It was going to be a mid-October launch, but have decided to launch now as it may take some time for people to decide to join and to get judges etc sorted.
1. Mhybor’s Harvest (adapted loosely from a Dungeons and Dragons module)
A writing, roleplay and modelling competition for keen fantasy fans and writers. I’ve tried to cater to a range of people with the mix of class characters I’ve chosen, so I hope you find it interesting! It's mainly about the writing, so if you are a keen writer then this will be ideal for you.
It’s the first time I’ve even attempted to do this in a competition context, so I welcome any feedback or suggestions as we go along. Whether the information is too much, or doesn't give you enough room for your own creative writing, these are the sort of things I’ll need feedback about.
The length and timing of this competition will depend on participation and how the story evolves. I will be trusting you as players, and my judges, to help me review this as it goes along, but as a ball park figure I’d be giving between 10-14 days to complete each round.
I will provide some of the backgrounds for certain rounds as the shots will sometimes need to be taken in a specific location, such as a cave, or dungeon, but I will inform people of that as we go along.
2. The Game I will be giving an introduction for your short narratives. Each character should respond in their short story as their particular class would, and role play their character as part of their application and future rounds. First person Point Of View would be great, but third person POV is okay too depending on your writing style.
Each round I will create a scenario that you can expand on through your character’s role in your writing, accompanied by the continuity of the story. I will have a short sentence in each round for each class character, giving them a scaffold sentence to their story. How you choose to use that in your writing is up to you. In other words, you are not required to use the exact sentence, but it is a guideline you will need to write to, in order to keep the story-line consistent. Dialogue is welcome.
Each round will delve deeper into and continue the story. This will be how the rounds are set up. The short introduction I do for each assignment will hopefully kick-start your inspiration for your writing and keep it relatively consistent with the other players. I will adjust each future assignment to incorporate all individual write ups. It will be exciting to see where each round takes us!
Here is a tag list of Sims 3 and 4. I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to check this out. If you would like your name removed or added please let me know as I know some of you are not into writing comps.
@ArtsyAmy how are things going with your computer? Even if you can get the writing in and not the picture, that would keep things running for your character. Hope all is doing okay. :) If people are having issues with the newest update and Pets expansion, if you could at least get the write-up in that would be good.
I've decided to become the sorcerer when needed as the story unfolds, so am in the process of making my sorcerer. I will replace Jillie's in the character board so it doesn't change things too much. I won't be judged of course that would be weird, but at least it may give you some ideas for write ups from the next assignment. If I get one done for this assignment I will put it up. If in the mean time she returns, I will revert it all back for her.
I will put up assignment 3 on Thursday evening, (for the US that will be, Wednesday evening).
Update: There is 2 days and about 17 hours to go, so just under 3 days, pepes. It's Tuesday, 6.30am here. :)
Assignment 2: Arriving in Wolfwater ~ As I make my leave of thy Family home, my Mother softly whimpering in my Father’s arms, and my Sister running after me, weeping openly, while softly saying, "Return in safety, my beloved Brother". ~ I could not help but think, will I? The first detour on my journey, to tidy up loose-ends at my Master's abode, was to make arrangements for my meager belongings to be sent home to my family, thence to gather up a travelling kit, things I should need, not only for one’s self but for my companions as well, if the need ever arrives. I wouldst need herbs and bindings (bandages) and other such paraphernalia, best suited to a Druid of learning. ~ Having made surety that mine belongings are at the ready to be dispatched home, & mine travel satchel is well stocked, I thus change to my traveling cloths. ~ I am about ready to make my leave when my Master summons me one last time. ~ "I summon yea to tell to ye, that ye teachings are not in vain, that ye are with natural wit and wisdom beyond ye years, with natural gifts of instincts that will serve ye well in years to come! Ye will develop further as ye trust in ye instincts and also thine natural gifts of infinity with thee land and Mother Nature." In thine many discourse with thine former Masters, I may impart in truth, ye have had many in ye short years, the quickness of ye learning is beyond everyone’s comprehension and each Master in turn and time, instructed and imparted everything they themselves knew, passing on their wisdom of the art of Druid, thee rest ye must assuredly