A challenge for those looking to explore the more nefarious elements of game play in the sims. The rules are simple: 1. Create a sim teen or older 2. Your sim must have either the mean, evil, ...
Last night, after the "shower" interlude with the butler, Serena had decided to sleep downstairs, which had kind of squashed Clem's plans on continuing his romantic night with her. And this morning, neither Serena nor the butler seemed to be anywhere in the house. Which is why Clem was in a bad mood sitting alone in the kitchen eating a breakfast of cold cereal and milk. He couldn't even get the dang coffee maker working to get a decent cup of coffee. So when his ride arrived promptly at 9am, he couldn't get out of that house fast enough.
Before entering the limo, the chauffeur gave Clem a package which contained his house keys, a new cell phone, and $20K simoleons. Holy Plumbobs! He had forgotten about the advance he had been promised. Life was definitely looking better now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When Clem arrived at the house in Willow Creek, Dennis Racket was waiting for him. After giving Clem a quick tour of the rental house, and explaining some of the equipment, Dennis told Clem that later that day, a moving van would be coming to deliver Clem's belongings from his apartment.
Before he left, Dennis handed Clem an envelope that had some "spy bugs" in it. Dennis told him that Clem had to discreetly plant these bugs on all Willow Creek residents in order to obtain their secrets for their client. Clem was not to reveal to anyone the real reason he was there or about their client's pending land purchase. Clem would stick to the story that he was a boxer and thinking about settling down in Willow Creek. Dennis would be meeting with him later that day at an office downtown for up-dates. The final report was to be submitted through the laptop using an encrypted file for security purposes.
Dennis also suggested that Clem should check-out the local gym, and that his first match would take place very soon. If Clem needed anything or had any problems, he was to call the number provided using his company cell phone and the matter would be handled. And with that, Dennis bid Clem good luck and left in the limo.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Clem stood on the sidewalk after Dennis had left and looked around the neighborhood. There were several houses, but only one of them seemed to be occupied. He also spied an empty lot and wondered if that was the lot that his client was interested in. The rental house he was staying in was far superior to the dive apartment he had been living in. He didn't know what time the moving truck would arrive, so he figured he should stick around the lot, and then perhaps explore Willow Creek once the moving truck left. At that time, maybe he would stop by and visit the neighbors. Until then, he had some research to do to find out the names of all the residents in Willow Creek.
After compiling a substantial list of all the sims who lived in Willow Creek, Clem decided to try out that new basketball net he had seen outside. And Clem seems to be good at basketball, too. (Clem started with no fitness skill, so he's doing pretty good).
The moving truck still hadn't shown up and he really needed to start meeting the neighbors. Well, the neighbors must have read his mind, because he saw three sims on the sidewalk walking towards his house. Yes! They were coming to see him and welcome him to the neighborhood. Even better!
Apparently, they all lived together next door...as best friends. Friends, huh? Well, that was a good thing, because he wouldn't mind getting to know that cute blonde, Summer Holiday, a bit more. Especially since he had called Serena a few times and she wasn't answering. But maybe Serena was busy and would call him later.
The other roommates' names were Liberty Lee and Travis Scott and they gifted him some gourmet fruitcake as a welcome gift. Clem never said no to food, so he invited them in. (Clem apparently likes fruitcake.)
After chatting for awhile, Clem asked if it would be okay to take a photo together. He figured that this would be a good idea for the report he would be compiling for the client. Clem asked them about their careers, discussed their hobbies and interests, and pretty soon, he knew a lot about them. (I also purchased the Observer Trait since he had enough satisfaction reward points).
They seemed to know a lot about the neighborhood, and he figured that they would be good to befriend as he might be invited to events where he could meet some other Willow Creek neighbors. He opened the Social Bunny app on his phone, and added them. With a few friendly and funny posts, they were all soon friends.
None of them suspected a thing, although he was worried that Travis might have seen him plant the bug on Summer. But Travis never said a word.
Clem told a few jokes and couldn't help himself and pranked them all with a joy buzzer. They all thought he was quite funny. Especially Summer, who had been giving him looks since they had met. As it was getting late, they said they should head home.
He then set up the listening device to see if any of them had any secrets. And oh my! What the heck was this about some funds that Travis was getting? What was going on there?
Clem would have to think about that, but for now, he had to head off downtown and report his findings to Dennis Racket. Until he found out more about those funds Travis was getting, he was not going to say a word to Dennis. (This is his work uniform as a Minor Crime lord Level 5 in the Criminal Career).
I did change the inside, and removed one bedroom and changed one of the bathrooms into his gym. Also changed some of the furnishings inside, and added the basketball court and a small telescope to the lot. Here is the quick house tour.
Social Bunny is the new way to make instant friends like the former taking photos together with your cell phone used to do. I saw this on a youtube video and it works!
The listening device actually increases logic skill, not mischief skill, but I kind of thought this would be a cool thing to do for story purposes. Once you plant the bug and use the listening device to find out their secret, you can go up to them and blackmail them. lol
Clem's Mischief skill is still low, since he started with none. He is now at Mischief Level 3. With the criminal career, he can also pickpocket sims (at level 3). So, he pickpocketed all the roomies while they were visiting. None of them suspected, but he got a call from the butler at the Rocket Family house telling him she knew he was a pickpocket! lol
His relationship with his girlfriend, Serena is bad. Really bad. And although it doesn't show on her profile, she dislikes him. And because of that, Clem has completed Level 1 of the Chief of Mischief Aspiration.