasons I wanted Jude to be half American is kind of for this exact reason. It's something exotic and different to Evie, someone who's really not like everyone else. I think there's a great allure to everything American when you're not from there, because of how pervasive the culture is on TV and in films. His uniqueness is one of the things that makes him such a draw to her.
I do feel slightly concerned about how that tourist scene comes across sometimes, as I worry that it seems mean-spirited. It's just that it's more rooted in this feeling among Irish people that we're often seen as caricatures to those who visit us: Alcoholics brandishing paddy-caps who say "Top of the morning to you" and live in thatch cottages in fields. It ignores our humanity and our complexity, and also our liberalism and modernism as one of the wealthiest and most progressive countries in Europe. The two girls are aware of the stereotypes, hence their bristling at who they imagine the outside world thinks they are.