learn from nature herself, as I myself have just about exhausted what to teach ye next." "Be assured that this quest is timely and not an interruption in yea tutelage. We will miss ye quiet demeanor, never a complaint from ye, which surprised me because of ye caste, always going about ye chores with a quiet smile on ye face and ever ready to be helpful when needed. We will miss ye sunny disposition around thine homestead." ~ As I make my leave of my Masters abode for the last time and start my journey proper, I ponder if my letter of introduction will arrive before me, as they wouldst expect my elder brother, in my stead, whom they all had knowledge of on previous quest. I just hope I do not disappoint them, and they accept me into their group. I had heard my brother speak on many an occasion, of the exploits and past adventures; he painted a picture well of their forays into battle and quests they were sent on by the King! ~ Before I knew it, I had arrived at the place of meeting with Beargrim the Chieftain, the others already waiting to be on their way having received their quest to see a Merchant in Wolfwater. ~ As we journey they in turn introduce themselves, and speak as a group about our quest, that we are to seek out a Merchant in Wolfwater by the Monica of Murdil Kilmir, a gnome trader of that Provence, and a Merchant of good standing with Beargrim. He is in fear of her wellbeing, as she is not only a trader, but to him a bearer of goings on in her Village and surrounding countryside. Being a trader she hears the comings and goings of things near and far, but to this point in time has not heard from her in several moons, which is out of character for her; he suspects she may be in danger. ~ The path that leads us to her Village proper of Wolfwater, goes through a small forest, I ask them all if they hear anything, they stop walking to listen, "Nay" the resounding answer from them all, they look at me perplexed. ~ "Pray tell, what are ye babbling about?" says Teagan' ~ "Thine hear with thine own ear, there be no sound, that a forest shouldst have, no bird, no animal, indeed no stirring at all, I sense them, and they are surely there, but they are deadly afraid, of what, I do not know." ~ We all walk on, just as we approach the Village of Wolfwater, the Mage Seth stops, and so does the Sorcerer Safiya, at the same time, they exchange looks, one to the other, then look around, we all stop too. ~ "Well?" says Teagan “What now?" ~ "There be magic here, dark magic," says Seth "Can you not feel it or sense it? Nay? Because ye have no magic in ye, so leave these things to us that do. We be best equipped to handle it. Best we look into it, so say you Safiya, we will by your leave and search out the sauce, and meet up later" ~ We make our leave of them, I suggest caution, and that we leave our weapons behind, as to show we have no ill will towards the Village, everyone agrees except Teagan, he outright refuses. ~ Markus, in his quiet patient way of talking, especailly with Teagan, says. "Why? We are not defenseless without our weaponry, surely you must see that!" ~ Teagan refuses, not explaining why he will not take his sword off. ~ I say to him, "We will return and retrieve them. One can simply glamour them, they will be safe until our return." ~ Teagan walks off towards the Village proper, his sword still strapped to his back, having dispersed of everything else. Once we carried suit, weaponless we follow Teagan into the Village. ~ On arrival we find the Village strangely quiet, if it was not for the fowls and goats let loose to graze it would look abandoned. ~ We are soon approached by a strange looking man of mixed blood whom gruffly introduces himself as Gnaabak Orgoth the Reeve of Wolfwater. He growls as he speaks, and grinds his teeth. Markus steps forward from the group, surprising us all; up until now, it had been either Seth or Teagan that speaks for the group. He is overly sweet to the man to the point of flattery. ~ I myself zoned out as I noticed little things not right with this person, he is clearly hiding something, as the air around him bristles with electric current, even though he presents a calm, albeit gruff demeanor that is rare on one whom appears to be of Orc blood, or should I say, half-orc as he is smaller & leaner than one of his kind. He is in no way aggressive to us or bears any weaponry on his person that I can see as he gruffly imparts that they have no inn or lodgings for strangers before he turns to leave. Before he steps further Markus still taking the lead asks Gnaabak if a Murbil Kilmir, a Merchant we wish to trade with, lives here about. ~ Wearily, Gnaabak turns back to face us, "She be long gone from these parts, looking for fairer trading, me thinks; packed up her family and vanished." ~ Teagan at this time bellows, drowning out all others, while stepping forward to tower over Gnaabak, "This be a waste of precious time, with no end of a journey!" ~ Gnaabak takes two steps back away from Teagan, and in his gravely gruff voice says, “Ye can all rest this night at the Cottage Murbil, seeing it be empty, though for some it be a tight fit.” He looked up at Teagan, “But best be gone by the mid morn at the latest, before the towns folk complain of the strangers.” And with