@permanentrose @Ellupelluellu @NRowe @Belalucina @mcrudd @Skeilah
Clem's meeting with Dennis Racket last night had gone better than he had hoped. Dennis was rather happy that Clem had made contact with Mortimer Goth and the Pancakes. Clem did mention that Bob and Eliza's relationship was not going well and he thought they had broken up. He noticed that Dennis seemed quite happy with this news, and Dennis enquired if Clem knew if Eliza would be moving away because of the marriage breakdown. Clem didn't know anything about that, and Dennis told Clem that he needed Clem to get closer to them. Oh gosh! That wasn't going to happen. Clem didn't really want to mention what had transpired between Eliza and himself last night and how he never wanted to see her again. But perhaps he could get some of the info from Bob.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aside from still needing to meet the Goth family members, and Iggy Pancakes, Clem still had one household that he hadn't met anyone from. The Spencer- Kim-Lewis household. And, as luck would have it, as he was heading outside, he spied someone on the sidewalk. It was Vivian Lewis! He immediately went over and introduced himself.
He found out that Vivian was an elder, who was retired and lived with her son, Eric, and his wife, Alice and her granddaughter Olivia and Alice's father, Dennis, in the very exclusive Sage Estates neighborhood.
Of course Clem gave her a wonderful hug planting a listening bug on her.
They chatted for quite awhile, and then Vivian said she had to head home again because she had forgotten something. She paused for a moment and then turned to Clem and asked if he would like to come with her to meet everyone.
Eureka! This was better than he had hoped. Clem, of course, said he'd love to head back to her house with her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When they got there, Clem stood outside for a moment and admired their house. It was an ultra-modern structure that overlooked a park called Magnolia Blossom Park. The house had a lot of windows and Clem was sure that the view of the park from their house was breathtaking. Yeah, and then this happened!
Vivian said that there was a strange smell outside and quickly brought him into the house. As soon as Clem set foot in the house, he could tell that this family was wealthy. Eric Lewis was sitting on the couch and watching television and Clem went over and introduced himself.
He found out that Eric Lewis was a doctor. In his younger days, Eric, along with some of his med school buddies, had produced a calendar as a fundraiser for the Willow Creek Hospital. Apparently it was quite a hot seller.
Clem also found out that Eric was a community advocate, who had been instrumental in protecting the lush bayou and rolling hills that made Willow Creek the idyllic place to live. Clem gave him that bro hug to plant the bug.
The next sim he met was Alice Kim-Lewis. She had just made some food and invited him to have some with them.
Clem got on quite well with Alice and found out that she liked to paint. They discussed the Municipal Muses Museum and Alice told him that they had a copy of one of the paintings displayed at the museum. Although she didn't work, she was a Board Member at the museum.
Clem gave Alice a hug thanking her for the food, and planted the bug.
And, of course Clem helped to clean up and also helped them with some plumbing issues they were having.
He then headed upstairs and found Dennis Kim, Alice's father at the computer in one of the bedrooms. And another bug was planted. He found out that Dennis was retired and enjoyed gardening.
He knew there was another sim somewhere in this house. Geez this place had a lot of stairs. He glanced around in the dining room area, and saw the painting that Alice had mentioned. He did remember admiring this one at the museum. It seemed that whenever Clem looked at paintings, a calm seemed to wash over him.
Well, that calm didn't last long because Clem remembered that the other sim who lived here was a child. He didn't much care for children (he has the hates children trait). He saw her outside and headed over to talk to her. Her name was Olivia Kim-Lewis and she was rather annoying pestering him with questions. Clem was getting stressful around her and since he couldn't seem to plant a bug on her, he figured it was time to leave. He had quite enough of the Spencer-Kim-Lewis...Lewis-Kim-Spencer...or whatever they were called. Sheesh! Who would saddle a kid with that last name? Anyway, he was off as he had to get ready for his meeting with Dennis Racket anyway.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Clem had a pop-up at work.
https://i.postimg.cc/fyFTr2BJ/COSTUME-JEWELLRY-POP-UP-AT-JOB.pnghttps://i.postimg.cc/h4xDDryb/TAKES-THE-JOB.pngAnd Clem gets promoted, and chooses the Boss Career track.
https://i.postimg.cc/T2WVTzv7/BOSS-CAREER.pnghttps://i.postimg.cc/ydh7P6Sp/PROMOTD-TO-MUSCLE-IN-THE-BOSS-CAREER.png~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Later that night when Clem listened in on the bugs, he learned a few more things about the Spencer-Kim-Lewis household.
https://i.postimg.cc/rmGVrRWg/MORE-SKELETONS-ERIC.pnghttps://i.postimg.cc/PxHhTfcD/MY-FAV-COLOR-IS-BLUE-ALICE.pnghttps://i.postimg.cc/G2fQv9C8/dennis-ten-little-lies.pnghttps://i.postimg.cc/qvfpjGLQ/get-the-cat-to-talk.pngClem didn't know what Dennis Racket was looking for, but the residents of Willow Creek sure had a lot of secrets.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Notes:All household members in the Spencer-Kim-Lewis household do not, by default, have jobs. So, I decided to change that.
Eric Lewis is featured in the Maxis created Malpractice household and the Malpractice trailer for Get To Work.
Watch the trailer.
Malpractice TrailerSo, I thought it would be fun to have him be a doctor in my game. I also figured that since Eric was very high profile in the community, that his wife should also be, so made her a Board Member at Municipal Muses Museum.