Please sims team, we have to do better. This is devestating. Also given that Yagatha is an established sims creator. So loved for her beautiful creations and support for others in the creative process. She deserved that Maxis Favourite for her cumulative work too. But that creation had SO MUCH character. She is the creator. If this was my sims, I would be so sad. I cannot even think what this must feel like to Yagatha. Please go read the comments on that creation. Nothing but outrage that we all know the gallery well enough to have spotted Yagatha's creation and to realise it was a copy instantly. Please appoint someone to curate the Maxis faves that would also have spotted it. Why on earth would we favourite someone / recognize someone whose name is 675cx!23alsdlaskjd and leave someone like Yagatha behind! This is embarrassing.