A challenge for those looking to explore the more nefarious elements of game play in the sims. The rules are simple: 1. Create a sim teen or older 2. Your sim must have either the mean, evil, ...
You have been busy! Bender is great with the kids. Thank goodness one of them is raising them. Oh Vlad...too much heat for you. RIP. And congrats on completing Chief of Mischief! Woot! Oh cool, Max is going into the Oracle career, so we shall see how he does there.
Nice house in San Sequoia. I just got that pack and haven't explored that world at all. lol Oh...a mystery daughter has emerged! Ariel Faust! lol Yep, might as well move her in. Brother Wolfie is looking really good. Max just goes on living his life and Bender raises the kiddos. Funny how they were all misbehaving when they turned toddlers. hehehe
Oh poor Bender, short circuited in the water park. And Max gets the geek trait. That should help in his career. Max, Vlad and your own father are better fathers than you are! lol We already know Luna is a softie for the kids.
Bianca meets her daughter for the first time on a date with Max. lol Max is terrorizing everyone in the store. lol No wonder the date was the worst. Love that shot of Bender taking the dog and the kids for a walk....and oh my gosh...the dog drinking out of the toilet bowl while one of the toddlers is using the toilet. Priceless!