@DaniRose2143 Awesome! Yeah liam is kind of having a hard time with Evie, and in one way I feel bad, but on the other hand, he's not right for her, and he knows it. You can't force something that isn't meant to be, and her distance from him is just angering him. Liam will always measure himself against Jude in the same way that Evie will never feel quite adequate enough for him. Liam needs the approval of the cooler kids even though he'll never get it from them, just like Evie needs the validation that she's worthy to hang out with them, that she's pretty enough or interesting enough. A lot of her insecurities about herself come out with Jude - as you'll see a bit later - she's always questioning her behavior, not quite sure how to be around him. A big theme in this story is timing, and the different stages we're all at in our lives. Evie and Liam aren't where Jude and Jen are, even though they desperately wish to be.
Thank you so much again for your comment! I love that you're finding complexities in it <3