Week 1: Friday
It's rise and shine at 6am for Pietro. Again, the usual breakfast, workout, and shower routine.
I used some of Pietro's hard earned simoleons to add some decorations to the outside. A store sign was added to help bring in customers. A couple more windows for lighting and decoration. And some trees for decoration. Now it looks a little nicer than it did on opening day. This leaves Pietro with 332 simoleons.
On Fridays, per the rules we are allowed to add an item to sell. However, looking through the thread it does not state we cannot use it at a later time. So I am going to save the add another item to sell for next week perhaps because I have plans for bigger items.
Pietro redresses the mannequins. Today is to be a 50% mark up. The mannequins poses are changed to active state as if they're running to buy the merchandise before everyone else gets to it first.
The store opens at 9am. Pietro is anticipating some good sales today. But first, the customers must show. Hopefully with the redecorated outside making it look a little better, more sims will come check out the store. Store modeling still needs more work, though.
In comes the first customer a little after 9:15am. Pietro recognizes him right away. So do I. It's Bob Pancakes. He's not labeled as a celebrity, but he's one in my eyes. Pietro goes over and retail greets Bob. He is labeled as a socializer. Pietro will have to work hard to get him to buy something rather just talk.
While Pietro works his magic on Mr. Pancakes, a couple celebrities walk in. They can't be ignored, so he leaves Bob to browse around and gets some selfies taken with these celebrities. One is a Rising Star and the other is a returning B-Lister customer from a previous visit to his store.
Another non celebrity has arrived in the store, so Pietro does the greet customer interaction and sees if she has any questions.
It's been an hour since the store has opened now and Pietro has 4 customers inside. He's off to a good start.
Around 11:00am, a non celebrity customer decides to leave. Poor Pietro. He even asked her if she had questions. I guess he was probably too much in her business, she didn't care for it. Or she saw the prices and thought they were too high.
Luckily, another customer comes in and takes her place. Pietro goes over to greet her since she is not a celebrity. Pietro remembers her from the karaoke bar.
Socializer Bob was actually the first one ready to buy something around 12:30pm. He kept looking at the outfit the male mannequin was wearing. He even tried it on a couple times during his visit. Is this the item he is going to buy?
It was. Mrs. Pancakes will adore his new swimwear. Pietro immediately goes to restock it. As he is doing so, the B-Lister walks out of the store. Two customers we lost business to. Not good, Pietro.
But as before, one leaves another one enters. Another non celebrity, but who should it be? Mortimer Goth comes in to check out the merchandise. It would be nice to have Mr. Goth buy something.
As Pietro was chatting it up with Mortimer, hoping to convince him to buy something, the Rising Star wanted to check out. Another sale for Pietro around 1:45. Only two sales in over 4 hours. This could have gone better.
The Rising Star bought the ever popular chair (The Flowery) that Pietro has probably sold the most of.
A returning celebrity from a previous day shows up while Pietro was selling the chair. He already has a selfie with her. So he goes to restock first and then will maybe a get an autograph from her or something.
The B-Lister who walked out earlier returns. Maybe she just needed to go eat or something. We can hope that's what she needed and she's back to buy something.
Approximately 4:15p, Mortimer is ready to make a purchase. He's been eyeing the same swimsuit Bob Pancakes just bought a little over 3 hours ago. He looked a little embarrassed to tell Pietro what he wanted. I'm pretty sure it's the swimwear.
And the suspicions were correct. Pietro makes sure to compliment Mortimer on his outfit. Saying nice things always go a long way.
Pietro is getting a little hungry. His Hunger is in the yellow. He has 4 customers in the store all chatting with each other. Now is a good time to grab something to eat real quick.
As he is eating, the Rising Star who bought the chair is back. Hopefully she has decided she needs something to go with it.
Pietro's eating is cut short when a customer asks to be rung up. At least you got a few bites in Pietro. But you need to make a sale.
And again, Pietro decides to take his food to the sales floor and leave it on the nice display table. There's a counter to put it on, Pietro. You should really use that.
The customer buys the planter (Tiered To Simplicity) that two celebrities were just looking at. Sorry, folks. Pietro will get that stocked right away. It's noticed that Dirk Dreamer has come back as a returning customer as well from a previous day. Exciting news!
Pietro is lucky enough to be able to finish his snack and use the restroom.
Around 8:30, the B-Lister wants to buy something. Pietro is glad she came back. He goes to ring her up to see what she wants.
As he is ringing her up, an elderly gentleman wanted to check out. Pietro will be with you shortly, sir. He's just finishing up here with this one. She ends up buying the mirror (Natural Beauty Mirror).
With no time to stock, Pietro helps the gentleman who approaches him instead of having to walk over the customer. That was nice of him. The customer ends up wanting to buy the favorite chair (The Flowery) that is a big seller.
The store is packed with customers now. But it is 10pm. Closing time for Pietro. Hopefully the unpaying customers still in the store, will return tomorrow and buy something.
Pietro sold 6 items today. Not bad. After restocking when the customers all left, the totals were in. He made a 443 simoleon profit. He's slowly adding to his store amount. One day to go for the week.
Have a good rest, Pietro.
To Be Continued...