8 years ago
"Mixed Bag" Competition
https://i.imgur.com/gM4v5a1.png It is called “Mixed Bag” because that is exactly what it is. You will be asked to do assignments with all different age groups and genders from toddlers – elders...
"aussiekarima;c-16290734" wrote:
~ Wow, she is gorgeous,so pretty! @MyFavoritedesign <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
~ OK, Jen I do not know if I can handle one more, yes I can, put me in as well! ;) @Jendowoz0612
~ Now, I am a bit confused about the YA head shot,you said it would be used to Identify me & my work, like a Avatar do you mean,though then you said the YA may be used it the photo shoots, or not used? You know me Jen easily confused! LOL!