that he turned and was gone the way he came. ~ Markus went in search of Seth and Safiya, quietly spoken (and rarely heard, as she never seems to speak). Frieda suggested that she would help find them as she could sense their magic & it will be quicker if she helped. ~ That we would all meet up at the Cottage Murbil. ~Katia walked through the Village looking for any signs of life, as we needed to ask questions, but no one appeared to be around. Teagan getting impatient, started to knock on doors, but few would open to him, only one brave soul opened her door and spoke to him, but knew nothing about the whereabouts of Murbil Kilmir, did not even know she had left. ~ Frustrated with the current turn of events we three went off in search of the cottage as it lay on the outskirts of the Village near the forest at the other end of the town. Perhaps, there, we wouldst find some answers. Following the main path that cut through the Village center we quickly arrive at the cottage, finding that the others had arrived first. Entering we notice some upturned furniture, and signs that Murbil and her family may have left in haste, as all their belongings seem to still be there without them in attendance ~ We all discussed what we knew or what little we had discovered, we knew that Gnaabak was indeed hiding something, or knew more than he told us, that there was a strange aura surrounding the village, and we were all in agreeance that it was not a good omen and it did not bode well with any of us. ~ Katia suggest she scout around outside, I thought it was a good idea, I, too, will go and get to the heart of the wild beasts and their mysterious fear. ~ While Katia gazed intently at the ground with a puzzled look on her face, I wandered into the forest that surrounded the edge of the village to talk to the creatures there, to enquire as to why they are so afraid. They knew little of the occurrence of the force that has them all afraid, they just feel it and hear it, and it frightens them, it is stronger as they go towards the village. ~ A young buck, small in size, stepped out of the undergrowth to face me with no fear in his eyes. He imparts to me that he knows of a cave nearby, not far from the base of the mountain. He warns it has an eerie feel to it, but tells me he believes that I should look into it. ~ I arrive back at the cottage Murdil to find it a little more in disarray than before; Katia explains that Teagan had become hungry and needed food as a result he’d rummaged through the cottage till he had found something edible, and he is much content now. ~ The Barbarian, Teagan, is a mystery to me; he is like no other Elf I have ever met before. He is loud and brash; everything he does is done abruptly without elf grace. I do, however, intend to get to know him; he seems very protective of the others. I feel he would be a loyal friend, if I were to earn his trust! ~ So on discussion of our findings we learn: ~ Frieda knows that Gnaabak, is not to be trusted as he is not telling the whole truth. ~ Katia found evidence that Murbil Kilmir and her family did not leave of their own accord as she found tracks of others and the dirt around the cottage shows dragged feet marks, accompanied by two other sets of feet. She believes they may have been loaded into a wagon against their will, as another struggle ends abruptly then only the tracks of wheels left in the dirt! ~ Teagan found a Tome that may or may not help us. ~ Markus found some kind of artifact that has Seth excited about. ~ Seth found the Tome to be of Murdil's own private library, and is ecstatic that it could help with our current quest, that and the artifact of the necklace that bears the same symbols found in the tome. ~ Safiya senses a strange aura around the Village of Wolfwater, which she and Seth cannot locate the source of. ~ And I found that the animals sense the aura surrounding the Village but do not know of its source, but the finding of the cave may help us to unlock that mystery.
~ See, Bugsie you did well with your writing, I love it♥ <3♥ @Bugsie2016 ~ I am working on the writing now, I am not allowed to play with my Sims till I am finish(not even to check if I got rid of the broken CC, as I know I will play, & before you know it several days have past!LOL so not allowed to open my game at all till I have the story posted!LOL) o:)
Jen, I Just wanted you to know I am having SO MUCH FUN, Writingggggggggg!!!!! It's So Relaxing and You get so into the characters and what might could happen and how to tell it..... ETC............ YAY been writing for a couple of hours ( Slowly ) My Son Who is 21 is helping me with punctuation etc ... It's been since the MID 80's Since I did ANYTHING Like Thissssss!!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 @Jendowoz0612 HA HA I feel like writing for hours LOL LOL
YOU have really Opened UP A WORLD I Forgot I LOVED SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 <3 Thanksssss :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 Now I want to start writing again Thank YOU My Friend Jen! @Jendowoz0612 Remember when I said I wanted to write my "OWN" Story -- You know the details somewhat......... Maybe YOU could help me with that...........? Love ya
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