4 years agoNew Spectator
My favorite gameplay mods I want to be a official part of TS4!
Ravasheen's gardening controller
Seriously, someting to control the weed, bugs, water and fertilization can save A LOT of time!
Ravasheen's composting bucket
With more options: choosing the wished fertilizer, more designs (box and drum) and restricting lactose and meat based food to compost.
Also, a new one exclusive for pets poop.
TwistedMexi's free build mode camera
It was a thing back in TS2, so why not for TS4?
LittleMSSams's first love
Without pre-teens, child sims also must fell in love and date!
BrazenLotus's new harvestables
A LOT of new fruits, herbs and flowers!
Sandy's Around The Sims 4 new thermostat items
Radiators, air conditioner units and fans!
SimRealist's ironing and lawn mowing
The first one must be part of Laundry Day refresh (if SP will also receive refresh) and the second one as part of a kit or BG update.
Scumbumbo's evolve all plants
Evolving plants as part of trend garden or evolving one plant will trigger a chain to evolve all the plants of the lot. Instead one by one!
Something similar can be used to "collect all wax/honey" and "nurture/feed all" for the beebox (Seasons) and bug farm (Eco Lifestyle), respectly.
K9DB's Tiny shower toddler/pet tub combo
Sepcially for tiny homes, an item or upgrade for the 1x1 showers that allow to bath toddlers and pets without a 1x2 battub and shower combo item.
ItsKatato's pre-teen mod
New life stage, with unique traits, interactions and more,h_392,al_c,q_95/dab26d_e92869a00b004731ba818ac373f519b8~mv2.webp
Menaceman44's auto shorter teens
If teens will never receive an apropiated change of size, this mod works like a charm
Simmytime's change limit tiles for tiny homes
Either more tiers or let us to decide the max ammount of tiles for each tier
Seriously, someting to control the weed, bugs, water and fertilization can save A LOT of time!
Ravasheen's composting bucket
With more options: choosing the wished fertilizer, more designs (box and drum) and restricting lactose and meat based food to compost.
Also, a new one exclusive for pets poop.
TwistedMexi's free build mode camera
It was a thing back in TS2, so why not for TS4?
LittleMSSams's first love
Without pre-teens, child sims also must fell in love and date!
BrazenLotus's new harvestables
A LOT of new fruits, herbs and flowers!
Sandy's Around The Sims 4 new thermostat items
Radiators, air conditioner units and fans!
SimRealist's ironing and lawn mowing
The first one must be part of Laundry Day refresh (if SP will also receive refresh) and the second one as part of a kit or BG update.
Scumbumbo's evolve all plants
Evolving plants as part of trend garden or evolving one plant will trigger a chain to evolve all the plants of the lot. Instead one by one!
Something similar can be used to "collect all wax/honey" and "nurture/feed all" for the beebox (Seasons) and bug farm (Eco Lifestyle), respectly.
K9DB's Tiny shower toddler/pet tub combo
Sepcially for tiny homes, an item or upgrade for the 1x1 showers that allow to bath toddlers and pets without a 1x2 battub and shower combo item.
ItsKatato's pre-teen mod
New life stage, with unique traits, interactions and more,h_392,al_c,q_95/dab26d_e92869a00b004731ba818ac373f519b8~mv2.webp
Menaceman44's auto shorter teens
If teens will never receive an apropiated change of size, this mod works like a charm
Simmytime's change limit tiles for tiny homes
Either more tiers or let us to decide the max ammount of tiles for each tier