A challenge for those looking to explore the more nefarious elements of game play in the sims. The rules are simple: 1. Create a sim teen or older 2. Your sim must have either the mean, evil, ...
https://i.imgur.com/JqQMAQn.png Max thought it was high time to get out of that boring university dorm. He found himself in the Library.
(Max) "Well, this is just as boring as the dorm."
For those who didn't notice in chapter 1: Max dyed his hair brown and cut it shorter - hence the 'change in himself'.
https://i.imgur.com/xiVc2IV.png Suddenly this guy (who's name I forgot) came over to Max, asking him if he knew where the fantasy books were.
https://i.imgur.com/guoi0U8.png (Max) "How should I know where the fantasy books are? What, you think I work here?" (Dude) "Oh sorry man, I didn't knew you were gonna be offended, jeez."
https://i.imgur.com/6tyn5s9.png (Max) "Look, I am not annoyed, I just don't know where the fantasy books are. I'm just here to critique the decoration out here." (Dude) "Oh, a snob? Well in that case I'll leave you to it. See you around!"
Yeah, we hope not.
https://i.imgur.com/bjX5YES.png The only family member Max stays in contact with, is his erratic dad. As a matter of fact, he just called to check in on his son.
(Max) "Yeah, dad. It's going great out here! I've been exploring the city, but haven't bumped into something interesting yet. Yeah, I'll keep you updated. Later!"
https://i.imgur.com/6RDarrM.png Some time later, Max found himself back in the dorms.
(Max) "So boring here..."
https://i.imgur.com/Mc0zDQs.png (Stephan) "What's that about boring?" (Max) "Who are you?" (Stephan) "Name's Stephan. You're Max, right? I heard you made a scene cause you didn't want two roommates. If I can help you, I don't have a roommate yet. You can become mine if you want to."
https://i.imgur.com/q5c9Ncm.png (Max) "And what do I gain out of that?" (Stephan) "Well, one annoying roommate less?" (Max) "I mean... It's better than two roommates. Okay, you got yourself a deal." (Stephan) "Nice! Room's over there, you can check it if you want."
https://i.imgur.com/J6RccTi.png And so Max went over to his new room.
https://i.imgur.com/H1U7yGP.png The blue side was his, but he didn't really like blue.