2 years ago
Make it easier to assign NPC Occupations
Some NPC’s with special Occupations have caused problems for me in the past. For example, Father Winter was duplicated and the original one was wandering around the game. I deleted the fake one and the problem was solved. Simon Silversweater, the Sage of Practical Magic, somehow joined the military career and lost his Sage status. I used cheats to restore him as a Sage after a long time. The pub owner from Cottage Living was culled from the game and lost her pub. I used the same cheats to fix her. But Erwin Pries, the Curio Shop owner, is still not fixed. I wish the devs would make an easy way for us to assign NPC Occupations to any sim we want without so much hassle. Or at least prevent these NPC’s from being culled or removed from their Occupations unless killed or joining a household. Maybe create tab on the Houshold section for Sims with NPC Occupations where we can add or remove them!