@hellohannah2 I just finished chapter 7. I could feel Liam's progression from happy and just another day to the uncertainty and feelings of rejection by the last text. You just feel the air go out of his sails. Evie is at that crossroads of love. Do I love Jude? Do I love Liam? Is it real or infatuation? So many thoughts and emotions and you don't know up from down. Both of them are wrestling with new thoughts and feelings. Liam feeling the need to measure himself against Jude. Then seeing Jude as a threat because he feels convinced Evie has chosen Jude over him. I feel like Evie has made her choice and its Jude or neither one. She feels bad for Liam and doesn't know how to let him down gently because she's never been here before and that just makes the whole situation more confusing. That's a new place for her. She's so distracted by this whirlwind in her head she makes that mistake we have all made. She let her guard down and showed Liam more of her thoughts than she intended. That more than anything says she's made her choice. I was a bit surprised Liam didn't toss it back in Evie's face about making time to check her phone while she was with him, when she said she couldn't do that while she was with Jen and Jude. I know it had to be in his mind. That and her obvious brush off of his invitation to the debs slammed the door in his mind. Evie's in his friend zone.
I say this every time, but you really did such a lovely job with this story.? I'm going to make time tomorrow to get chapter 8 done.