7 years ago
More domestic skills?
I was just thinking about the skills in TS4 and was sort of lamenting about the lack of domestic skills. Yes, there's cooking and handiness, gardening, parenting, etc. I knit and crochet in real life,...
"Magdaleena;c-16604230" wrote:
Apparently there's already a sewing machine in The Sims Mobile.
Although it's a part of a career, this means they already have a mesh to use! And animation?
I hope they bring it over to the real Sims game sometime.
"marcel21;c-16621111" wrote:"bunny-gypsy;c-16604742" wrote:
I would love a pack with sewing and fashion designing. :)
Clothing, curtains, table cloths, oven pads. toddler clothing to, soft toys like small bears ect ect
"Dellimaccas123;c-16600594" wrote:
I love the sims 4 but i dont love the babies that was one of my favourite parts of the game in sims 3 and now you cant even see if you baby is upset or s hungry or need attention it just like having a pet you cant select it to see whats wrong you have to just keep trying stuff till it works and there stuck constantly in the bassinet and its lame
wouldn't it be amazing if the sims team made an expansion or game pack for babies with different activities to do with your little one
like scans for your pregnant sim, check ups at your doctor or call out from the midwife to check on the babies if that was easier to make happen, prams so you could take your babies with you, the option to take them out of their bassinets and put them were ever like you could in sims 3, some new items like clothes for your baby and furniture like cribs and prams change tables baby rockers also a new interactive career like daycare with babies involved too