4 years agoNew Veteran
Mezzaninos/floating platforms
There's a build mode feature that I really would like to see in future: mezzaninos (or floating platforms)!
I wanted to do something like this:
I know some people might say: "you can do this by making two floors and removing part of the ceiling from first floor" but my intention is to make this as something in the middle of the wall, like putting a tall wall in the whole house, and in a corner I put a floating platform and make the mezzanino area. With this, I can make 2 floors in one single tall wall.
I have this house made entirely with tall walls, with a loft area made with platforms, and I wanted to have the area beneath the platform available to place objects.
Would you like to see it in game?
There's a build mode feature that I really would like to see in future: mezzaninos (or floating platforms)!
I wanted to do something like this:
I know some people might say: "you can do this by making two floors and removing part of the ceiling from first floor" but my intention is to make this as something in the middle of the wall, like putting a tall wall in the whole house, and in a corner I put a floating platform and make the mezzanino area. With this, I can make 2 floors in one single tall wall.
I have this house made entirely with tall walls, with a loft area made with platforms, and I wanted to have the area beneath the platform available to place objects.
Would you like to see it in game?