Although I had plot points too, that required my Sorcerer sim at the end of his "Humanity" to also become Daemon, (Vampire).
Like I wondered what would happen if a Vampire did Feed off of, or try to turn a Spellcaster. Could the vampire drain the Spellcaster of the magic in their blood and absorb it, or transfer it to another? That was my hope for a convoluted way to make hybrids.
Or something to do with scientists, a mad scientist trying to use science create an ultimate Hybrid, a chimera of sorts.
they'll need a strong Human specimen, a blank canvas to experiment on.
and inject Spell caster Plasma, Essence of Vampire, Werewolf Plasma, Mermaid Plasma etc.
Since it's a Battle between Supernatural and Natural Evolution, doing this runs the risk of the sim successfully turning into a Chimera, or Dying.
Maybe sims with a Higher fitness skill or something will have a higher success rate to endure the Natural to Supernatural Evolution.
But I'm okay with it being a Life State, To me it makes perfect sense, even if magic had been both a Life State and a Skill that wasn't exclusive to the Life state. Those who acquire the magic skill Shouldn't be able to reach the full spell casting potential the Life state can.
they should be only be able to cover the basics...
In my story there's a chapter where My sim parents Trent and Julia King Just got married. Julia is a Sorceress and Trent is human. and when they move in together and they unpack Trent discovers her Spell book and a box of her potions, curses and enchantments. Trent, Being the slightly curious, but his Detective side kicks in, he feels he should be knowledgeable when it comes to breaking spells, enchantments, and curses and all that. Julia agrees, and so they take a break from unpacking and Delve into some magic together. Julia shows and teaches him how Enchantments and potions are made, and what it really takes, In order to break an enchantment you need to know what created the enchantment, same with potions and curses all that jazz. So Trent can't and doesn't do magic, so he's basically building his lore Skill, and able to use magical objects his wife has obtained over the past few centuries. but because She is teaching him I don't want him to be a spell caster. So that's why I think it's good He can have knowledge of Magic but can't perform magic.