@hellohannah2 I did finish chapter 8 last night but after two nights of short sleep my thoughts weren't very organized. I got a night's sleep last night so I reread this morning.
I suppose it's human nature to read a story and compare yourself and the characters. With this story, your writing paints such a vivid picture it makes that connection even stronger and Evie is like a mirror. I have always been a people pleaser like Evie, but only recently admitted how toxic that can be if it's done for the wrong reasons. It led me to repressing truths about myself that others couldn't, or wouldn't, learn to accept. It ended in the depression I mentioned last time. Evie is wise beyond her years because she already sees that she's putting other people and their feelings ahead of her own. At her age I didn't have that kind of maturity and introspection. I couldn't see how blindly putting yourself in second place leads to nothing good for you. No one should ever hurt someone else's feelings intentionally, but you have to look at the situation and ask why you're protecting them. You have to ask yourself if they're intentionally playing on that aspect of your personality. I don't feel like Liam is intentionally trying to make Evie feel guilty. He was so blinded by his feelings for her that he didn't read the signs that said their relationship wasn't where he thought it was. Jude sees that Evie is bending over backward to protect Liam's feelings and risking her own emotional wellbeing in doing it. His words feel a bit harsh, just tell Liam exactly how she feels and let him deal with it, but that's men for you.? I know Evie will find a way to be honest with Liam but not do it so bluntly.